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Everything posted by august948

  1. I think you must mean awesome parking lot that allows for greater access to the park. 👍 Plus, you have to have somewhere to park food trucks...🍦🌮
  2. Best summary of Austin I've seen in a long time. 😜
  3. I'm sure they chose the location for a reason. It's not like the Heights is a cheap eats destination. Plus, if they want to sell down the road they'll get a pretty penny for that combined lot, most of which will be cleared, buildable space.
  4. There is still a Kim Son just east of downtown in the old chinatown area. I recall a largish chinese restaurant on or near Fanin that served dim sum. That place closed around the time the built the red line. Can't remember the name of the place, though. At this point there really isn't much left of the old Chinatown. I remember that mall. Went to the grocery store there a few times when we first moved to Houston in '99.
  5. Triggered might be a stretch, she is certainly defensive. Not a great look. In the video she's refuting someone's claim that she's defunding the police and cites the large chunk of the budget that goes to law enforcement. Why then, are police organizations backing Mealer and not Hidalgo?
  6. That's all amateur league...search disaster prep on youtube and you'll get an inkling of how far you can really go with this. 😜
  7. Perhaps they should play the Mayan ballgame of death at the stadium? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Ballgame
  8. Maybe instead of a debate we can have an Hidalgo vs Mealer paintball match? Since you mentioned Fallujah, interestingly enough a quick search for homicide rates in Iraq shows an average of 10 per 100,000 for 2013 (latest year I could find), down from 16 per 100,000 in 2008. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?locations=IQ Per the chron article below we had 20 per 100,000 in 2021. https://www.centerforjusticeresearch.org/in-the-news/harris-county-homicides-increase-in-2021-amid-similar-trends-nationwide Safe in Iraq...
  9. This is how big companies sideline someone who's annoying but too high up to fire outright. Corporate equivalent of Siberia. 😜
  10. To be honest, I've never seen anything in his store I've been tempted to buy. It is an interesting place to walk through if you're in the area just to see the kitsch and memorabilia he's accumulated, though.
  11. Given the off and on tensions we have with China, it's probably a smart move to change names to something western.
  12. Houston METRO to receive over $21 million for electric buses from federal grant program https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/transportation/2022/08/12/430614/houston-metro-to-receive-over-21-million-for-electric-buses-from-federal-grant-program/
  13. Pictures from yelp show it served on a bed of french fries. Did they really serve it that way?
  14. Agree, but desirability per se isn't easily measured. Population growth in a geographic area is.
  15. Exactly. Some people like eating at Mai's and some like eating at good Vietnamese restaurants.
  16. Agreed. Another piece of information that adds context is how the much population of the metro area outside of the loop has changed in the same time span.
  17. Population graph for the area inside the loop. 1960 was the high point. http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/Demographics/Loop610Website/_images/population_decade.jpg Courtesy of the City of Houston...http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/Demographics/Loop610Website/population.html
  18. The first diagram clearly shows it's a deadfall trap for 60's muscle cars.
  19. I'd bet that you could run a flat-wire antenna across the sliding door threshold and pick up signal that way if you really wanted to.
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