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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Seriously? I know your aware of what happens to an area over time that becomes flooded with apartments. As far as your second sentence, I'm not sure I understand what your saying. I've lived here now for seven years, and have noticed a significant change in the area. Will Seven Lakes and Cinco become crapholes in the near future? Of course not. My point was that the areas surrounding these communities are going downhill. Visual blight is on the increase, along with crime, vandalism, and a general downturn of community pride. Again, I'm speaking of the surrounding areas. Don't get me wrong. I love athletics in Katy, and there is probably know where else in the city that's better. Having said that, it's not enough to make me want to stay.
  2. Although most of the south side of I-10 is MUCH nicer than the north side, I would advise you to look elsewhere. Katy is fast becoming a crap hole. Not to mention the apartment explosion on the Westpark, which isn't far from Grand Lakes.
  3. Yeah, I can assure you I would have reacted much differently 15 years ago.
  4. LOL. That actually sounds pretty effective. Next time, assuming his girlfriend is with him, I'll talk with her about how much better she could do other than dating a slime ball.
  5. Maybe it's the quick temper in me, but I don't think I would drive off after using the bull horn, unless he showed his 45. What I should have done, and it just now crossed my mind, was get out of the car, and pick the trash up right in front of him. Of course a guy like that probably has little conscience so what good would it do.
  6. Maybe I'm being to sensitive, but I am beyond sick of Katy, and it's we don't give a sh_t attitude. I don't care if it's unincorporated Harris County or not, this place is becoming a ghetto, and fast. Even in my hood (Governors Place south of 10)) the new home buyers are letting what were once nice homes, and yards turn into sand pits, and weed farms. My wife and I are seriously considering putting our home up for sale, biting a very expensive bullet, and moving back to the Town and Country area.
  7. I was at Jack in the box last night waiting on my mini sirloin burgers, and this idiot in front of me dumps trash right out of door. What made things worse, there was a 50 gallon trash can right in front of him. If I didn't have my wife and kids with me I would have done something that probably would land me in jail. The one positive was the oppurtunity to show my kids what not to do with trash. The city really needs to create a viable process to report, and prosecute these people.
  8. I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm old enough to remember huge chunks of the country embracing cowboy hats, opening "Texas" bars, watching Dallas, country music dancing, etc. It was a very big fad at the time, and not just here. As far as the fad being insperational, probably not.
  9. That's not the point I was making. I was refering to those on HAIF that seemingly shun the Texas culture as it is/was, and seemingly hate the image of a cowboy that Texas is famous for. In other words, I'm not speaking of those outside the state. However since you bring it up... Why didn't LBJ's failed Vietnam policies (yes I know about Nixons to) relegate Texas as a state full of morons? And speaking of Nixon. Why didn't the whole country shun the Southern Californian culture after Nixon's failed presidency? There are many more politicians, Rep and Dem that could be mentioned, but I'll keep it simple.
  10. Alot of you sound like you hate the Texas culture, and I don't understand that. This is Texas folks, and with that fact there are people that wear cowboy hats, talk with accents, ride horses, raise cattle, drive trucks, etc, etc. Why do some of you want to shun that image? Who gives a rats behind what other people think? To borrow a little of what Kimberly said, I think the gangster image and dress is the goofiest thing I've ever seen, yet for some reason it's celebrated as some "urban" concept that makes one cool. I remember back in the late 70's and early 80's the whole country embraced the Texas culture. Now it's looked at as a bunch of back woods idiots, who don't know their ass from a whole in the ground. Nothing could be further from the truth. I say again... What's wrong with the Texas culture, and individuals promoting it.
  11. Yeah you do. I looked at your "Flickr" pages, and your stuff is amazing Jax.
  12. Give me a break! Red, I never threatened you, so please don't go there. It just so happens that your a very mean spirited guy (at least on HAIF) with a HUGE chip on your shoulder, and act as if you've got the answers to everything, and do that all from the safety of your computer. Did it ever occur to you that you get more flys from a drop of honey, than vinegar? When I made my intial comment about the second ammendment I asked for civil responses, and you in turn insulted me. How am I supposed to react? I posed the comment as a concern, and was not in anybodies face, yet you feel the need with all of your superior intelligence to mock me. As I've mentioned before, I wonder if you'd talk the way you do face to face, and my bet is that YOU WOULD NOT. Finally, I'm not the internet bully, you are, and many here that are not in your band of followers would agree. I for one am damn tired of it. Edit: I still wonder how you rectify your signature with your attitude on this forum. Oh, and I'll wait for this personal insult to be deleted. Of course Red's always remain. Maybe that's because he's so much more intelligent than me and 99.9% of the forum posters.
  13. Wayne, I hope you read this, and decide to do something about it. I know that's a difficult thing for you to sort out, but some of the regulars have simply gotten out of hand with the bashing. I'll admit that in the past I've jumped into, and participated in a few bashing sessions, but I have stopped for some time now. It's gotten so bad that when I ask for a civil response, I get insults. It's really rediculous.
  14. ahhh Red, safely behind your computer again? Your incapable of not being a prick, and I'm hoping to meet you in person some day. I find it sad that you don't live up to your signature in any form or fashion. Edit: Didn't want to be a Red Scare so I deleted a comment.
  15. We could take away their guns, and give em night sticks. Is that really neccessary? If you will re-read my post, you'll notice that I said "maybe I'm jumping the gun, but am still scared". I also asked for a civil response, but that's to much to ask on this forum.
  16. Gary

