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Everything posted by LBC2HTX

  1. Uptown park would make the most sense, though im not sure they have the available space for a venue that large? Next guess is somewhere on Richmond.
  2. http://newregionalplanning.com/properties/single/west-loop-610-near-derek-hotel https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7430761,-95.4571935,3a,76.9y,139.65h,78.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-gNWL566GP-dfsS6-LOq-Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 The site is adjacent to Stage HQ and Public Storage. This is NOT the County Building north of Public Storage.
  3. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2018/06/04/developer-new-heights-waterworks-apartments-will.html Broadstone Waterworks is going to be 8 stories with 309 units. 45% more units with about 40% more land. More units = more parking so depends on how they do the parking (podium or separate structure). If parking is a separate structure then it'll probably be 8-10 stories.
  4. Not sure why there's so many tears about not having a path along the bayou. If you want that, then go to BBP or one of the other many bayou paths around Houston. Plus, its not like the bayou is eye-pleasing.
  5. See Urbanizer's post two pages back: Phase 2 begins construction in 2020, consists of Apts with GFR. The Luxury hotel is no longer consider part of phase 2. But this is just semantics.
  6. Yes its the phase 2 lot, but i'm not sure they're going to start phase 2 yet. Technically the Equinox hotel, which is moving forward, is not part of ROD phase 2.
  7. Very basic answer: People in NY are actually out on the streets, so any trash is noticed. People aren't walking around everywhere here.
  8. Lets hope its more Post Oak than the Aquarium or Kemah Boardwalk
  9. The Heights-based restaurant group will begin the roll out of its three EaDo concepts — Vinny’s, Miss Carousel, and Indianola — sometime this month (in that order) http://houston.culturemap.com/news/restaurants-bars/10-03-18-food-news-roundup-chilosos-pluckers-mias-table-cafe-adobe-walks-on-genesis-steakhouse/#slide=0
  10. You can in fact, see the Equinox signage on the second floor of the retail building. I can almost guarantee that the "lifestyle center" apart of Phase I will be Equinox.
  11. Address is 211 West Loop South 3 story 39,660 SF of retail/parking John Beeson development Updated photos from swamplot http://swamplot.com/what-the-new-3-story-shopping-center-inserting-itself-between-robbins-brothers-jewelers-gables-westcreek-apartments-looks-like-so-far/2018-10-03/
  12. Groundbreaking Q4 2018. http://dcpartnersusa.com/properties/the-allen/
  13. Depends on who you ask. Its easier to say what its not- River Oaks, Afton Oaks, Royden Oaks, Oak Estates, or Lynn Park. Some in real estate refer to it as "Briar Hollow" or Highland Village. Most people will refer to it as River Oaks or Uptown. Despite all of the River Oaks branding, as a resident I prefer to refer to it as Uptown.
  14. Renderings for renovations on the corner of Amherst and Kelvin, where Talbots used to be. These are NOT the renovations mentioned in the HBJ article.
  15. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2018/10/01/several-new-to-houston-restaurants-on-tap-for-rice.html
  16. Couldn’t disagree more 1) there isn’t THAT much cohesiveness from 610 to the train tracks, or beyond HV for that matter. The only thing cohesive about is all is that there’s dining/shopping along the north side of westheimer. 2) there’s still going to be ground floor retail 3) this board always complains about underutilized plots and not building tall enough, this does both 4) ROD, HV and even uptown park are struggling to bring in tenants, which is probably why the previous proposal got axed. Plus they still have the east green space for future development. 5) this will look less out of place with Equinox Hotel, ROD phase 2 and further development along west creek.
  17. https://www.google.com/maps/@29.741473,-95.4502829,3a,75y,350.5h,94.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYFu75duxUELo6O9YjpxyLA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  18. http://edge-re.com/Properties/Houston/~MontroseBlvdWestGraySt-Lease/MontroseBlvdWestGraySt-Lease.pdf Updated leasing brochure. Entire first floor has been leased to a medical office, so the streetside renderings of diners was for naught.
  19. There will always be a few a-holes that will ruin it for the rest of us but all-in-all people are pretty responsible and considerate. The benefits outweigh the small nuisances.
  20. I'm not too concerned with their being over-saturation. Finn Hall and Conservatory are more casual options, while Bravery and especially Lyric Market, appear to be going for the more upscale experience. There's plenty going on downtown these days to support them all, and I think that Lyric and Bravery will draw people in town.
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