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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. So much empty land was once around the Reliant Center/Astroworld Plot. Interesting to see, the Texas Cyclone was not even built yet.
  2. Their floats were never as impressive, but they do try, just not hard enough. All the good stuff is in NO.
  3. Showbiz tonight is national, whereas KRIV is just Houston. Not that hanging out with celebrities is everything, but it sure beats reporting about a toll increase or the latest topless bar raid.
  4. Well, if we all rambled at the same time, probably hours, if we have logical and meaningful dicussions, months. Smells like Plastic or 77017
  5. Well, it's official. But don't get TOO excited, it's only CNN.com, not the actually CNN network.
  6. Looks more like a commercial about why you should live in Houston. I dunno, if you have to convince someone to move to Houston, that says a lot. And again, who is the marketing nut that decided to make the condo only 5% of the video content. They should work for the Houston Chamber of Commerce instead of the Mosaic.
  7. Wow, another link, how many threads did we make on this?
  8. It was 100,000 posts last time. Each post is tracked, so I don't think he will lose track of it. BTW, it is the total posts in the entire forum, not just this thread.
  9. It can give it a new look, the existing shell is dated. I don't mind hiding it, if the garage looks right.
  10. Great review! A two minute ride ain't bad, but does that include the climb up the hill?
  11. Even though this is a new development within the confines of the same building, does this really deserve a new thread? I found the link of the original post.
  12. Nice rendering, but it would be more useful had the Chronicle allowed us to view a higher resolution version, and maybe something with a legend or labeling. This picture is such a tease.
  13. That is a great prize ($199!).But you have to admit, this may increase spam and silly response posts so that people can get their post count up. Well, I at least put this in the proper section, and hey, we have a contest now! Done! Anyone else notice we are on the verge of 200,000 posts total! I am making a wild guess this milestone might be it, but that is just me thinking out loud!
  14. It is a cracker sausage fest! I think the "Indian" they refer too really means Native American, to get all PC on ya.Then again, Asian "Indian" should be Middle eastern maybe, is India and Pakistan part of the Middle East? Answered my own question.Pakistan yes, India no.Just so you know, Indian's hate being called "Paki!"I learned that from "Bend it Like Beckham"
  15. I thought "The Gays" are still doing this.
  16. You could also use that deck to pelt those loud screamers with water balloons to shut them up.
  17. That's 2 whole pages of statistics and trivial information baby!
  18. It's conveniant, relax. If they want to have both translations, let them.
  19. Honestly, not to knock Houston or KRIV, but I think this is a step backwards for her in her career. She is much better being on Showbiz Tonight and other CNN network shows.
  20. This one is interesting we have: houston-development and then we have houston-developement, with an extra "e". One is user 156, and the other is user 157. I guess he misspelled the name and never requested to have his name deleted. Can we remove one of them if not needed?
  21. So maybe more will sprout elsewhere in Houston, completing with them and Central Market. I like competition.
  22. They must still use dial-up. Must be taxing on them to include it.
  23. I still get a kick from two of our girls on here, KatieDidIt and KimberlySayWhat
  24. Seems like by next week, this topic will be truley dated. . .
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