    Do you compost?

    It's not only environmentally friendly, but if done right, provides the finest soil possible.
  17. That's a drilling truck, and the resevoire is to pump water into the ground as they drill to soften the soil. It's also designed to pump water to the drill bits to keep them cool.
  18. Gary

    Do you compost?

    This link https://www.compostumbler.com/StoreFront/IAFDispatcher has some very nice compost tumblers that make make composting much less laborious. However, I don't buy their claim about creating compost in 14 days. Seems impossible.
  19. Gary

    Do you compost?

    The mosquitos can be controlled with an all natural cedar liquid that can be found at most Nurseries. It attaches to a hose and only takes 20 seconds of spraying to get those suckers out of there. The only thing is, that you have to apply every few days. You'll know when the compost is done when it begins to look like black soil, although you'll never get the entire bin to decompose. Just most of it. Two of the problems that I've read about, and have encountered, is not keeping the pile wet enough, and not having the proper Carbon to Nitrogen ratio. You've absolutely got to have at least 10% Nitrogen in order for the organisms to break the leaves down. Also, Oxygen is essential to the breakdown of the organic matter. In other words you have to turn the pile every few days, and areate with a pitch fork, etc, after you have watered the pile. Edit: You don't need various stages of piles unless your dealing with small quantities. My pallet bin has about a half yard of compost, so that will take care of me for a year. It's a good idea to really pack your container with matter because as it decomposes, it significantly shrinks.
  20. Gary

    Do you compost?

    I have a compost bin in my backyard that I made from pallets. I try to get a 10 to 1 ratio of carbon (oak leaves) vs Nitrogen (grass clippings, coffee grounds, vegatable & fruit waste). I've just started a new bin in which I'm going to attempt "hot composting". Supposedly, if done right, will give you a weed free compost with six weeks. One thing I've found though, is that you have to water, and turn the pile almost daily to get the proper tempurature. It's a lot of work.
  21. Jax, I for one appreciate your concern about littering in the area, especially seeing that your not a native. Some people are just pissed off as a way of life, and as a result inflict sarcasm constantly. Anyway, as a musician that has traveled all over this country, I can say that there is no city as bad as Houston where littering is concerned. I've witnessed trash throwing as was mentioned, and I've come about two seconds from beating a guys face over it. Just talking about this ticks me off.
  22. Was wondering if cameras would be allowed for interior shots?
  23. So was I, but as a hand gun liscense holder, I'm scared to death what the current administration might do to my second ammendment rights. Maybe I'm jumping the gun (no pun intended), but I'm really concerned. Note: please ignore my post if you feel the need to get in a heated debate. I'd like to discuss the second ammendment, not have sarcastic, and snide responses. Thank you.
  24. Mervyns was torn down several months back. The sky bridge is waiting for the the new buildout where the Mervyns used to be.
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