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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. I am versatile! This holiday was too short! I guess I have to retired the avatar photo. . . Until next year. . .ARRR! --->
  2. What does a pirate and a pimp have in common? They both say YO HO!
  3. ARRRchive.org is a great trip me hearties!
  4. Avast! What's a horny pirate's worst nightmare? A sunken chest with no booty!
  5. For me uses, I don't know what I would pRRRomote to even have one, but. . ARRR, it sounds like another good source of revenue for ye. I am guessing FebruARRRy will be thy less favored month then . . . ARRR. On a side note, you can make one of yar left over forums that don't get official sponsors a contest prize for a month. Update: Forgot again. . .
  6. Pumapayam


    Ahoy!, Me favorite toy were me Pound Puppies arrr!~
  7. ARRR! the HAIF forums going the way of the Summit and Astrodome (former Compaq Center/Reliant Astrodome)? Shiver me timbers! Update: Forgot, it was talk like a pirate day!
  8. I have neveRRR tried it me matey, but it sounds good. . . ARRR!
  9. ARRRGH back at ya! What is a pirate's favorite letter? "P"! Because it's an "R" . . . but it's missing a leg!
  10. Sidewalk entertainment is interesting. I am for it, better than beggers.
  11. south, maybe a bit southeast. Just messing! I think it is a hybrid of suburban and urban developments in a grid system.So it looks kinda spotty.
  12. Okay, I am sure no one REALLY cares, but Redscare has been officially dethroned, and it is not Midtowncoog. So heckle me now all you want for mentioning this. But I am sure someone cares. . .
  13. I was going to go there and use that. . . .darnit!
  14. Just a quick FYI, it is the "Print Screen" button.Then select "Paste" while in MS Paint or something.Then I use tinypic.com to post the image and placed it on here. You are joking right???
  15. So someone won. It was not me, I have been busy at work this week, and have been away from the PC at night, only posted a fews times. Also, I did not recieve a PM from him.
  16. You have got to be kidding me. What a slip, wish I saw. But, they ALWAYS stick reporters out in the middle of a storm! That is nothing new!
  17. Don't blame it on some whimy 50 mph storm! I read the article and still find it appauling. I want to see some $50's again
  18. What IF the picture post the eventually wins and the iPod nano post just happen to be the same!
  19. Both are excellent members. Congratulations guys!
  20. The song was just OK for me. Maybe it will grow on me, but until then, it stays OFF my MySpace page.
  21. Sarah hit Paris hard too during the Movie Award earlier this summer. So we can blame all this on Sarah then!
  22. Man, with all the mess she has been in the past 3 years, I was hoping that her "come back" performance at the 2007 VMA's would bring some life back into her career. It was awful. She was lip singing, stumbling while dancing, and just looked bored. Anyone else see it?
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