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Everything posted by gnu

  1. sorry..i didn't understand that Kwal paint has a special product. good deal then, if you have experience with it, I will support your recommendation
  2. yeah..i wasn't really trying to find a serious answer.
  3. i'll take a couple of sevfiv's, it's hard to overlook Charlie Kaufman: Being John Malkovich Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind also, Lost in Translation Royal Tennenbaums A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945 version) The Third Man (can you say Zither music?!) Reality Bites (for the Houston shots) Happy Gilmore (just for Bob Barker's punch) Gumball Rally (just for the Cobra) The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (John Bigboote!!??) Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? (Great soundtrack, too!) Big Lebowski (The Dude!) Kingpin Blazing Saddles This was tough...I could just go on and on....but since the topic is favorite movie - singular - i won't. Of these I would say my all time fave is either Being John Malkovich or Blazing Saddles - depending on how hard I want to think! Looks like I need more dramas in my life, My list is heavy on the comedies.
  4. I am all for supporting the little guy too - especially versus the big box stores. i just wanted them to know that "Porch Paint" wasn't necessarily a unique product to Kwal Paint. Other "little guy" paint stores probably have it too
  5. Just to give you some hope. The Super Target on Bay Area Blvd has a Starbuck's inside it and there is a freestanding Starbuck's location in front of the strip center next door, across the side street.
  6. I think Kwal paint is actually on Durham just north of Washington and before 1-10. Somewhere around the railroad tracks btw, most paint stores and home improvement stores sell porch paint...but I can't vouch for one's quality over any other one.
  7. i am not a strict "grid-o-phile" but i am certainly anti cul-de-sac. regardless of the pattern, (you can have some curvilinear streets in there and some streets off the grid) the key is the interconnectivity to the rest of the community and street network. we shouldnt want to isolate ourselves so much. as redscare stated, the grid (or interconnectivity) promotes neighborliness also, why do you think the shutdown of the 59 downtown spur went relatively well? the ability of the grid system to handle the increased traffic load certainly helped. what would have happened to the traffic if there were a bunch of cul-de-sacs in montrose??? just my novice planner's opinion...
  8. from the press archives... http://houstonpress.com/Issues/2003-08-28/news/feature.html
  9. i think that apartment is on chelsea or portland - in the triangle between montose, main, and 59. i have always liked those large old 30's and 40's apartment buildings in there. just my illusion to what it would be like to live in a flat in england. it wouldnt be a bad spot to live.
  10. i have also noticed glass insulators on the old poles along mykawa near garden villas. btw. where are the rotting tires? i have never noticed them
  11. its the back entrance to the goodyear plant. the new bridge was built when they put in the new sims bayou channel in the early 90's. but because of the first gulf war and plant security issues they closed it and never reopened the road to traffic.
  12. yep...me too. notice though it said "apparently" spared and not definately spared. somewhere down the line...when we least expect it....someone may drive a crane with a wrecking ball over there at midnight on a sunday. at least there seems to now be an awareness and some acknowledgement of its architectural and historical value.
  13. life for the tunnel concept?? from the chronicle today: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nb/hei...ws/3865481.html
  14. A reprieve? full article from the chron: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nb/pas...ws/3868859.html
  15. Bethel Baptist Church. A homeless guy set it ablaze about a year and a half ago. It is/was a significant church, especially in the African-American community. There is a major effort ongoing to try and save it. from the chron archives after the fire in jan 2005 http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive....id=2005_3838211
  16. I have had their glazed and their chocolate topped during two different trips. Both times they tasted like a stale semi-sweet fluffy dinner roll. I don't think I will give them a third chance, too many other better donuts out there. especially since i really don't eat donuts alot. i just wanted to check out the new place and see what the difference was. the only thing i do sorta like about them, is there retro-looking logo. http://www.jumblesdoughfactory.com/
  17. That's interesting...so you support age discrimination? I thought your fiancee was a real estate agent? (per this post: http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...indpost&p=85931) What makes this agent better than your soon-to-be wife? I want to hear THAT reasoning OR is your fiancee an "old lady"? So are you seriously telling us that your real estate agent AND your licensed real estate agent fiancee are NOT the same person???
  18. i haven't but these people have http://www.cherryhousemoving.com/
  19. Floyd now has a restaurant in Webster. in the old boat shaped buiding in front of Garden Ridge Pottery and the Burlington Coat Factory (old Hydroponic Fiesta). 528 at 45. Still great food. get there before it somehow gets chainified as well.
  20. If the object is to "save the bungalows", it seems like they need to put their energy into strengthening houston's lax historic preservation ordinance. If you can keep an existing house in place then no one will be able to build a townhome or a mcVictorian or anything else. Thus, character preserved. of course, easier said than done.
  21. i don't see how that will work if the seller has an agent. you will still have to deal with their agent since they are bound by an agreement. If the seller does not have an agent - then go get 'em. agreed...but it would be more easily digested if it were your "dream home" sounds like a plan and it generally happens like that. also know that your option gives your an option to terminate - no questions asked. so don't pay for an inspection if you are seriously considering bailing on the whole thing anyway. However, you could find out that it is very well built and structurally sound and deserving of $7500 more than asking price
  22. Looks to me like you could have immediately sent a termination of offer letter to the other agent before the owners signed off on it. You can still terminate your offer now and just be out your option money...assuming you used an option period to do your inspections. Your agent should have told you that. If you would have had your relative or another agent FULLY representing you beforehand, I don't think you would have ended up in this predicament. AND your agent should have shown you the property without bothering the seller's agent. That's how it works. The Buyer's agent is there to help YOU and you should utilize their service since it is FREE to YOU! If the other agent wanted to be sleezy and act like there were other offers on the table, there is nothing you can do about it since you have no way of knowing whether or not there truly were other offers. all you can (and should) do is to make your offer what you are willing to pay to get in the house. Really though, 7500 dollars over 30 years won't amount to much. if you love the house, just suck it up and say it was money well spent to get in your dream house. (Morgan's Point?) Typically, You would not be able to go behind the real estate agents back and buy it directly from the owner. when an agent lists a house, the agent will still get a commission if the eventual buyer was made aware of the house as a result of the agent previously listing the house. A list of everyone who saw the house, during the time it was listed with the agent, is typically used. plus i don't really see any incentive for a buyer to that since it's the seller that is paying the commission. same deal with you wanting a 2% discount...its the seller that is paying the commission. they are the one that made their deal when they listed their house...so the only way for you to get a discount is to offer less of a sales price.
  23. it's Pupuseria La Unica (i think), Corner of broadway and hartford. it was formerly the Chuck Wagon Drive-In in the 70's-80's - hence the covered wagon look. Also nearby: Pupuseria Emanuel on Telephone Rd just south of Long/Park Place. It's also in a cool old Drive-in. My favorite "hispanic" food (not sure it is exactly mexican but definately south of our border) is at El Pueblito Place on Richmond (near Mandell). A great place to have Sunday Brunch esp. sitting out on their patio.
  24. In the first photo, the subdiv would be somewhere in the top left corner - to the left of clinton. too far back though to get any details. In the second photo, Judging from the RR (if it is in the same place as current tracks) and Clinton it would seem to me that it would have to be the cleared tract between the clinton and the RR - the third parcel from where the tracks vear due west. Can you really make out an oval???
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