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Everything posted by august948

  1. I'm sure they wanted a pretty penny for it. Wonder if it will be midrise apts.
  2. Now THAT is some useful info. All the Whataburgers I normally go to are around the building and onto the street late night.
  3. As is, probably not, but I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty about it as we move towards November. Will this even go to trial before then?
  4. The reason is in the background of the picture.
  5. Unsubstantiated rumor has it that Embassy is also trying to acquire nuclear weapons as a "deterrent" to further "hegemonic encroachment". In an official statement today, Embassy officials said that any attempts to close the Dallas and La Branch supply corridors would be considered an act of war and met with "overwhelming" force. Direct talks have been stalled recently due to border incursions by Skanska, including an incident yesterday where a surveillance drone flew into Embassy airspace.
  6. Just larger variations on the "bridge of death" play. If they know what they're doing, TCR should already be expecting stuff like this to keep coming until tracks are laid and trains are running.
  7. This evening about 9:30pm or so the parking lot at the Target on San Felipe filled up with riders from a ride coming out of downtown. We were leaving and I asked a guy what ride it was but he didn't say, just that they started downtown. Looked like a lot of fun. Any idea what group rode downtown to the Galleria area last night?
  8. Well, they do have to complete the sidewalk. That's a plus. And, hey, walking by a car wash on a hot summer day can be good if the wind is blowing right.
  9. It's probably more like it's because there are a lot apartments in the area and you can't wash your car in the driveway like you can if you live in a single family home. It makes perfect sense. A car wash isn't that big of a deal to tear down when the time is right for this property. It's just that the time isn't always right for high density development on every single piece of available land.
  10. Good deal...I hate it when it's all about me. Canvasing the hood for Michelle would be a blast. I'm always up for a good prank or two.
  11. Never underestimate the power of self-confidence... Knowing how to handle a Glock doesn't hurt either. I hope this doesn't disappoint you too much, but if you are referring to my username in relation to your birthday...it is a date reference, but it's not the day I was born.
  12. Are there 25 parking spots there already? We always ended up parking across or down the street.
  13. I was just thinking that someone should organize a group ride through the new Memorial Park tunnel.
  14. Plus she can run an M4. +2 for that. -1 for living in the Heights. Not to feed the monster, but here's another one I think you'll like..
  15. Cover model...girls with guns...lazing around spreadeagled, plus an obsession with her hands...sounds like Alexandra's got a secret admirer...
  16. The real test of this place will be if they can do a good flat white.
  17. I feel sorry for poor Jen Psaki having to constantly deal with her boss going off script. To borrow from your post... Has Nancy Pelosi demanded yet that he give up the nuclear codes like she did with Trump? It might be a good idea for her to do so considering Biden's ongoing gaffes. He might push Putin into thinking he's being backed into a corner. Or do you suppose her demand at the time was political theater? Hmmm...I wonder...
  18. You're welcome to take anything anyone ever says seriously and paint everyone else with a broad brush if you'd like, but I don't think that reflects reality. Personally, I'm not inclined to go down every rabbit hole, track down every nutjob and analyze every word they say. As I've said before, our current media environment encourages and rewards the magnification of the extreme. What is said and what is done are frequently two very different things, especially in politics. What, for instance, would constitute "legislating the practice of killing women for getting an abortion", as you said above? Is there a bill on the floor of the House or Senate that's being considered? Do you really, truly believe that a bill that proscribes the death penalty for abortion would pass Congress, be signed into law by the President and be upheld by the Supreme Court? You can play that game 24/7/365 with all kinds of imaginary legislation. As I recall, there was in the past year or so a call from some people to deny medical treatment to anyone not vaccinated against covid. To let them die in the streets. Should we take that seriously as well? To dial it back a few years, when Obama was elected president there was a flurry of horseflurf about how the America we know and love would be destroyed forever, how America was about to become a socialist country. Guess what, America is still here and still much the same as it was prior. I'm sure you also remember the dire predictions from Democratic party operatives upon Trump's election in 2016. How it was the Weimar republic all over again and the nazi's were taking over. And yet we're all still here.
  19. The sidewalks are there, with railings to boot. Unless they completely fence the approaches off, you might well be able to walk up to and through them with only grassy fields to slow you down. Video or it didn't happen. 😛
  20. The "guns in closets" comment was, I believe, quoted from your post. If I misquoted that, I will happily change it to "You say stash of guns like that's a bad thing." 😉 Besides, no gun owner worth his salt would keep his stash in a closet. It is far better to keep your guns in a place with good air circulation and/or with good humidity control. Plus, keeping them in the closet risks getting gun oil on your clothes (or worse on your wife's clothes). Same goes, of course, for your ammo stash. No doubt I am seeing what you are seeing to a large degree, it's just that I've seen this dog and pony show before, many times over many years. Much of it is panem et circenses, as it has been since before that term arose. This isn't something new. I'd invite you to step back and take a look at the longer picture. Where are we with regards to where we were in 1860? In 1960? In 1980? You can't expect utopia or paradise, but you also can't deny that much progress has been made on many issues over the proceeding decades. You also can't deny that others have different views and, more importantly, different priorities. To some people LBGTQ+ issues are priority number one and they vote that way. Some others could care less about those issues and vote on different priorities that are important to them, but which may be unimportant or even antithetical to you. That's how a democracy works. People have a right to say stupid thing out loud just like you have a right to laugh at them. Shall we abridge the first amendment to prevent that? Shall we disenfranchise anyone not toeing a particular political line? Send MTG and her audience that day to a gulag? Ultimately, you have to trust the voting public to decide if they like what's going on or if it needs to change. In that regard, taking a longer look at history, I'm an optimist. I think you may have misunderstood what yellow journalism is. Yellow journalism is the "the use of lurid features and sensationalized news in newspaper publishing to attract readers and increase circulation" to quote from Britannica. It's not that something didn't actually happen, it's that it's sensationalized, taken out of context, or blown up out of proportion in order to provoke an emotional reaction (and keep users/viewers/readers coming back).
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