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Everything posted by jgriff

  1. I'm in the middle of up-sizing to a closer in neighborhood. I can tell you there is a shortage of SFH in the $700k-$800k range. I put down a deposit on a place near River Oaks a few weeks back. One week later the prices of the remaining 5 units in the development were raised by $10k and the only other one under construction sold also. It seemed like nearly every place I looked at was pending sold. My RE agent advised me to sign the papers right away if I wanted to get the place and she was correct. Getting a low interest 15 year loan on my first house and the equity I gained from the resurgence of Houston RE prices enabled me to move from a townhouse in the Memorial Villages area to a much larger SFH in the River Oaks shopping center area.
  2. That's actually the building next to it, 500 Jefferson. I worked there years ago. 600 Jefferson is nearly identical except for the facade.
  3. Does anyone have any new information on Regent Square? I'm about to put in a bid on a townhouse that's very close to the site. I would appreciate any news.
  4. Market Square Tower won't cover that wall. There's a surface parking lot between the new tower and the ballet building.
  5. I've never been able to see the lake from the freeway. I used to stand next to it everyday waiting for the bus on Post Oak. It's full of ducks. Unless you are looking for it it's not even very noticeable from Post Oak. I think the only people that really notice it are the few people who wait at the bus stop and the people who live in the million dollar condos across the street. Maybe with the new apartments going up there it will get a little more use as a dog park.
  6. More Details..... http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2014/09/30/new-details-emerge-in-citycentre-apartment-project.html
  7. It's actually not much of a problem. I walk from my house that's a mile away through Town & Country to City Centre quite often.
  8. If you park at Barnes and Noble and walk to City Centre you have a good chance of getting your car towed. These two shopping centers compete with each other. Town & Country Village doesn't want you using their parking to spend money at City Centre.
  9. High rises are not cheap. I've always found it surprising that we have as many in Houston as we do. I've looked at moving into a couple and it just never made financial sense for me. I could afford to live in one but I'm not into throwing that much money away for a view and having to live with the inconvenience of an elevator when I can get a townhouse for much less with more space. There are however, plenty of people in Houston who can afford to pay $4000 a month. These days $4k is not that high.
  10. I agree. I live in the Memorial Villages area and worked in the Galleria for 2 years. I rarely had any problems with traffic. I think it's people commuting on the freeways that have the most trouble.
  11. I went there many times in the 90s. My memory tells me it was where "Classic Touch" is now.
  12. That is correct. Bruce Godwin owned the place in the 80s/90s. I went there many times.
  13. Very few of them have the life skills to handle having a job that requires showing up everyday on time, not doing drugs and getting along with others. If they had these skills there is a good chance they wouldn't be homeless. Putting them through some class isn't going to solve these problems. It's very difficult finding dependable people even among the population that isn't homeless.
  14. Often I don't agree with architectural criticism that happens on HAIF. Sometimes people want things that the market just doesn't allow. In this case I completely agree. This building is awful. I hope it looks better in person.
  15. That's the first Mexican food I remember having. We ate at the one in Beaumont in the early 70s about once a month. My brother didn't like the "exotic" Mexican food so he would go next door and get a burger from Burger Chef.
  16. http://www.munozalbin.com/29-city-center-north.html Where is this one going? This looks a lot like some of the renderings for Citycentre 5 but that's listed as a seperate project on the Munoz website.
  17. When I used to walk in downtown daily I just chose the side of the street that had shadows from the surrounding buildings. If there are enough buildings around you can walk a long distance almost never being exposed to the sun. Trees are much better than no trees though.
  18. Is this a problem that's unique to downtown? I've never had it anywhere I've lived. There are huge trees right outside my window right now. Yes, there are birds in the trees sometimes but it doesn't bother me. I did have a bird living in a dryer vent oustide an apartment window once. That was annoying.
  19. If I was on the 2nd or 3rd floor I'd rather have the view of the trees.
  20. There's a great view of this tower from the Williams Tower-Galleria skywalk. Next time I'm there I'll try to get a pic.
  21. I'm sure they could be engineered to not fail. There is no reason to spend the money required to do that. Wind turbines like this were just a stupid stunt designed to impress the gullible.
  22. Allowing people to do what they want with their property is really important to me, as is our right to criticize. +++ This is much more important than having "public spaces".
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