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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. I want more tall buildings too. But they keep removing stories with each update, example being that Galleria Turnberry Condo. Houston projects get these outrageous plans, then they get all conservative and shrink it cut because of budget concerns.
  2. Update on Byron, seems like he has lost (2) more jobs since leaving KPRC. One at KTVU and the also at NBC Weather Plus. Must really suck being in broadcast journalism. You can't ever stick in one place.
  3. Boris, where are the people. Looks like something from a Stephen King novel!
  4. So depressing how abandoned the place is. I was there about 10 years ago for a sleep over at the haunted theatre with my high school theatre group. It was one of those, "Guess who the killer is!" things.
  5. Bob Lovelace. I used him this past year, great recommendation.
  6. That is strange, but then again, they are so many other large cities. It went up because we did get some of the poorer people, who could not get jobs, or just did not get jobs, and had to resort to other means to survive. I used that at work, I also use "per". As in "Per [name]'s recommendations, we will do this".
  7. Most of them are. It's like flight attendants, interior decorators, hair dressers, or make up artists. Most guys in that profession are gay, exception are always there.
  8. I dunno, not to trivialize your $100K number, but that is a really nice office, I think 2 or 3 stories. I could see it being more than that. And again, a sale trailer would have been fine. It worked for the Manhattan and the Empire.
  9. Great find man, I wonder if the Green also refers to the building being environmentally friendly?
  10. Drink Houston is so commercialized and I agree, Roseanne is a complete moron.
  11. Most I get are about bickering, and a few nice ones here and there.
  12. Now are we down to 34 stories per the above article. Quit shrinking this tower!
  13. Radar is officially gone 2/2007, who knew? I guess he was fired too! He no works at the Weather Museum Didn't know we had one.
  14. The KRPC evolution continues. Meet the newbie
  15. Anything is better than listening to Frank Billingsly say "hunker down!"
  16. Well, the renderings show a cool blue color, which if you did not pay attention, make it look like glass. This is now looking more like a generic suburban style building, just taller. I think the middle of the building will still be all glass.
  17. All we need is a weak cold front to push it north. We will get one. (crosses fingers)
  18. Neiman's went bye bye, even after they had those silly banners that said, "Survival of the fitest" or something.
  19. Have not been around the area lately, and most of the construction talk recently has been around the Memorial City area. I stand corrected. Interested in some photos if anyone has them btw.
  20. The large building is the Memorial City area. Maybe I am missing sounding, but I am not aware of any new construction at the Town and Country site.
  21. The Breaking news animated hurricane .gif should say Dean, not Dennis.
  22. This may not be considered funny, but I did a double take on this one. Either it is another woman kissing her, or a really effiminate man. I found this on CNN.com this morning.
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