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Everything posted by Vertigo58

  1. Just had to cave in and get some onion rings the other day. FYI, the Prince's at is it Kirby and 59? Be sure to view the great pics of the old locations. There is a really good one of the classic car meets they used to have on Friday nights at the Main street location (now metro station).
  2. We have plenty of them and most outrageous one is from one Halloween night circa 1981-2! We started driving down lower Westheimer and progressed west as night went along. Just have to SCAN them and get on here. Also have on 8mm film, people and now gone eateries are displayed quite good. I clearly recall snapping some in front of The Chicken Coop and Club Lamour, Numbers (was Billion Dollar City Dump) and more. There were more peculiar folks strolling along that area then. Many times resembled a circus side show but thats what made it funny and interesting! Recall having to pour out a whole bottle of Boone's Farm but he let us kids go. Oops TMI (too much information) and yep the most outrageous section was....drum roll......Montrose & Westheimer.
  3. Like or not it's almost here. It's called "alternative" like in there must be something else to do and go besides the Galleria. Gotta think of it from a visitor's perspective. I see these type of projects progressing all the way down Westheimer, Richmond etc. Its called change and I truly welcome it. Houston don't be yourself is my new logo. We have gone completely cosmopolitan and that's the inevitable. Vision (I see an elevated rail going right through here in very near future). Like in Fritz Lang's Metropolis.
  4. Thanks! Now I know why (I personally) am, loving this project soooo much. These guys have designed similar projects along Robertson Blvd in LA. Good karma indeed. Welcome to the future Houston!
  5. Great job old chap! Excellent snippets. Yes, after taking a drive along this stretch and seeing that sad state it's (area) presently in, its all for the best. Let her rip!
  6. Does anyone know of a website of this builder or developer to see status pics of progress of this project? Can't wait until grand opening! Klieg lights, crowds and more.... Website???
  7. What a fantastic addition to this forum and all of Houston. Thank you.
  8. I like it. They need to start planting hundreds of those or high rise $ townhomes in Sunnyland area. We welcome it.
  9. Just realized there is not a Welcome or Introduce Yourself section on Haif? How unusual. But happy your here and tell everyone about Haif! and don't be bashful
  10. If I were you I would say hell yeah I'm famous! (especially on Haif) Now I must go eat there, don't care what people say. In fact might just start promoting it to bring back the crowds/celebs! The paparazzi will add to the mystique. Ja! Thanks everyone for helping to "spark" interest back into another long time Houston tradition. Bon appetit! or rather Salute!
  11. Happened to take a drive through this intersection Westheimer/Kirby and was floored! This project is absolutely magnificent, hat's off to the developer and architects involved. I was able to sit at an outdoor place aross the street and had great views of the movement going on above. This is simply a mind boggling feat in the works. The transformation and aura of that very corner is beyond words. Like a monolithic movie set being built up. I have my bottle of champaign ready to pop for the grand opening! Che bella giornata!
  12. Great point and all true. The complete removal of all and any large dilapidated cheap apartment complexes is the 1st start, ie that old one directly behind Seller's Grocery Store on the bayou. There were short discussions of this area/Brookline in another EE topic. I know of at least one person that has bought 3 older homes in this very nabe renovated to original state and now lives in one & rents the others. High rent to keep out the vermin. This works, but again the old apts need to go away forever.
  13. Fantastic! and the dates are right on of that era ie; Korean War. Polaroid pics on walls are what gives the place charm, the tackier the better. This means it was once or is still a much loved place by the long time patrons. I still say it has great curb appeal as you pass by. The area needs to be promoted big time. I still believe it was once the "place to be" in it's hey day. I can picture fine dressed people walking in and out of that place in during that era. Like Ciro's, The Mocambo and The Coconut Grove, ala Lana Turner, Ava Gardner and more. Thank you again for solving another long time Houston mystery!
  14. Thats right! Almost forgot about the one in front of Penney's. One of the last films we saw there was TRON so that dates it to what 1982? By that time the staff just slouched around & the floors were gross. Cable TV, MTV, VHS and Beta were just beginning to take over so these small theaters were pretty much doomed. and here we are today.
  15. True, its all or the best. I think Ripley House is somewhere nearby? Sometimes in the case like this there needed to be something NEW no matter what it is. Most long timers fled as decades past by. Try driving around that area at night. No way Jose! Even that old Maxwell House is in disrepair. Remember the last heavy downpour we had about a year ago? That whole wall facing Harrisburg was on the verge of collapse, had to hold up with poles. Blah.
  16. WHAT? In bold letters. When did that go up? Oh well sounds better than Brown End.
  17. Finally got some good amount of rain. Filled up the rain barrels too. Now my yard can stop splitting down the middle with that wide seismic faultline crack that formed as a result of the heat.
  18. As mentioned in other topics, we always get passed over and why?...........
  19. Does the East Side/End really want a new name or is it being forced to create a name? Doesn't make sense. Will this new name be ingraved on overhead arches as you enter, etc? It already sounds ............
  20. I often wondered where the lol's and such started? From other sites I am sure. I only used it (rarely) to insure the person knows I am kidding and not be a smart azz. Not everyone is going to read everyones personal profiles so they do not know what kind of personality that person has. If you start to zap out and lol's, IMO, emiticon's, etc; heck whats left? Plain 24 hours arguments and become a sounding board like Chron. Personaly I would not complain at all. lol
  21. Vertigo58


    Now thats the best line of the week! There are also a few on Haif that have sparks flying from their finger tips. PS, I think it would be a great idea to start a topic of childhood pics wearing your frames. When I was 6 I wore the kind seen on Japanese Godzilla flicks, who would have thought they came back into vogue?
  22. This past Saturday night SNL did a rerun of Carlin from 1975. It was funny seeing after all these years. It was played in its entirety just the way it aired in 75. He did some of his typical simple but hilarious bits. I had forgot what outrageous facial expression's and gestures he would do on stage. I personally thought he was his best before he became so foul mouthed. Guess he felt there was more $ in getting vulgar, in any case he was so much better around this time. He had numerous albums at record stores during these days but it appealed to an older crowd at least that what us teen's thought. Here is a much earlier TV appearance 1972, total hippie look! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmIAQK8ieR4
  23. Vertigo58


    Ain't no body touching these beautiful eyes! Only wear frames at night anyway. Many people actually look much better with glasses. There is something that creates a certain allure or mystique on a person. I've met some of the people on Haif and they look really great with frames. Kind of like a personal "star" trademark.
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