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Everything posted by houstonfella

  1. You guys don't give credit to your burbs, but rate Fort Worth and Dallas without the burbs and where do you rate? 9th and 33rd or sumpin? We get along with our burbs; sorry, you get lost easily. Yeah, they try so hard to be as big as Houston, but maybe in 20 years they will turn "it" whatever that might be, around.
  2. Wikipedia shows DFW with 12 counties in 2005 at 5.8 million; Houston with 10 counties at 5.3 million. Outside DFW's metroplex, there are no adjacent metropolitan areas. Adjacent to Houston there is: Bryan College Station at approx 165,000; Golden Triangle 365,000; and next to that one Lake Charles at 165,000. So basically (and we may be more sprawling down here, but that isn't anything new), the six million people that live on the coast are good folks just like the ones that live 250 miles north of here. It's nice to say Houston is Texas' largest city and the Chamber of Commerce likes that kind of stuff. I don't want to be hatin' because I enjoy the "friendly" (hopefully) rivalry we have. And, Dallasboi (gurrrlll!!!!) to say "no body cares" how big Houston is, because you are having a bad hair day, is just about as stupid as you being on a Houston board with your Dallatude, because I, along with a lot of HAIFers, do care. Dallas was close to Houston in population decades ago. However, there's just something down here on the Bayou that keeps us gaining and gaining. Now, by my calculations, Dallas and Fort Worth proper (city limits only) contain 677 sq miles and 1.9 million people. Houston is around 600 sq miles (square that is) and we have nearly 2.1 people. Also, compare Harris County population with Dallas County. Ouch Dallasboi: you don't care but visit this HOUSTON board over and over and over.
  3. That's OK. Our metro is 10 counties and I believe North Texas contains 16 counties up there (probably part of Oklahoma too ) When you add adjacent Bryan-College Station and Beaumont's metros, tack that 500,000+ population to Houston's (still less than 16 counties) and you have 6 million inhabitants. Not saying that it matters one way or the other .... another half million? Won't even notice when you have 5.4 million already. Of course the view from the top of the Monument, on a clear day, you can see Houston's many urban centers and Texas' tallest skylines and one of the largest Ports in the world. Plus they have great food at Monument Inn where you can watch those huge ships ease past your table bringing more goods to Texans.
  4. I have to decide: Kinky or Chris. I like the both of them. I think Kinky's "laid back" way of doing things would probably be best. On the other hand, Chris Bell's Democratic values are huge. I gotta lot of thinkin' to do to vote this year. But grandma is off my list and the incumbent is, well, a very &^(&^&^( for a governor.
  5. You are correct ... Houston does have some religious themes: Reliant Park - makes you speak in tongues when you get your bill Minute Maid Park.... that one just doesn't seem to be religious (only corporately speaking) and Toyota Center ... gotta think about that one. Question: Trinity seems to be the three crosses where Jesus and those other dudes got nailed to and died. But it means "three" eh?
  6. Should we go to Gallery Furniture to get $4 k worth of furniture with a tiny bit of chance we could get it free????? Hard decision for h'fella. Some insight here . . . pleeeeez...... Mom and Dad were noooooo....
  7. But Houston has the highest personal per capita income.... we're HOUSTON 31st (and most millionaires) Dehlis is 44th and Atlanta is 72th ........ ouch (Texans, don't you luv it?) But does any of this money crap matter? Be careful and lots of lovefrom H-Town houstonfella.
  8. Actually, this tower is pretty awesome. It reflects power, greatness and America's Energy Capital so well. There isn't anything more intended; stop with the negative junk. We have the tallest building in the world outside a CBD. Houston, you are one big Mother..... I am so fortunte I get to be a part of it. H-town
  9. I think cooler heads will prevail when you see what Kinky was saying. People getting their panties in a wad without knowing Kinky will freak. But he is the most non-racist person in the state. I love Kinky and godspeed him to the governor's office because he is head and shoulders above the rest of the scum we have in there.
  10. And what we will see is there are just so many people willing to move into those types of highrises in the middle of a financial district with few amenities. But I hope Dallas can change all that because they do have so many things going on up there that that could be a huge plus for Dallas. Houston will be a little slower and cautious, but when we get there, we are going to represent First City, Texas very well. Luck to all.
