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Howard Huge

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Everything posted by Howard Huge

  1. 750' feet would make this the 7th tallest building in Houston, 8th tallest after 609 Main is completed.
  2. Imho, Urbannizer is hands down haifer of the year, every year. Wayne should actually pay him for all the content he brings to his site, I'm dead serious lol.
  3. Also, kudos to whomever named this project 'Artesian Eclipse', clearly a jab at the nimbys, as this building would be eclipsing the sun in this "artesian" neighborhood lmao.
  4. Yeah, that's just great. Meanwhile in Houston, we struggle to break the 150 meter mark, anything higher here is almost considered a "supertall" to us. Sigh, the rich get richer, this is just another 1,000 foot tall skyscraper that will be lost in the ocean of skyscrapers that is Manhattan.
  5. I just now caught this. Ha, my post had nothing to do with what you had posted. I was just confused by the word "subdivision" in the title.
  6. We did it! The skyline has been extended north!
  7. I'd love to see a third Skyhouse right next to these other two.
  8. The Panamax ships don't have to come inland through the ship channel, they all offload at Barbours Cut/Morgans Point. Also, being in the industry, and as someone who frequently drives 18 wheelers fully loaded with up to 70,000 lbs of crane counterweights up and down this bridge, I am in FULL support of replacing it with a wider, Fred Hartman style bridge. That thing is a death trap and a nightmare to drive over in a haul truck, with all the little four wheelers constantly cutting in and around you because you're going too slow. The grade is so steep I almost come to a stop trying to get to the peak. My worst nightmare is that one day my brakes will give, or a tranny will blow right before I hit the peak, and I will come flyin down the ramp in reverse, plowing through anything and everyone in my path.
  9. I hope more Mf's follow, downtowns surface lots are dwindling fast!
  10. Thanks for the floor count guys, I've still got my fingers crossed that this will be the building that finally stretches the skyline northward after that steep dropoff from Texas Commerce Tower. Not much more to go but still well over a hundred more feet on the way.
  11. "Upscale diner" "High end Italian" "Extravagant" Welp, so much for the gfr catering to the baseball crowd to fit in with MMP. I guess Marvy forgot he built these apartments right next door to a baseball stadium. Seems like he's designed this to be it's own little "super upscale, high end" island all to itself. And people wonder why One Park Places ground floor retail right across from Discovery Green has still never been leased out.
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