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Everything posted by gnu

  1. Congratulations on your purchase!!! Welcome to Houston and the "forum". oh and if you haven't found it yet...the Eastwood Neighborhood Association website is http://www.eastwood-houston.com/
  2. yeah..that would've been interesting to see how things would have developed if IAH was where Sharpstown is today - So close in, relative to the current IAH. it might have changed the whole direction of Houston's development. sounds like a smart move to Bellaire on Mr. Teas part - but front row on the ship channel (i assume they mean the HL&P Deepwater plant) might be a good industrial value but certainly not a good place for a nursery..except to help purify some of the smog.
  3. cool...i may have to check it out.
  4. that's for Westmoreland Farms That was the area around the city of Bellaire founded about the same time as the city. It was developed to be a bunch of small farms.
  5. I think I remember seeing on on old map that the allignment of Bissonnet from Shepherd to out past the city of Bellaire was the old road to the town of Richmond - i.e. Richmond Road. Before the 20's, there was not much out there and the road probably just took the shortest route between Houston and Richmond. Continuing into town, Richmond Road turned north at Shepherd's Dam Road (shepherd) and then east at the current Richmond.
  6. Price doesn't seem bad. Does anyone know why (or if) this usb turntable would be better than just running a normal turntable through your pc sound card inputs?
  7. They used to have a regular old copy machine in there. i have photocopied some of the information out of the old city directories. They also used to sell poster-sized copies of the old 1920-ish map that designated all the Wards and neighborhoods on it. Unfortunately, i haven't made it there in about two years. (since my son was born )
  8. from the chron: http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive....id=2005_4028880
  9. I have a copy of Rasbach's Provident Planner. Some interesting stuff in there. He also built several homes in/around San Antonio. And was a heavy promoter of using SIPS (Structural Insulated Panels) in home construction. I think he died last year or the year before. Recently, a group is/was to build a home based on his principals - to use as a model for of saving energy and working with the environment. It is supposed to be at 205 Payne (in the Grota Home subdiv - a topical name today: see another thread today on Grota http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...=5082&pid=70492). They had a press release a couple of years ago but still no activity - at least a few months ago when I drove by the lot. Anyone know the status of the project?
  10. I have always heard it pronounced Byooo-na. Now lets try Refugio
  11. hey you are right! i guess i don't know anything about it then i just looked through a few different records and the physical condition and cond/desir/util field was identical in all cases.
  12. its the property condition field (if you look at the pre-05 form, the field is just labelled 'condition') ooops...no its not. there is a property condition field AND one of those fields too. util? maybe they put a note there for houses under construction to state if they have their utilities hooked up or not at the time of appraisal. since they couldnt say the condition was "average" or "good" if it wasnt finished yet. desir? desirability???
  13. I thought The Parks at Boulder Creek was going to be at Beltway 8 and Pearland Parkway (Monroe). See article here. http://www.texasrebusiness.com/articles/MAR05/cover3.html
  14. It was not exactly a convent but a couple of friars and a charitable foundation. This is an excerpt from the Press article I posted earlier: http://www.houstonpress.com/Issues/1997-08...ature_full.html Two Franciscan friars live in a yellow Victorian house that backs up to the Kolbe Project, a gray Victorian with a rainbow banner hanging from an upstairs porch. Here the friars operate a ministry for gays and lesbians and a home base for hospital visits to AIDS patients. In four other houses -- a red brick, a bungalow and the houses behind them -- two nuns run Wellsprings, a shelter for homeless and abused women. The next house on the cul-de-sac, a duplex, was until recently occupied by another group of Dominican sisters. The Hyde Park enclave exists today by virtue of the Ryans, an Irish-Catholic family that for three decades lived in the yellow Victorian that now houses the friars. Over the past 20 years, the Burkitt Foundation, a private foundation run by the Ryans, bought up the Hyde Park homes and paid thousands of dollars to refurbish and maintain them. At the beginning of June, the Burkitt Foundation owned 11 properties in the Montrose area assessed at $2.6 million, all of them devoted free of charge to charitable use. In addition to the six on Hyde Park, the foundation owns two nearby houses on Commonwealth, which are occupied by the International Center for the Solution of Environmental Problems and the Houston Recovery Center, a residence for female former drug addicts. The Houston Area Women's Center recently vacated another Burkitt-owned house on Castle Court. Still another Burkitt property on Westheimer, the city's last bungalow-style firehouse, is used by neighborhood groups such as a nonprofit art gallery and the Neartown Association.
  15. Found an article on it in the Press archives. Man I really don't know how I missed that story way back then. Pretty sad. Especially seeing what they replaced the old houses with. http://www.houstonpress.com/Issues/1997-08...ature_full.html
  16. I like Golden Seafood across from Farmers Mkt on airline. Especially their ceviche
  17. i think the guy that sells "grillz" (sp?) to all the rappers is in sharpstown mall
  18. that's what i was afraid of... seems like it would have been tough for them to pull all the lots together for it but i guess they succeeded.
  19. I saw it...and i can see some cops doing that but what was really shocking to me was how wide spread it was. lots of cops in every station did it..like it was an "understood" priviledge for police not to have to get inspection stickers or registration on their personal vehicles and that their co-workers would let them off the hook.
  20. What was in the Hyde Park Crescent before the townhomes were"built". For some reason I don't think I ever went down there before then. Were there single family houses down there, or old apartments, or what? Just curious.
  21. seems like i remember maryland, michigan, and indiana being brick between commonwealth and yupon
  22. Here is a little backstory on the project i found on the net: http://art.etsu.edu/index.php?articleID=224
  23. Okay i don't know if i remember my facts correctly on this...but i think that the rocket mobile home was in the art car parade and the orange show owns the lot where it sits and lets them keep it there.
  24. I am sorry for your loss and in no way do I want to diminish any hardships you have gone through. But if what you say is true, i guess i am living happily oblivious in my ignorance. However, I would really be surprised if every murder DID NOT make it on the news....especially channel 2. In general, i would say its gang on gang crime and average joe citizen does not get affected unless they are in the wrong place at the wrong time or somehow associate with gang members.
  25. i haven't seen news on TV (or anywhere else) of a lot of murders (gang or otherwise) in the East End. The majority of the violence seems to be centered around Gulfton. And i don't doubt the majority of that is gang related. I have lived in this area for about 6+ years and have never known gangs to be a significant problem and definately not violent crime. I see some property crime (whether or not that is gang related, i don't know). My opinion is its drug addict related or economics related.
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