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Everything posted by august948

  1. Shown to have been true more than 60 years ago. The thinking around highway construction no longer includes these elements and hasn't for a very long time. Can you imagine what would happen today if a highway was deliberately run through a minority neighborhood with the intention of destroying it? At this point using an argument that rebuilding existing highways is somehow racist is specious at best. I would think the domain name for the article would have been a glaring clue on this, if you weren't inclined to read the article itself. Can you illuminate me on what institutional and private vehicle issues are going to be addressed soon?
  2. Flipping through Lina's bio it looks like she has about the same tenure in Houston, give or take a couple of years. Probably less than ten years it you count it up to the time she took office. As for California, Lina's a Standford grad, so she's spent some years living there too. How that has informed her viewpoint one can only guess. But, I guess if she went to Stanford and Alexandra went to Harvard then we've got an east coast-west coast thing going on.
  3. I don't know...seems like I35 has been under construction between Waco and San Antonio since my days at Baylor in the mid 80's.
  4. The cynic in me says It can always be worse. But, hey, at least she can carry a tune. And did you get a look at those hands?
  5. Sorry, been reading about the new Ministry of Truth being spun up by the Dept of Homeland Security. Plus listening to it's new head doing her Mary Poppins rendition.
  6. Trump is truly the master at nicknames. Glad to see you're getting onboard with the Trump train. Besides, I think our current Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has a way better claim on the Crazy Cubano moniker. Does it matter anymore which restroom she chooses?
  7. Gotta agree that we spend way too many resources in well to do areas inside the loop. The city and county should probably just cut those areas off and let them fend for themselves. For the terminally clueless, that's sarcasm. Personally, I'm waiting for the side by side hand comparison before deciding who to vote for.
  8. There's no question that Lina is easy on the eyes...but what is up with the hand obsession?
  9. Surely you know cars are a religion in Houston? The faithful have to have somewhere to meet...
  10. I hope not, but there are three signs taped to the stop signs at the beginning of that short piece of road that say "beyond this point". Since they already have the end fenced off, I don't know why they'd put the signs there if they weren't going to take the rest of it. I would think they would have given notice to the businesses there, though. Complete tangent here...is the Nook taking over the old Calhoun's space?
  11. At which point they'll start reconstructing the whole interchange again...😛
  12. Are the wings actually stuffed somehow or is that just a name? If you want some good Korean-style wings, try this place.... https://www.bbqchickenwestheimer.com/
  13. Drive 59 between Kirby and 527 at night and you'll understand.
  14. I'll be shocked if they can get the lighting on the bridges to work.
  15. You may be right, and I'd certainly vote for St Augustine grass, but I don't usually credit developers/businesses for putting deep thought into things like this. So, theologians yes, but I suspect due entirely to the presence of the university and not one iota due to the impact St Augustine made. I'd bet that they considered calling it the St Thomas originally but backed off to avoid any fights with the university.
  16. Thank you for the link...I'll read it over. I have to say that if you're stuck to your guns then you may have chosen the wrong grips. Or you have spilled maple syrup on your Glock. I like to shoot my guns but having them stick to me is inconvenient except when managing recoil. I'm not so sure the Democratic party is as awful as you say at their messaging. Various members certainly speak their minds on the list you gave. I don't think that Fox commentators are deep faking the comments made by various Democratic party officials, though they do intentionally paint the entire party with whatever is said. Same goes for CNN/MSNBC/etc. Certainly a large number of people believe their messaging and vote for them. Or is it that a large number of people believe their messaging regarding the Republican party? Either way, the propaganda runs deep on both sides. The Democrats are fighting a bit of an uphill battle, though, and it's not due specifically to conservative media but due to our long history as a nation that leans conservative. As for hoping I'm right, you can rest easy...after all you're either Right or you're wrong... 😄
  17. Not a bad idea...perhaps they could engage the problem first-hand there?
  18. Our first apartment after getting married was one door down from the main line running into CSX's Tilford Yard in Atlanta. Plus we were near a crossing. After a few weeks we never noticed the trains going by. I'd bet, since this is clearly a custom job, that they've already built in some sound proofing.
  19. I suspect that the dreamhouse pink is the final color. You wouldn't use that as a primer coat. I'm sure the intention is to stand out, however garishly.
  20. You may have overthought this one...apparently Hotel St Cecilia was named so because she is the patron saint of music. https://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/02/travel/02checkin.html I would guess, then, that Hotel St. Augustine is being named for a similar reason. St Augustine is the patron saint of brewers, printers, and theologians. Make of that what you will...😉
  21. Is it that the Democratic party is awful at messaging or is it that some of the messaging is awful? I haven't heard anyone mention de-baathification in ages. Can you post the link on that one? All I've gotten so far is linked to the Iraq war. If someone is truly recommending de-baathification in the US, then they've got one up on Putin's de-nazification of Ukraine. These days its hard to one-up the Russians like that. I'd like to read the original source. It's not just you and me, I've had the possibility vs probability discussion disagreement with others before. I tend to discount possibility in favor of probability when analyzing something. Anything is possible really, but that doesn't give us much to go on so I favor trying to peg the probability down. As you say, I put the probability of civil war or dictatorship occurring here as very, very low. Taking the Jan 6 riot for example. The propaganda line is that it was an "insurrection" (see the wikipedia article for notable events of 1861 to see what that actually looks like) but how things are playing out so far is that it was mostly a riot combined with a miscalculation on the part of the Capitol Police on their protection of Congress. The rest is political gamesmanship trying to nail this person or that person to the cross to gain advantage. The same process plays out over and over depending on the scandal du jour. It's possible there was a real danger, since anything is possible, but the reality as I see it is that the actual probability of a collapse of the US Government was almost nil.
  22. I'm sure it's not on the official Democratic party platform, but I'll check it later to just to be sure. It would be more accurate, however, to say some prominent and vocal party members have supported defunding the police. Enough so that it, along support for lax border enforcement policies, hostility to second amendment rights, and perhaps other issues, has positioned Democrats generally as being the anti-law and order party. That's a headwind that even conservative Democrats have to fly against. Would you be referring to the riot of Jan 6 or something else?
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