  11. I will tell ya, I HATE winter. Don't give me that 35 Degree stuff ... give me 66 and I'll be happy. Now if it is Christmas or New Year's, I'll take the 40s and use the fireplace. But the fewer times I have to do that, the happier I am. Walking the dog is not fun on a 33 degree morning .... oh noooooooooo. Winter in Houston, though, is just a minute. Winter in some parts of the Big State can be icy, cold and colder. Thanks for my tropical Houston where I suffer with humidity in the summer, but get to relax in winter with what we call "Sprall" - no winter, just spring and fall combined. I can do four or five days in the mid 30s, which what is what we have. Make some chili, tortilla soup and gumbo. P.S. I have so many beautiful bananas this year, I'll just give 'em away. They are the tropical setting in my backyard near the pool along with a huge Bottle Brush, Elephant Ears, Hummingbird Plants and Hibiscus. I love my back yard. It is truly heaven on earth.
  12. Hey, when I got the state's largest daily newspaper this morning, it was nippy ---- around 65 deg. Supposed to be 59 early in the morning. Yay. Just don't get us into the 40s. We are a warm city type of thang.
  13. Probably Friday night when cleaning crews are making their final vacuum stops etc. Beautiful nonetheless. Uptown Houston is Texas' REAL UPTOWN. From the 40-64 story buildings to the beautiful stainless steel traffic lights on Post Oak. Wait until Turnberry puts up its new 42-story highrise (very very posh) and we'll see how much more elegant Uptown Houston can be. Houston would never be a Baltic Avenue
  14. And does L.A. have a 64 story tower outside its CBD? Or a set of twin 40-story ones out there? Nah. L.A. over rated and definitely nuttin' on H-Town.
  15. JetBlue to anywhere California works for me. You betcha. I LUV California.
  16. Houston at 600 sq miles has so much land and opportunity, that we can fill this huge city in with large amounts of apartments, corporate and medical structures, on and on, and have room for a new park. That's the Texas way. DFW has 677 square miles cities proper and hold 1.9 million. We have 600 sq miles and hold over 2 million easily. This state can start filling in the unused land and build and build and build. In our area, the energy business will take on that situation or the Texas Med Ctr or Johnson Space Ctr. The rest of the state? They have their nitch as well. Go Texas. This land is our land.
  17. At least we have JetBlue to compete in the Bayou City. Let's get more flights than from Hobby to NYC. How about from Hobby to San Francisco? Are they there yet?
  18. The debate issue: Kinky wasn't prepared for all that. However, I think Kinky would "shake" Austin up like no grandma could do. Unfortunately, I think we are still Republican-Democrat parties. Dammit. I like Mr. Bell. He definitely is so much better than Mr. Perry.
  19. When we obtain this NHL team, will we rename it or keep the existing name? Didn't Dallas "revamp" their name from the North Stars to the Stars? Names do not matter. People love sports teams, not particularly their names. And we are due for the NHL. Come on; we have every other major league sport, let's get with the program and get our NHL team (even though I hate hockey). I have tried to like hockey, but it just isn't my bag. Lots of people do, so therefore, bring it on.
  20. I don't have the Houston list alone. However, search the internet and I'll bet there is one out there. I love Houston too.
  21. And Commanders Palace is open again. That is wonderful. Come back, New Orleans, we love you!!!!
  22. I would have to agree with you. Too much money exchanged hands already. They will build this ... even tho delays are inevitable because of whatever.....
  23. T.O. Such a great addition. This is the man that mocked Texas when he ran to the Star (at Texas Stadium)at the fifty yard line and strutted around like he owned the place. Yeah, Jerry Jones, you can pick 'em. T.O. will git r dun.
  24. I have always thought: America, the richest country in the world ??? and we don't have high speed trains between cities????? Sumpin' wrong here.
  25. Since I live in a controlled subdivision, we can't have fences in the front yard. That makes is much more aesthetically pleasing. However, I love my back yard fenced in with its 7 ft cedar fence. First, the pool is safe from toddlers wandering into it. Second, we can play back there and no one will see. But, I understand, some of the iron fences seem to be third world.
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