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Everything posted by ricco67

  1. $500 bucks? That's not bad at all. Now I have to wonder if I wanna be an early adopter or wait for the bugs to get out of it. Apple is usually good about taking care of that stuff quickly. I haven't been keeping track of who they made deals with publishers, but it should be interesting to see what all happens. Sorry, my inner geek just made a little girly scream of delight.
  2. While I can't say this for a fact, but if the stadium isn't built there, then it might wind up being a residential area with only enough shopping to satisfy the area population. I will have to hunt down the east end plans, but I don't remember if a station will be in the area, but if it is, then it will turn what I mentioned above as a DENSE neighborhood. No major shopping area will go there unless there is enough people to support it. Chinatown died because after GRB was built, 59 turned into some sort of psychological barrier..
  3. I agree, I would prefer it downtown, but this location isn't bad either.
  4. If anything, it would be easier since you have two major freeways and a tollroad that drops fairly close to there. Not to mention that you have two major rail lines with a station within walking distance. Let's not forget that the soccer moms in the area MIGHT be thrilled about the location being so close.
  5. that would be an interesting location if that was the case. I would rather have it in the area that was discussed near downtown, but this might be a good alternative. The city and nearby residences might have a collective fit, though.
  6. ricco67

    Go METRORail

    Now if they can only update it like it should be with an additional graph or map showing progress. Surely if they can give one guy to tweet occasionally, surely they can put some low ranking dude to update it every few weeks.
  7. ricco67

    Go METRORail

    I just noticed it the other day, but I thought it was something that was up for quite some time. Having found Metro on Twitter, they have sent out some this today: MetroRailNorth CONSTRUCTION:Cavalcade, Link, Canadian, Patton@Fulton, Boundary E of Keene, Hogan W of Main, Hays E of Fulton, Quitman@Main GOMETRORail.org MetroRailNorth CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Fulton closed Cavalcade to 610 visit www.GOMETRORail.org for information about METRO North Corridor happenings. MetroRailEast CONSTRUCTION: Middleton to Velasco, Lockwood to Burr, Burr to Stiles, Delano to Paige & Eastwood Crossing. More info at www.GoMETRORail.org
  8. I've always found subjects in regards to infrastructure fascinating. People simply don't appreciate in what it takes to make a city livable.
  9. That looks pretty sweet. When I drove by earlier, the Village people started playing in my head. I just hope it's a one time deal.
  10. Love this article and it has a couple of good points. I know they have limitations on space, but I wished she would have gone into more detail on the pitfalls of "free" parking, but I would have loved to have read a longer article on the entire subject.
  11. Well, the PDF link that I put up there shows how much land and where they plan on purchasing the land, but I think they are just in the ROW acquisition stage and wouldn't doubt if the uptown line be going online at about the same time U-line is done.
  12. I came across an article in the River Oaks examiner (Link) that mentions how Metro is looking to get more ROW on Post Oak. The way they're making it sound (to me) is they're grabbing HUGE swaths of land, when I looked at the PDF provided, it seems like they're only going to grab land about 8 feet or so into various properties, which I expected. Not saying that the article is incorrect, but it's interesting on how they mention the square footage, instead of just the rough dimensions. The way I read the article, it seems like the author WANTED to give a negative slant against the Rail, particularly because it takes up a piece of the "Water Wall".
  13. Dude! Hello! How about Asian Indians? Feather or Dot, they both have a potential for being sex offenders.
  14. Noticed that abandoned old building on Pierce (Bordered by Gray, Hutchins, and Bastrop) finally is getting torn down. While at least it's getting rid of some blight, do you think there are additional plans for it? Townhomes seem fairly unlikely there.
  15. But then you run the risk of some yahoo looking it up and randomly assaulting or burning down their house. There has already been a case or two of that as I've seen on the news. Try again.
  16. Well, that happens quite a bit here in Houston. You have morons that come into town here and blow off the tickets as well. So your problem isn't unique at that point. The only satisfaction you should have is that if they eventually come back and get more tickets, they will eventually get booted. Still, a $17 ticket isn't that big of a deal.
  17. Well, I was wondering if that was the case since they didn't use the same symbols on the H-TC. Once construction starts there, I'm going to be interested to see how they handle the problem of those basins filling up during the heavy rainstorms. I'm still a little bummed about the 2015 completion date, but at least it looks like the ball is finally rolling.
  18. Renee' really surprised me. She's the female Jack. Don't really see Chloe as a wimp, she still has moxie to take on a new boss. Even in the corporate world, few people are willing to talk to their boss like that.
  19. Realistically, it's not the answer. But it would be fun to fantasize about doing a live "running man" with the higher risk ones.
  20. I agree! If it isn't prostitution related (I'm still putting my money on that), then it's probably someone she knew.
  21. Well, I've been putting off my purchase of a kindle ever since I heard Apple coming out with a product that MIGHT compete with the kindle. I'll drink the koolaid, but I'm hoping it's not over $600, plus it has to show it's a rugged little sucker.
  22. Just saw the broadcast and what really piqued my interest was that they hoped to have it online by 2015 (!). Looking at the engineering plans, the thing that jumped out and surprised me was the engineering drawings that showed the last station being at Hillcroft, but the line seems to be continuing up until Fondren. The only reason that I could think of is to line up the trains to be ready for "the rush" during the commuting hours. On the east end, there are plans to actually go ahead and the terminus will be at the East End Transit Center which was something that I thought they were talking about EVENTUALLY completing. Another thing that struck me is how much of the Hillcroft parking lot they are going to use for the maintenance depot there. I wonder if they're going to build a multilevel parking garage there, it makes me wonder if the "structures" might be exactly that. Since there aren't the same indicators like those over at the Eastwood transit center, it's just hard to tell. Now, if I'm reading this right (Niche?), they plan on keeping the retention pond, but building OVER it and putting the rails on platforms. Kinda' makes me wonder what it's going to be like with corrosion of those pillars in the future. The rest of the plans are just over my head. This is going to be quite interesting and it seems like a better line than what was discussed initially, but still a pity it couldn't go through A-Oaks and serve lower uptown, but in the end, there was the opportunity to gain more parking for people. Eh. It's a wash...pity we lose the doggy park, though.
  23. If I remember correctly, the increase of patrols that were made in the area were paid for with a grant money of some sort, but was only able to do it for a few months. Just remember, heavy patrols won't protect Mr. Smith from taking out Mrs. Smith because she forgot to buy cheesey poofs.
  24. Figure this is just as good a place as any to post this: CONTRACTOR/SBE Workshop Showcasing 2010 METRO opportunities tomorrow Jan.21,7:30A -12:30 at the GRB
  25. Do you have an idea in mind or wondering what can be done? You're right, in an ideal world, there would be no ex-cons that pose a potential risk to others. The reality is that they all have to live somewhere and as Niche pointed out, to relegate them to some place that meets the conditions you propose, there would be an outcry from whatever area you shunt them to and perhaps be on Welfare to be able to afford the basics. of course, that would need stores...nah.. Perhaps put them on an island in the middle of nowhere and airdrop supplies from time to time. That would be a reality show to watch!
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