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Everything posted by Triton

  1. How many cranes do we have in downtown right now?
  2. Click the image for higher resolution. Edit: I tried to capture it as best I could but for over a month now (maybe two) there has been major work on top of the Bank of America Center. You can barely see the scaffolding in this photo.
  3. Since I live near the new extended Red Line, I have taken my bike with me everytime I board. And I can attest both to light rail and the buses that a lot of people are bringing their bikes with them now. It just opens up the possibilities of where to go. No longer does light rail just cover a few blocks around it via walking, you can now go much farther. And with the added bike stops, it has certainly increased activity as well. The big issue I have though is usually from the Medical Center to downtown where it is nearly impossible to bring a bike onboard, simply from the fact the light rail in that section is almost always packed. Besides the added mobility of having a bike with you, I also bring it for safety reasons. I live in an area between the Woodland Heights and the Northside, and one of the key problems along this new Red Line route is the large amount of questionable people that "sleep at night" in this area. Many are homeless. Many look like meth heads... I'm sorry, but it's true. And instead of having to walk through all of that, biking allows me to skip over that fairly quickly in my view.
  4. Great pics. It's a little difficult to tell from this photo but there is actually a massive pit that they've dug this week. That black Dodge truck and the other construction truck are right at the edge.
  5. Oh whoops, I misunderstood what you wanted. lol
  6. By far the best source for vintage photos: https://www.facebook.com/SloaneGallery?ref=br_tf He has dozens of images for the era you are looking for.
  7. Sure enough.... Sigh. Was hoping this outlet could be confirmation of projects. It's so odd that this organization uses either outdated or inaccurate data. Sorry guys.Edit: maybe we'll see corrected numbers in their next report?
  8. From a Q4 2013 report: http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/ResearchLevel1/Houston-Office-Highlights-Q4-2013-JLL.pdf
  9. Sorry to repost but I thought this was interesting for a Q4 2013 report:
  10. Yup that's it. So what are all of the numbers now since this graph is from last April? I thought One Allen Center and Pennzoil Place are still among the worst performers. (That's why Brookfield is having to renovate OAC to stay relevant). Although the information is from last quarter, these charts provide some of the newest numbers for downtown Houston: http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/ResearchLevel1/Houston_Office%20Insight_Q4%202013.pdf http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/ResearchLevel1/Houston-Office-Highlights-Q4-2013-JLL.pdf As you can tell, the last article still mentions Chevron building their next tower mid-2014 so clearly we'll have to wait another month or two to get the Q1-2014 information which should have the latest information. (Jones Lang LaSalle is the same organization that created the above graph).
  11. I think it's beautiful. By far my favorite is the image with the trees in the center (second image). It seems very relaxing.
  12. Thank you, that's it! It's a shame that reporter doesn't work for Biz Journals anymore.
  13. I'm friends with the general manager at Knapp because of my profession and he's only showed me the floor plans. It's nothing too fancy. Showroom floor along Washington and a small piece of the floor on Houston Ave. Only six salesman offices, a general managers office, a couple of finance offices, and a funding office. From what I saw, it was only one floor. Knapp isn't like the Audi dealership or the BMW dealership just south of downtown. Knapp actually almost went bankrupt not too long ago so at the moment, the plan is to keep buying lots in the area. I was actually shocked how many vacant lots Knapp owns in the area just to hold future inventory. Edit: I'm not aware of any rendering. The salesmen I know haven't even seen a rendering. It's a little strange, right?
  14. I can't seem to find the image that shows which floors in downtown Houston are vacant (maybe it was on Biz Journals?), but Pennzoil Place is in one of the worst shapes when it comes to its occupancy rate. I believe it is around a 65% occupancy rate? I thought we had a rumor that Transwestern was going to renovate Pennzoil Place...?
  15. Yes, it's actually quite amazing inside: http://www.magnoliahotels.com/houston/hotel-photos.php
  16. http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2014/02/14/is-houston-losing-its-mojo-bayou-city-falls-on.html What I really don't like about this article is that it doesn't explain why there was a drop. Has the growth rate simply increased faster in those cities than Houston? Is there an actual concern here? So many unanswered questions even after reading the Forbes report as well.
  17. It has clearly been deleted or at least merged with the BLVD Place thread because when you go to the development list and click on the Apache Tower Hq, the link no longer works.
  18. This is in full swing. Two excavators, multiple dump trucks on site.
  19. Should this be posted to Other Houston Neighborhood?
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