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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. Another newbie? Sorry that happen to ya, but really, does it really take a free iPod for you to force you to sign up. Come on now. HAIF is great, and having people sign up to post this rather than contribute is nonsense. Wow, I thought you'd hand it to the person directly, and at the site of the implosion, not at the hotel. That is a mess. Wasn't the rules supposed to be actually being outside at the demo site in order to win the iPod??? Ditto on that, I too have won something on HAIF and Wayne (Editor) has come through for me as well. I still think regular "pre-existing" members was the way to go. But I support the site, and support your decision to not offer a contest like this again. Sorry the contest went so badly. So Posh post one time, and we never hear from him/her again I guess. That is flakey. Again, the kind of HAIF members we don't need. I hope you get it, since you are the rightful owner. Please keep us updated. Which website is that, I know about HAIF, but not HIAF .
  2. We have a Favorite Old School Local Ads thread.
  3. You are kidding me, we had an anomymous reader win this. He literally just signed up now to remark on this. I mean this is the guys first post. Geez, I was hoping at least a contributer would have won it. Anyways, congrats on the win . . .
  4. What plot of land is left that this available by the Williams Tower that has room for this. The water wall is locked up with (3) condo towers, and a skinny lot on the 6-10 side, and the Galleria to the north. Where would these (2) proposals be? Is something getting torn down? Is the water wall lot going away?
  5. or he could be a troll yanking our chain. so engcons, how long do we have to wait for the formal announcement?
  6. you can't lay claim to a future project announcment that you are so vague about. that is just cocky. I call the next big project! btw I typing this message using the iPod touch.
  7. Yeah, I call B.S. are you just messing with us? Can anyone at least say what location it is in, or did I miss that. What chunk of land is allocated for this?
  8. Pumapayam


    Seriously, one of my high school friends found me on here because she was doing a Houston search on something. HAIF is like the local Houston Wikipedia on stuff.
  9. Seriously, I feel like a woman will slap me. if I say that!
  10. Pumapayam

    I Quit

    You can start selling advertising on your body? Sorry about the tough road ahead, are you going to retire, or start a new job search?
  11. The second time was not a charm, they closed down for good!
  12. I had mine installed in 2006, there is a thread about it on here too. I am happy with it now, but it took at least 3 more visits for them to replace the roof correctly without it leaking.
  13. I heard about that one too, and it will be a super sport from what they told me. I think the workout facility is just there as a cover up in my opinion. If you are not gay, I would suggest you choose something else, or your will likely feel dirty and violated when you leave the gym.
  14. Merry Christmas Dammit! Thank you, none of this Happy Holidays BS!
  15. I was there today, and across the street, between the Empire and the shopping center on the corner of Sage and Hidalgo, they are putting a 2 story street scape of retail and cafes! This is again, right across from the Turnberry, Nordstrom and the Parking garage right down Hidalgo! There are photos on the sign, but I could not find the website to post.
  16. Yes, it is THAT BAD Another mall shooting. At least they can keep their Gunspoint reputation.
  17. Is this near the old Dolce and Freddo's used to be. I miss that location.
  18. Well, we do want to only provide you with good valuable posts! Serious?
  19. Over a month later and still nothing!?!? Are we getting close?
  20. Pumapayam


    So sad when a poster just can't keep his composure online.
  21. LOL, I thought it was in a holiday rotation, I will remind ya for next time!
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