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Everything posted by jgriff

  1. I had forgotten what my argument was after being interrogated. After looking back through the posts now I remember that it was this post. You are accusing people of stereotyping, in what way is a mystery to me. It seems that you are very naive as to the nature of drug and prostitution activity in Houston. I brought up a couple examples and you seemed to get ticked off by that. I'm sorry I touched a nerve here. People accusing others of "stereotyping" touches a nerve with me.
  2. I also never said "the police do drugs with the vagrants who sell drugs on the streets". You are reading a lot into my comment that is not there. You really shouldn't do that. Just read the post, take nothing more from it than what is said.
  3. I never said I dislike cops. I will not tell you why I didn't report it. I don't really care if you believe me or not. You are the one arguing with me. I just put my experience out there. If you have a problem with it, I suggest that is your problem, not mine. I've not said that you are full of crap or a liar, you are the one insulting people here.
  4. Why the hostility? Why would I lie? I'm not going anywhere with it. It seems to have gotten a rise out of you though.
  5. I've also seen Houston police in uniform doing drugs. They know exactly where the drugs are being sold. They can round the people up anytime they want.
  6. I've seen people selling drugs right in front of the police on this block. The police don't care.
  7. So... Enterprise Products is part of the partnership that bought this. Why would they be involved in a purchase of this lot? I believe they are currently at 1100 Louisiana.
  8. Maybe I'm not looking at the same ad. I don't see an incorrect usage of the word your.Edit: found it, I was looking at the wrong ad.
  9. Speaking of HCAD. Does anyone know why their links to tax bills have all disappeared? They've been gone for months.
  10. Yes, but the article is suggesting that might change due to incidents like the one that happened recently in France.
  11. It's kind of a misleading article. They come to a conclusion that seems to be the opposite of the title. http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2015/08/24/trains-could-soon-see-airport-level-security/
  12. I don't believe the article says all the cuts will be downtown. It would make a lot of sense for them to try to consolidate smaller locations around the city into their larger buildings. That's what we're doing. We've already cut two buildings, not only do we reduce payroll, we also reduce real estate costs significantly.
  13. Wow, good work. I was concentrating so much on the derrick that I never thought about it being moved.
  14. You can see the derrick in that photo. I can't match up anything else though, even looking through historic photos I can't make a match.
  15. It's got a Bowen sign on it. That's a company that is owned by National Oilwell Varco. Maybe they have or had a facility in the area? There's a photo of it on their web page... Link
  16. I found the site plan they used for the variance request. See attached file. Village_of_River_Oaks_Plan.pdf
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