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Everything posted by citykid09

  1. Am I the only one who is sick of all these studies? Just build it already and stop wasting time on all these studies.
  2. VERY NICE! I like it when companies announce something and begin construction right away. I hate it when they announce something and then delay it, then cancel it.
  3. My ideal would be a rail Heavy rail system like DC's METRO that goes all the way from The Woodland (or at least Bush Airport) all the way to Hobby (stopping through the Medical Center). There would be another line that went to Greenway Plaza, Uptown and maybe to the Westchase and Memorial City. Once the people got to those destinations light rail/street cars would take you where you needed to go from there. Many improvements would have to be made in these areas to improve the walkability of pedestrians once they have been let off the trains. For example storefronts could be built up to the streets in front of the buildings in Greenway if possible. Could you imagine hopping on a subway in The Woodlands or near Bush Airport taking it to Downtown, transferring trains to go to Uptown then going shopping, clubbing or whatever you would like then hopping back on and going home without having to get in a car. If you guys have never experienced life in a city where this is possible you should visit one and try it. It’s a whole new way to look at a city. I mean the light rail lines that METRO is building is a great start, but it defiantly cannot be the end.
  4. It would be really nice if the retail came up to Westheimer instead of parking in the front. Also would be nice if it connected to that other mixed use development next to it. There is no cohesiveness in development in Houston like you see in other cities.
  5. Its funny you mention this, becasue I was about to get on here and mention that I have been able to hear KNDE Candy 95.1 in Downtown Houston a couple of years ago.
  6. So this is getting built? Does it look like the renderings above? In other words, will it have the retail at the bottom?
  7. Burnett station makes it look like a heavy rail or at least a true grade separate rail system.
  8. How the Heights Wal-Mart should have been built: http://www.fastcompany.com/3023007/5-surprises-at-the-new-big-city-walmart-in-washington-dc?partner
  9. lockmat, this is already under construction and yes it has already changed the feel of the area.
  10. I have been saying that an over/under pass is needed at Westheimer and the tracks for the longest. http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/21839-could-an-over-or-underpass-for-westheimer-at-railroad-crossing/?hl=%2Bvilla+%2Bmaria
  11. Wow! Are we sure this is not happening? Lets hope that this can make a comeback!
  12. Nice! I wuld have never guessed this was in Houston.
  13. Will that Whole Foods still be the original flagship size that itwas first announced as? Or has the size stayed reduced? It looks pretty big to me. Will it be on multiple stories or just the first floor?
  14. Did the Regent Square Office Building really start construction in August? How is the Ashby Highrise construction comign along? Or have they started at all?
  15. Do other stations in other cities do the hour long news at 6pm? I think abc13 is the only channel that I have seen that does that.
  16. It seems like technology should have decreased the cost of implementing heavy rail transit in a city like Houston by now. Why should it cost billions of dollars for a simple mostly above ground heavy rail system in Houston? How are other cities around the world building heavy rail systems and Houston can't? How can Dubai build one and Houston can't?
  17. I think this place will do fine. West Ave to me is a dark place. There is no sunlight in the inner parts of it. I think West Ave would be a good spot for clubs and bars. I think the River Oaks District could steal a lot of stores from the Galleria and BLVD Place.
  18. All these years later, I still say that Westhimer needs an over or underpass of the rail road. Its Houston's signature street and its the trains go right through a highend area. Have any of you changed your opinions about this since 2009? http://www.bryantx.gov/departments/?id=447
  19. This building reminds me of The Ritz-Carlton that was supposed to go up in BLVD Place.
  20. There are people in the Bryan/College Station area that do this everyday. I thing the census says it was in the hundreds. And also the reverse too. People live in Houston and commute to Bryan/College Station. Isn't that why there were talking about commuter rail between BCS and Houston? As far as an ideal transit system plan for Houston, I would have to say the only thing I would truly care for is a system like this (BART): I don't care for buses, and light rail is basically a street car. When it comes to building a commuter BART rail needs to be the example taken. not like the Dallas commuter rail in the video below: The commuter rail should act in the same way that DC Metro does for VA and Maryland and BART does for the Bay Area. So basically the lightrail that is in place will be used as a street car to get people through short stops throughout the inner loop.
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