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Everything posted by august948

  1. Just commenting metaphorically on your mad letter writing skills, brother.
  2. Copied this from their website. Looks like a once-a-month thing. History Tours Time: 10 – 11:30 am Cost: $40 per person (children under 4 are not permitted on boat tours) Weather permitting. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Look back at Houston’s history while cruising Buffalo Bayou with a local historian. Your guide will share stories of the Allen brothers and provide historical information about the people, places and events along the bayou that helped shape Houston. Upcoming Tours June 4 EDIT: Looks like I didn't scroll down far enough. There are other tours of different lengths and prices. https://buffalobayou.org/boat-tours/
  3. Ahhh....lawyers....who can forget Eric Dick's campaign sign when he was running against Annise Parker?
  4. Google is awesome...+1 for the new vocabulary word. More evidence that English is indeed an awesome language. I get the resemblance, just curious on the animus. As for my hobbies, those are wide and varied, though in the one I think you are alluding to the usual doctrine is to go for center of mass so the face isn't really that important. Only gamers and showoffs go for the head shot.
  5. Lol...don't be scared...the guns are only out because I'm cleaning them since yesterday was range day. Besides they're only .22 rifles, not those evil black guns. I ran those last week. As a matter of fact I don't pay taxes for my tenants as I don't have any. All the property I own is solely for the pleasure of myself and family. If the jurisdiction is running the area poorly, as you say, I feel free to pipe up regardless of whether or not I'm voting there. Anyone can, nothing really new there. It's not a litmus test of any sort, I don't believe I've suggested anyone should get to vote in more than one locale nor have I said that the franchise should be restricted to property owners. I don't think I'd ever move to NYC, but not because they'd allow non-citizens to vote. Who knows, with some of the batflurf crazy stuff successive democratic administrations have come up with maybe some out-of-country influence will help them out. For the record, I don't think non-residents can vote in city of Houston elections, unless of course local officials manage to mess things up. That never happens, though, right? I've seen the picture before but am still wondering what the fixation is. Do you have some policy disagreement with "Santa" or did you have a bad experience as a child?
  6. If you own property in the city, then yes you are paying in a lion's share of the taxes. As it happens I'm a resident and property owner inside the city limits. But I also own property in other communities where I also pay in a lion's share plus some since I don't get homestead exemptions there. Even if I can't vote in those other communities whatever happens there politically or otherwise affects me and entitles me to an opinion (as if the first amendment wasn't enough). I highly doubt many suburbanites think Houston burned down during the summer of love, peaceful protests of 2020. I do suspect, however, that some city dwellers don't get out as much as they should, especially if they think all that rush hour traffic each day on 45 is Woodlands residents making their quarterly visits to the city proper. And what's up with the Santa fixation? Don't tell me it's because he has man hands...
  7. You don't have to be a resident of the city to have a stake in what happens here.
  8. Say what?!? Corruption and cronyism among democrat politicians with media giving it a pass? Must be fake news...
  9. Plus, pot smoking is frequently done roll-your-own style, which means no filters like in a cigarette. Maybe marijuana smoke is good for the lungs?
  10. Is Texas getting more federal money to directly offset the additional costs to state and local governments? That seems to be Abbots point in this (besides the political spectacle)
  11. There's a big difference between refugees from war zones, particularly those from allied countries and those who worked with our government and military, and whom the federal government deliberately welcomed as legal immigrants and economic migrants who cross our borders illegally in hopes of gaming our system and being allowed to stay.
  12. I thought we were going to bus them all to Delaware so those taxpayers can pay for it.
  13. Every time I'm in HEB and I see this coffee I think to myself it must taste like poser wannabe's...
  14. You better get a set of good horsewhips together...you're going to be wearing them out quickly. 😃
  15. Well...we've had the discussion on probability vs possibility so I won't rehash that. Historically speaking, the US has gone through periods where there was considerable political upheaval, including the Jacksonian era (mentioned in the article, btw). While it may seem in contrast to the recent past this is different, I think a thorough reading of US history will show otherwise. I will say that you are by far not the only one who is concerned more about the possibility of a tyrannical government coming into being than it's probability. As you may have noted in the past two years especially there are many who view any mandate the government makes, however small and however justified, as an abridgement of their freedom. Take comfort in the fact that many will resist other larger and more important abridgements of our freedom as well. At a much earlier time our founding fathers had this same concern, only as our country was young and our experiment as yet unproven the probability was much higher then than I would judge it to be now. In their wisdom they gave us the Second Amendment as a safeguard against a tyrant, foreign or domestic. If you are concerned about the overthrow of our system of government I would urge you exercise your Second Amendment rights and oppose any abridgement of them. You can certainly believe with 100% probability that any tyrant, left or right, will first act to disarm the public that might oppose them.
  16. When you're risking Montezuma's revenge but it's so, so good that you do it anyway.
  17. I've seen grading going on recently at several places for the Brays trail segment connecting Fiorenza, Driscoll, and Storey parks. Once they complete this segment and the one eastwards from Storey park this might well be the longest bike path in the metro area, running from Brays Greenway Park on Buffalo Bayou all the way past Fiorenza park to about a mile or so west of Hwy 6. If they can figure out how to connect it to the trails in George Bush Park you might be able to ride almost to Fulshear on grade separated bike paths.
  18. Textualism is the strict reading of a text without regard to any other considerations. In my experience, politicians are shooting the flurf until proven otherwise. The general gist of the article, however, is that in certain conservative circles there's an opinion floating around that our system is about to collapse and speculation on how to react to that. That's not quite the same as actively plotting to dismantle our current system. Total speculation on my part at the moment but there's likely been barroom talk about replacing our system with a socialist or communist system sometime in the past 100 years or so. I know this First Amendment stuff is scary in some circles but it's an essential part of our system.
  19. Got around to reading the article this weekend. Was disappointed but not surprised that de-baathification was just an off-hand comment and not particularly meaningful.
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