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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. Honestly, I just typed it in really never thought anything of the extra zero, but I changed it for ya. . . When $4 gas hits, the impact will be terrible on the minimum wage earners. Basically they just lost the gains they got from the updated amount.
  2. Pumapayam


    Well, I am officially not a member anymore, my icon went from subscriber to hi-rise now. But I still don't have advertisments on my profile. So I am confused. I have the benefits of a subscriber, but not the icon. Maybe that portion of the subscriber effects is still on the yearly cycle, which day to date should end 4/26/08.
  3. Double post, but wow, what a terrible 2 weeks! $120!!! The price has risen over 20% in barely a month! 20% freaking percent! And nearly twice the amount from this past fall!
  4. I thought what goes up must come down eventually. Not the case with oil.
  5. Pumapayam


    It does mention the 21st, so I am guessing, I will find out tomorrow.
  6. Pumapayam


    I sent you the email, via the contact link on HAIF. (BTW, no spot on it to type a subject for the email?) Here is the message posted below as well.
  7. Pumapayam


    I got a message yesterday about my yearly subsription. It says the year is up today (April 21st), but I signed up on April 27th, Wayne's birthday during the dollar days. I lost a week it seems. Anyone else having this message that signed up that day?
  8. Whether or not it was intentional, she never mentions presidential names or political parties, so it really places the blame on government as a whole, with their lack of morality when it comes to being influenced by corporations. But yes, it does seem that she is likely attacking Republicans, as I can just guess she is a liberal. You can't really judge it so soon, and really I can't see any harm that you see from watching a video to see someone else's opinion. All she is stating is to choose your purchases more carefully. Know what you are buying, where is comes from, and you know, if it has a scratch, keep it. "No sense in buying a new one just because the frying pan has a dent on it". And really, we need to lay off the $0.99 cents stores. All the non consumable stuff there is garbage. It teaches us not to be so wasteful. We REALLY do have it good in America, and we do use more share of the resources than the rest of the world. How can you argue against that?
  9. Well, it closed at $117 even, strange.
  10. Try a Shell station $3.57 for regular unleads, right there on Chimney Rock and 59 South. I am sure it's even higher today. They are always ridiculously higher than any other station in Houston. I don't know why that station does or how they stay in business, there are several cheaper ones a few blocks away, include another Shell station on Westpark that is usually 15 to 20 cents cheaper. Is Shell like the Evian of gasoline?
  11. I saw this a few months back. With Earth Day around the corner, I thought this was appropriate, and really touches everything we knew about, yet, we REALLY don't know about. The best 20 minutes you will ever spend, not lying. Okay, watch and discuss.
  12. Hey, at least we are #1, that matters right?
  13. Of course something had to happen in Nigeria. Really, what good did this militant group do, are they getting paid to sabatoge the line? Can we send our troops from Iraq to Nigeria now . . .jeez. Where is the hurricance when you need it, anyone else surprised?
  14. I don't remember him from KRIV, but I do remember him from News 24 Houston when it was on cable.
  15. So a $1.00 in April 2007 when crude was around $62/barrel equals the buying power of $0.54 in April 2008 with crude around $114 a barrel. WTF!?!?! I really hope not!
  16. I live 3 blocks from the loop and only 10 miles from work. But I am still complaining because of the way it increase, too much and too fast. I expect anything and everything to go up, but within reason and within a rate that matches inflation. Now, oil seems to be the one driving inflation, and inflation is trying to catch up.
  17. I had two of these within a few feet of my foundation, and I chopped them down back in 2004. The roots still, up until recent, tried to grow back still with sprouts. I think it is finally dead now.
  18. ◄◄◄◄◄ OMG! I found my baby again! I missed my Avatar, my lil puma is back baby!
  19. Pumapayam


    Well, My icon went from High-Rise to Subscriber, I am a rare breed on here now!
  20. Honestly, I think $10 gas will be the least of the problems, I can't imagine what food, airplane flights, restaurants, or any consumer goods for that matter will cost. $10 gas is really asking for a HUGE % increase in most everything we enjoy now. . . minus non tangible items likes mobile phone plans, cable, and internet.
  21. $113, nah, lets try $115. I say $120 by the end of the month.
  22. 30 minutes of Walton's World each day!, serious?!? I never knew (since I changed the channel when ever he reported), I guess I assumed that he was a 5 minute story guy, and just on once a week. Yeah, more blame should be on KHOU for expecting him to put out good quality reports. No wonder he was lousy.
  23. I think that is what he was supposed to be, that fake happy, looking for that "nonsense/filler" local news to help close the show with so that you forget about the violence reports and such that most of the news is filled with and go to bed less stressed out. He plain sucks. If if by chance he ever reads this thread, I hope he changes for the better, no one (myself and people I know) like him on KHOU, and it was a definite channel changing experience. Ack! Don't miss him Is Lanny Griffith and Roseanne Rogers next, I hope so. Leave the stupid news to Entertainmentment Tonight, Insider, Extra, and Access Hollywood etc where it belongs.
  24. Man, that is perfect, and it's only a few blocks away from my home. You think they sell bins? If they don't ask you to sort, I can bet it takes A LONG time. I will go there and get some more info. I can't imagine they they would not want you to sort.
  25. Updated I need help. I want to formally start recycling all my paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum/tin. But I don't want to paid for the service alone, unless the neighborhood agrees to add it in to the dues. (services suggestions, contact info, and cost appreciated!) Full list is further down in the post If I don't have a service, I need to buy a recycle bin, Rubbermaid makes one (USA made!) But I can only find it online, has anyone seen it in a hardware store or Target? I know I can use any old tub, but I want to have a few of them in my garage and stick them in my SUV for easy transport. Trash cans won't work for me. I called 311 and got a free green bin, part of being a Houston taxpayer. I am familiar with one recycling facilty near me. Does anyone know exactly what the facility does on Fountainview and 59 South? Is this open to the public, and what can we drop off there? Most elementary schools have the paper bin, so that is easy. And some grocery stores have random can recycling machines. I would like an all-in-one solution "go to" place to drop everything off if such a place in Houston exists. 5900 Westpark Consumer Recycling Center (also tires, batteries, oil, paint, anti-freeze and scrap electronics is open to the public and set up as a convenient drive thru List from July Chronicle article and Houston Recycling FAQ.
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