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Everything posted by Vertigo58

  1. Well something that would raise up the photographer high enough to catch all of the action in one shot. Standing on a truck bed won't do. Just a thought. I thought of getting on top of nearby buildings but need permission. I bet that homeowners would love to offer their front porches (unless they are getting the boot). Might start shooting at everyone! That Worksource place is new so does that mean the other side of the street wil get evicted???? Man, I better go stock up on some Lenox Barbecue like now! (Harrisburg at Altic street further down)
  2. Serious question: How do they notify the owner that its curtains for thier business or home? Has anyone ever seen actual documents to "vacate" within a given time frame? Another serious addition. I am willing to use an elevated setup up or crane to snap pics as it progresses. Ground level is fine but a bird's eye view is "elevates" interest! Think of it as a historical endeavor. PS, there are a few turn of the century homes near or at the edge of all of this, hope they are saved??? Just see pics under East End - Harrisburg development. Save these homes, move them anything.
  3. That was fascinating! Thank you SEVFIV! Take a good look at the houses in the background, most still have original gingerbread ornamentation, bargeboards, turned posts, etc. Sort of frustrating that some of us here on Haif know people that live there and have painstakingly restored many of these relics to their former glory since this filming. Only "they" do not know of Haif? Need their stories to be told to the world! I could just plotz I tell ya!
  4. If only some smart designer could recreate and place more all around the zoo? Even make all types of animal open-mouth fountains? Now that would be a good trivia question...Who created that lion head fountain back in the day?
  5. It was shown on the news last night I think. These guys are ancient. Fandango came out in 1975-76? Never was a fan. Must be in their late 60's by now, jeez.
  6. I truly believe you! and for the non-believers, about that same time one of the freaks that was attending AA sessions there tried to kidnap a young boy of about 12 years of age. The kid ran to a nearby house on Dismuke banged on the door and a miracle the owner let him in! The freak still was trying to grab the kid until the owner fought him off. Now thats desperate! The freak was caught and hauled away. The dump continues to operate as we speak. Then that car wash across from the new school always attracts major gangsta wanna-be's. Beware. This new school will be like placing a group of sheep in the middle of a pack of wolves. Santo cielo! Just being truthful people, sorry. No sugar coating here I'm afraid.
  7. That will be very interesting and of more interest when the developer of this NEW business center has to deal with that overpass completely blocking his/her brand new shopping strip smack next to the RR tracks. Guess no one is ever happy. Smell litigation?
  8. I know that's right! Everyone come back...comeback.... When any of you get stuck at the very places mentioned above, make sure you do not have to use the Rest room. Best to carry (in your auto) a magazine, book, playing cards, crochet or weave a basket, etc. the train waiting is quite pathetic. Councilmen/women yelp! yelp!
  9. Everything you state is true. Same goes for the folks that steal from pyramid's, lost ancient cities, especially sunken battle ships, etc.
  10. It was pure JUBILATION to see that sleazy bar go! The hookers were brazen enough to sale their wares even as JP Henderson children would walk past from school. The gunfire was out of control not to mention dope dealing. Even better was seeing the raunchy old store across the street vanish. maybe it took that poor clerk being gunned down to make the fuzz realize it was time to go by, by. Remember now there is an existing Alcoholic's Anonymous probation kind of place just next to where that bar was. Its hilarious, when they are taking breaks between sessions some walk over an buy brew and slam down across the street. Gotta see to believe. Stephanies Ice Dump needs to be imploded too, this is pure negative influence and another eyesore for this area. Children will have to walk right next to that as well. Need to tear down and make a fast food or anything but that. PS, there was talk about possible closure of JP Henderson recently. Said enrollment had dwindled. Very possible as most renters are being ejected from this immediate area. Yippee! Home buyer's come back! Lot's are still being given away as we speak. Oops! better slow down on the Starbux! Ja! (on a roll)
  11. Right on! I am all for it too! Remove all the sleazy red light bars that have plagued (and caused misery) to that area for generations! There was an excellent long story (in the Hou Press) of a long time resident that described his typical plight of the hellish and excruciating time it takes for those trains to pass exactly where you stated. If caught at RR tracks at Polk/Harrisburg/Lawndale you can wait for about 30-45 minutes and thats on a good day. Problem, residents do not speak up, renters do not care. Ok flame is lit...truth there it is. Peace, love and all that jazz!
