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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. I saw that too in the website! Luckily my value stayed the same this year, but that seems like a great convenience. If you have proper documentation, and are not asking for some outrageously high cut on your property value, I am sure they will give it to you. It is just another option and a great way to not waste a day waiting.
  2. Dirty laundry on the net! Actually you can just keep you facebook profile bare bones.
  3. I joined at age 28. I would generalize this: MySpace is mostly high school, 100% social and entertainment Facebook is mostly college, 50% social and entertainment, 50% networking Linkedin is mostly professional, 100% networking. Facebook is a nice blend of the best of both.
  4. It is basically a less trashy version of MySpace, it used to be college email .edu access only, but now anyone can join. It is very clean, but of recent, I have noticed more and more MySpace like advertisements and cross promotions creeping in. Regardless, it is another outlet, and they have an application feature which maybe you can incorporate some sort of HAIF connection if you are good at those kind of things. Not really the same, but wasn't the newskipper site similar, but rather us posting other peoples articles about Houston. Just noticed that we lost track of it now, and it has gathered dust since August, maybe a revamp and reintroduction to it! Wasn't their a link up top?
  5. I would love to have a HAIF group on facebook, but I am not sure if it would be redundant, or even useful, but it would be a great way for people to see what you are into.
  6. Man even today is a good example, super slow. We need some light rail debate action! AftonAg? I guess it really was the debating that got the energy flowing, but it also lead to trolling and flame wars. Those were the days I can think of where activity was peak.
  7. I had WAY more free time at my last job, and would visit each day and post upwards of 20 posts a day, now, I check in a few times a week, sometimes maybe once, and on a good day, maybe 3 posts. It's kinda sad, but now that I am so "out of touch" with HAIF than I used too, and I feel less excited about visiting. It is rather strange to feel that way, but I guess the real magic happened when I used the site as a psuedo-chat room rather than a message board.
  8. I agree, the old building, the proximity to the sidewalk, the openess, was so much better.
  9. So true! Even now, everyone leaves the office in a general 30 minute window at the end of the day, and the people exiting the garages and trying to enter the freeway is such a slow process. But this location may fair a bit better since the new overpass that leads to the HOV lanes is improved and gives easy traffic free access home.
  10. Read further down, and you will see this link to a .pdf http://www.houstonsfirst.org/pdf/hines.pdf
  11. Yes, there are certain people who are exceptions, but the reason the gym area was so nice as you mentioned, is because no one uses it. I may be exaggerating, but I am sure I am close; I bet 95% of the people who frequent that place don't use it for to go workout. If the gym equipment is not being used, then there is the reason why they look so clean and new. . .
  12. Nice design, especially with the parking garage in the back, although it would have be nice to maybe to a blend of the parking garage structure and building together and maybe get a few more stories out of it, like a 20 or 22 story building with a parking garage attached on the rear side. But this works. Maybe the rest of the surface lots will have the same treatment eventually. Great post.
  13. Wanted to add to the conversation I was interested in - Subruban Nation. That is also how I found the site.
  14. Nope, it was a newsletter I got in my inbox. I signed up for the Uptown Update from the Uptown Houston website. They are supposed to also post them here http://www.uptown-houston.com/info/uptownNews.html But they are always months behind. The photos are of the progress, not much to see right now, just thought I'd post them.
  15. I just got my Uptown Update, looks like the rendering is just a general rendering, as the final height will be 10 story's, not the 5 seen in the picture. Also, it will sit at the Yorktown Westiemer intersection. Unless it's a poor mistake, it looks like it is twice as tall. On a side note, this Second Life Virtual Tour is interesting.
  16. Pumapayam


    Some topics are just best left not discuss, leads to frame wars and trolling. It's good to keep peace.
  17. LOL, well for me, either one would be a case to get disciplined, internet use that is not work related is a big no-no during work hours. So HAIF or Google news, for me at least, is the same thing. Well, it is useless, because the beauty of HAIF-ing to to read the entire thread, and post. HAIF:Now is only good to see the latest topics and who posted them, nothing more. *sigh*, well my lunch break is winding down, I may sneak on for a sec or two later today, but until then, farewell!
  18. What a great link, so clean. I never knew that building story in the plural sense was storys, and not stories. So what is this Titan party like, it is the first shovel dig, or the last day of McDonalds?
  19. I don't get the boss function, is there a "boss key"? I wish I could have my browser opened, like at my last gig, but the internet use here is closely monitored.
  20. I agree, nothing is ever organized on the shelves. I always end out just ordering online hoping to catch them off guard with a $24 gift card from the 24 minute guarantee. I have actually gotten one, just this past Christmas.
  21. At least they added it, nice to see a legitimate way to find foreclosures easily. The site at least looks up to date. The old site was very 1999.
  22. KRBE was talking briefly about it this morning, they also called it Tinkletown too.
  23. Dude, count me in. . . but it is likely that she still lives at home with the parents. . . so I don't think they should suffer the burden. Yeah, it has the whole Posh Spice thing going, that is what I envisioned too, sad, she is pretty "moo".
  24. any updates on "posh2184" the mysterious concierge and the misplaced iPod?
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