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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. Pumapayam


    As long as I have access to internet and finger to type, you can count on my support.
  2. Pumapayam


    Here is the link http://www.cafepress.com/artefaqs On a side note, we do act like children on here don't we. Poor Wayne, you put up with more nagging than compliments. We ♥ U Wayne!
  3. More so farm land is shrinking, but yes finite. Still plenty of empty land that no one is using.
  4. Well, they should have produced more corn dedicated for energy, not take away from the food stream. That was the mistake on the farmers, they chose to farm the same amount of corn but sell it for ethanol.
  5. I am in control of my usage, I agree with you. I am not in control of the price, which is what this topic covers. Energy conservation is great, but I would do it to be environmentally friendly, saving money is just a secondary benefit. I can afford my current usage and am pretty efficient already. You can only conserve so much and the price increase will still hurt you. Using less is not a real long term solution, the price will still go up.
  6. It's almost as if you don't think the Bush adminisitration had anything decision wise to do with why we are in the "high cost energy crisis" state we are in, and almost accepting of it because you can "cash" in as well if you own stock in "said" oil company. Things should be better than this. It's sad that you (TheNiche) think the "bright side" of this is that you can profit off this and that should be cause for me to stop whining. I could care less about profiting, I just want to live a live within my means where I don't see the rapidly increasing percentage of my income go into filling my gas tank.
  7. Pumapayam


    Yup! They never charged for it. Did you pay?
  8. Let me know when the USA makes an iPod Touch and you can tease me and critique each word I type. It was in reference to a choice. Generally, I don't think you can buy a cellphone, mp3 player, or any small poratable electronic now not made in China. I can buy a cloth bag not made in China bud, I just have to look elsewhere. Heck, I'd rather support a Mexican made cloth bag. You want to discuss further about the "Ipod Touch as a need" digression, private message me. Is that your only desire on HAIF to nitpick? Long story short, I will buy cloth bags to support the cause when I find something decent not made in China, Taiwan, India. Paper is second in line, but rarely is it offered anymore. I do recycle my plastic bags at the HEB when I get to many collected at home. That was a better response, thank you sevfiv.
  9. I would buy those cloth bags from HEB, but the small ones are made in China, and the larger ones are made in India. If I can prevent it, I'd rather not support them more than we have too (iPod Touch, why did you have to be made in China. . why!) At least the plastic bags are from the USA. (I hope. . .)
  10. Nice tangent, I know people run everything, including the government and corporations. But I, being part of the "people", don't get special privileges that corporations (particularly energy). If you call $600 a privilege, then I will sit quiet, but when "Mr. Corp" get that $600/$1200 too, PLUS tax breaks and exemptions . . . "Mr. Corp" is a more than just "people" then, don't you agree.
  11. I don't know, I am sure if I had one, every joe-schmo would too. That is part of the president's duties and administration to prevent things from getting this way. When the cost of energy increases faster (and beyond) than the rate of inflation, you really "f"-ed up. I am a tax payer. Bush needs to fix it.
  12. No, but do they really need it, they are already achieving record profits as it stands. It just supports what I am saying the Bush admin panders to corporations needs, not people. Do something about it already. $600/$1200 is a stupid idea. It is the whole, give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. The money is a short SHORT term relief (if you would call it that). Fix the energy crisis.
  13. Pumapayam


    Wayne's birthday is coming up soon, April 27th I believe. Call me cheap, but if he offers the $1 dollar/month deal like last year count me in for a $12 renewal. I can't help be think all those items on Cafepress.com are Chinese made. I'd rather have 100% of my cash go to Wayne rather than China and Cafepress share it with him. (Sorry, don't mean to be a Debbie Downer!)
  14. I collectively blame the whole Bush administration. Maybe I am looking to point my finger as someone or group, but his decisions, particularly the war in Iraq, all the money we have put into the rebuilding efforts, and all his croonies in the oil and gas industry that get tax breaks don't help his cause. He is pandering to the corporations rather than the people. We are supposed to have the government "for the people by the people." Rather it's "for the corporations by the corporations". As Obama mentioned, I am "bitter!"
  15. It's trading above $113 per barrel. REALLY, when will the madness stop. This will surely domino leading into a economic disaster, riots, shortages. We can't take anymore, go back down to $60 a barrel. This is just getting ridiculous, it's not even summer and we don't even have a Gulf Storm yet! Thank god for the economic stimulus package $$$, which going right back into oil, and back to OPEC and oil companies. Nice work Bush! You enter office with oil below $40, and likely will leave with a $120 legacy. Funny how attitudes change, back in September, I was whining about the cost pushing $80. It's sad that I would marginally find that acceptable, whereas a half a year ago, I was shocked. I am shocked again now, ask me again in August 2008 and see if $113 is acceptable to me.
  16. Pumapayam


    I feel fancy! I like the updated stats, all those storms looked the same after a while, and the 100 post per level went by real fast.
  17. Sorry KingKirby, all I saw was your icon and what you said. I am guessing the crack reaches the north and south sides too. Regarding the building, the crown is connected to the front glazing. The back does not have the same treatment, so it being centered does not really matter to me anymore, it looks pretty fly. More crowns people!
  18. I think the content is just left on the web server, but all visible links from the main page are removed.
  19. They should probably update the KHOU website and remove his crap from there. Glad he is gone, never missed him, never noticed he left, but SO glad he is. Those annoying fluff news personalities suck. Jeanne Moos of CNN Headline News is the only one that does it right.
  20. Dos Mujeres, Un Camino, just for the theme song! BTW, VH1 is having a show about the next Telenovela star, Viva Hollywood!
  21. It is really WORTH just buying a home close to the center of the city/work. Living in places like Spring/Cypress, Katy, Sugar Land is just a huge investment, especially with fuel on the rise.
  22. Well, they did it to themselves. A well known Houston business that has been part of the local culture, as noted with the commercials, will likely get shut down after this bad PR gets around and no one supports their business. A good thing that comes of this, it scares off any other businesses from disposing wastes into drains and brings some environmental awareness to everyone.
  23. I wear small, sometimes medium!
  24. Big Oil? Bananas cost me 39 cents/pound a month ago, now it's 48 cents/pound!
  25. Here is the link for facebook advertising if you wanted to at least check it out. http://www.facebook.com/ads/?src=fbj9
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