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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. I thought the same factories that refine gasoline, refine heating oil. If heating oil is not in demand, they can resume refining gasoline.
  2. Sorry, but I find chest hair VERY sexy, maybe not particularly this guy though. . . Love the decription!
  3. No my theory still holds. Here are the gas prices in Houston from last year until now. It went up right after the election, but it did go down again in February because of the mild winter the majority of the nation experienced.
  4. I can see lots of 2999 square foot homes being built.
  5. Gas is typically artificially decreased during election time. So come October, we should have even cheaper gas to make the voters happy about the energy policy. I remember that happening last year too.
  6. I saw an Exxon around Wilcrest and 59 for $2.47! Let's hope for sub $2 gas this winter!
  7. Maybe they will breed like crazy. I think the iguanas in Florida did that, and now they are considered a pest.
  8. Ditto, and it is Deut. You should at least dress up the topic a bit, add your position or take on it. It just seems like a news post, all too common on HAIF sometimes. This is a forum, put a stance on it and take a point. This belongs on the newsskipper website instead as is. But then again, it is not even Houston news, so maybe not.
  9. Well you just resurrected this thread from no where huh!
  10. With Galleria 4 across the street, what do you mean by wrong. It is close enough. Is it because of the parking garage?
  11. Technically, Middle Eastern (me) is Caucasian, which I always thought was another name for white.
  12. Shouting is SO barbaric! That is pretty cool, seeing Parrots. It would be funny had they escaped some pet store.
  13. Errr, we had one called Van's Skate Park (Huge store with a park) in the Marq*E Centre. It has since shut down and changed into an LA Fitness. It is not that special I guess.
  14. Since when did Houston become like Los Angeles.
  15. I take that back, it already lost a floor since the story broke, now it is 46 stories, not 47.
  16. Ditto on that, it is like those emails where you have yo scroll down to see the answer. . . damn you Trae!That was cruel! Let this on grow, not shrink. . .I hate when they shrink buildings.
  17. You're a handsome guy. Nice updated photo man!

  18. I am surprised they screwed up. I always though the computer modeling takes care of these things, must have been a construction error.
  19. People get mugged by the hustlers and homeless. It is dark. Especially by the Ripcord. . . Woof!
  20. I worked there part time. It closed July 2006. Some adult film star Lucas.Go to www.meteorhouston.com. Just FYI, it is likely not safe for work, or was we non noobs say, NSFW! They have been talking about a shuttle service since they bought the place, and have yet to implement it. But I guess we shall see.
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