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Everything posted by sapo2367

  1. I've eaten lunch a few times in the new areas on the Houston Center side -- its really nice! Going to be great to see the shops get a similar facelift. Although there is a lot of traffic back in the food court etc, many of the storefronts remain closed.
  2. The proposed plan above does include additional greenspace by cannibalizing some parking.
  3. I'm curious if this part of downtown will change with the NHHIP project dropping the highway underground etc. If they do successfully make that a multi-block park hopefully the area will be a destination instead of a section to avoid.
  4. NeNo hahaha. I agree, it will take some time but I think there is a lot of opportunity in Near Northside. I think esp once the stuff in the Warehouse District and East River get going this area will start being between interesting parts of town and be pretty affordable for new developments etc. Plus the Metro means ppl can work in downtown, midtown (the Ion for ex) or even the med center and be an easy commute to home. I know lots of people who are over at WOMH or at Sideout all the time, and those sort of things are leading indicators of further growth.
  5. There is a path through the detention pond area that drops you off on 5th street, but def only good during dry weather. Cool views of downtown though!
  6. Excited about this concept, but I have to say I was disappointed when I tried out biking on Phase 1. It was just completed but there was water pooling on the trail, I would have hoped that they had done a better job handling rain (it had rained a few days prior). Maybe they will come back and add better drainage. If this is completed though you're getting close to being able to bike from downtown Houston to Katy completely on trails (including GBP). Or even from the port of Houston if you throw in the Brays Bayou trail + Austin st trail. Wild stuff!!!
  7. Man this tower is really moving now. You can start to see it fill in the skyline from points west. Exciting stuff!
  8. This is from @JBTX's post above! https://research.catylist.com/api/images/data/og/media/user_uploads/6075bf12e88abb000181214f_olshan_eado_flyer_sm.pdf
  9. Ok got way too down the rabbit hole on this one, but found this quote in the linked document concerning this site (P49) "Current land use of the Olshan property is commercial; however, planned future use of the subject property is residential redevelopment." https://www.publicworks.houstontx.gov/sites/default/files/assets/msd-application_2019_129_olc.pdf from 2019, so take from that what you will.
  10. Well I for one like trains, hopefully this controversial opinion will stand 🚄
  11. To be fair to tbell, pretty much everything qualifies for CA's cancer warnings https://www.popsci.com/california-coffee-cancer-warning/
  12. They stop by somewhat frequently (maybe once a month or once every two months), mostly on the weekends.
  13. I feel like Washington Ave has such potential to be a nice bike/transit corridor, especially with all the density that is coming up lately.
  14. I'm always impressed with the downtown views from this area or the East River development :)
  15. From the article linked above “now it welcomes visitors with little metal signs posted along its path: “The bayou doesn’t move the way lightning can,” reads the first. Follow the path, and the signs form a bayou-centric poem by University of Houston professor Martha Serpas”
  16. Makes me think of a Courtyard Marriott
  17. Actually just walked through the tunnels here yesterday, a few are still surviving :) This place had a hard time holding tenants in the tunnels long before 2020 -- I always wondered if the rents were unreasonably high compared to other buildings. Its a really high traffic location (in the before times at least).
  18. This thing is wild on a couple of different levels, but I love the vision!
  19. Is that a helipad in the park? Wonderful to see this area get built out, gives me hope for the other oceans of asphalt in downtown.
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