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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. Okay, double post, this one might be better, since it does not have the subtitle "Season 8" on it, which was I believe the worst season, (Family Edition!) Anyways, a bump post for this one. Season 14 application is up. Anyone trying out? I am! Due 5/28/08! Can we merge these together. Just don't have the season 8 subtitle in it.
  2. a 2 1/2 year old post ressurected by me! yikes Season 14 is casting and I am doing it, anyone else!
  3. As ugly as they are, if a Chinese Tallow tree is growing in the middle of no where and providing a home to wildlife, I am all for it. Removing them is great too, since they are aweful on the foundation of you home, but I just hate those teeny tiny trees that new suburban neighborhoods plant. They really need to try to build around some of the more native trees that a mature and provide shade.
  4. I feel SO guilty, I am at work, but I can't f-ing concentrate today. Maybe the HAIF servers should go down so I can work and be productive! . . . no! nevermind! I need my HAIF.
  5. Sweet, I will check it out on my iPod touch when I get access to my wifi at home tonight. Currently, I have the PC site bookmarked, but will change it. BTW this is funny . . .
  6. I will agree with both, the neighborhoods, the ones that still have owners that care and tend to their homes, look great. But then you have renters, who park cars in the grass and such. Make the place look like @ss.
  7. Great article, thanx for sharing njvisitor, just read it all the way though. Reminded me of some good points that Suburban Nation discussed, especially with the sprawl epidemic. Westbury is full of mostly older homes. I saw a few over on the HWY 90/Main end that were new for $130K, not impressed. And for the most part, with Dollar Stores and Ace Cash Checks etc in each corner, it screams ghetto.
  8. True, but they replaced crack shacks, so regardless of how they turn out, it is much better than what was there before. Suburbs killed farmland and trees.
  9. At that price point, yes, suburban decay all the way. 20 years from now, Telfair will be ghetto.
  10. IronTiger must have been bitten by the history of malls bug. This is a semi history thread about the mall. I believe there is also a thread about the Sharpstown neighborhood too, that may help.
  11. I grew up around the Kirkwood side of it before the redevelopment, and I think it was pre-Hershey Park. Hershey Park, as I rememeber it, only was around Eldridge/Memorial only in the early 90's. The part you mention was all dirt paths. There was a great fort on top of a hill with a rope swing, as well as the horse stables mentioned above. I love it as a kid, and my friends and I would use that as a way to bike to each others home (they were off Wilcrest). I have not seen it recently, but I think the asphalt paths and such ruined what was a nice natural field. It was a piece of rural in an urban/suburban neighborhood.
  12. So if she was 15, how old was he at the time?
  13. Ditto, I wish there was a format for a mobile website, like iPhone.
  14. Even now I still don't see the draw of it. The neighborhood looks very typical, just itching for suburban decay to take over in ten years. Houston has too many of these, and Telfair, even the name itself, seems boring and plain.
  15. His undeniable love for Mickey!
  16. Looks like they ran out of room for the "!". Looks yummy!
  17. A day late, but not sure if I am even right. Hope you have a great birthday! on a side note, No HAIF birthday celebration "special" that I missed?
  18. Yeah, no kidding. I actually model the whole module on the ship and run steady state conditions (vibrations) and environmental (hurricanes and transit) and see if it passes without failing. We all know if something failed, that leads to many days, weeks, months of downtime with no production, plus lost money.
  19. I am currently working on the compressor module right now for that Petrobras FPSO. I feel like I am part of history! Great article.
  20. No Photos, but we do have a thread about the history of the mall.
  21. Latest photo on CNN. Getting up there, almost 80% of an hours work on minimum wage, maybe equal if taxes are pulled out.
  22. I love this one, let's travel back in time to August 2003, an article with a graph that has the title. Raise your hand if you would be 100% happy to see that price at the pump. On a side note, a CNN HLN article about people pumping up $100 fill ups now! A little flashback from KPRC.
  23. High Speed Cable?. . . y'all are going off topic in a way off topic thread, but this is about crude, not internet pricing. . .
  24. Oil was $60/barrel this past fall, what the heck is REALLY going on? What is going to happen in August, $150 barrel oil???
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