  12. Now I know where it is. Our P & R bus would pass by every morning and yep it was wino heaven. Most times looked like a bunch of corpses laying all around, most boozing in the am, pretty sad sight. The apts mentioned catered to a mostly single men crowd. Would be shocked if still extant. Must have been really neat when brand new. Has most of it's original ornate detail, but the area is to be reckoned with.
  13. So this park will be smack where the Broadway Theater once stood or across the street where driver-ed students used to practice? Either way it will one be a very, very small park. What about parking? Can we find artists renderings? I tried a mapquest of the area to no avail. Maybe I dream big, as to me a park should have a pool, basketball, baseball courts, picnic tables plenty of them, large public Rest rooms, bike and roller skate trails, an outdoor theater, elderly accomodations ie; chess board areas. and yes, plenty of heavy security. This is what I call a park. This area deserves it.
  14. See the vid below! and yes, we need this here!
  15. It's just like the protestor's were saying to the media. Seems this thing will come through no matter what you do or say. Harrisburg is already a hellish tight squeeze as you pass through now, imagine with this thing coming through? Any bordering streets will be getting the cars/trucks going around this thing to get to where they need to get to. Remove all children from your neighborhoods now! Then there are those halfway houses for drunks futher down. Will be very interesting. As long as they dont hurt Lenox Barbecue.
  16. I don't know but that sure is a horrible name for a Square? ROT ? That sounds of more interest to investigate. Your description of these apts is like major vague.
  17. As far as East End is concerned, you already have several good snaps on this forum of some good icons of EE: 1. OLD - Rufus Cage Elementary on Telephone and Lawndale/Broadmoor street. 2. Lorino's Bar or whatever the name is now at Lawndale and Telephone Rd 3. Old EE Little League address books used to use the Turreted building at beginning of Telephone Road/Ernestine streets as a cover for years (nostalgia even then). 4. Tel-Wink Grill 5. Far East End, maybe Broadway Corridor (streetscape view) 6. Broadway circle at 45 Just suggestions. PS, too bad all the true icons are gone ie; the huge Coca-Cola billboard at 45/Telephone Rd. or Maxwell House Coffee cup pouring hot brew.
  18. This raises a good question. Is there any advice on how to locate family doctors from way back? We had a Dr Dave Kaminski for years here in Houston. He was well known and supposedly has a son or two in the same practice. Boy if I could interview Dr Kaminski he could sure tell much about the history of the city. His office was on Lyons Ave since late 1940's to about 1990's.
  19. The glare from the freaking hot blazing sun is what really gets me. Eyes dry out quick and sunglasses I rarely use. Eye drops are just a temp fix. Past weekends have been so extreme I just stay inside and watch DVDs until late eveing venture out, grass is so high I dont care. Hate glare, they say it actually can burn the retna's? Thats all I need.
  20. I kind of felt sypathy for the young Miss Teen in the parade when i saw it on TV. The float could have been done way much better than what it was. (quite bare) I imagine there isn't too many or not enough volunteers to assist for that event? I was at GRB across the street from that new park deal and could see all of the festivities from a distance. The news said there was some kind of disagreements in parade plannings or something?
  21. I think I remember that Baytown had a whole nabe just plain empty of people and it seemed like any sign of life for that matter. Very Twilight Zone-ish. Could swear I saw Rod Serling standing in the background talking.
  22. Here are some other shockers of that era: Footloose (I'll admit I was tapping my foot during the screening) Flashdance (secretly liked Maniac, maniac) Not only did these 2 produce memorable sountracks but a new style in clothes.
  23. There were two posters here on Haif that knew alot about schools, plots, etc Vicman and Isuredid but are they? ? ?
  24. Does it seem pretty accurate to everyone? I mean like in detail and sets and such? Hopefully it won't "Jump The Shark" like other period shows like "That 70's Show" did. That one did quite well until that redheaded broad started saying 2000-ism's like "Wad up" or "Talk to the hand" or other sort of current lingo. She really blew it and the rest of the cast followed with modern hair styles and current trendy slogans. If a show is to be convincing it has to really stick to the crux of the story ie; dress, mannerisms, etc. Yo wad up y'all? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_the_shark
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