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Everything posted by ricco67

  1. Just so you know, Metro still has the park and ride option. One of my friends came in parking at the Aramco Parking lot. Additionally, he said there were more than a few buses at East side of the Reliant complex.
  2. Why do people still use the "We can't evacuate the city on the rail system" comment? Sorry, but I think that's one of the most idiotic statements/arguments ever. Then again, in a city this size, all you have to do is go to the west side of town to escape most of the damage. But wait! Let's use that example, perhaps we can use the (built out system) as a way to get people on the trains to go to the Hillcroft transit center as a CENTRALIZED way to get on a bus for those people that don't have cars! Maybe we CAN use it to evacuate the city.
  3. Geocities link? Really? I remember a good portion of that and I can (to some extent) verify what you state, however, I don't recall the aftermath of what happened. Aside from the Red line being built to SPITE Tom Delay, I never heard anything of the bill afterward.
  4. It would be a safe bet that the uptown line wouldn't start construction until after the Richmond line would be well underway. I would imagine in about 2 yrs, maybe a few months more.
  5. Do people really go around posting on Architecture sites talking about old buildings and construction sites? Everyone has something they're into.
  6. Wow. How the hell and WHEN did it happen?
  7. I haven't read the links, but I'm curious as to what exactly persuaded them to make this decision.
  8. I've said before, that when I went to the rodeo (or baseball), I sometimes did a headcount that was fairly close to 280-290 in a car. If you're not fond of close quarters, it wasn't the place to be! Supposedly the new versions are going are rated to hold 282 people per car, but I'm sure you can count on cramming a few more. Edit: The current cars are said to hold about 241.
  9. KTRK managed to put up a link on the story.
  10. Just because its legal to do something, doesn't always mean you should go ahead and it. its of very little comfort If you wind up as a/in corpse/jail because of something you did WAS legal. People are showing less sense in social situations every day.
  11. The news reporter wasn't being specific as to who said it. Apparently they (shop owners) held a meeting sometime today about the matter. I think it's a crock, they used the same basic arguments when 610 was slated to go under construction and it was delayed several years because of their BS.
  12. According to a KTRK Blurb on the line: Galleria business owners are starting to get cold feet about the future line. Many complain that it will bring heavy congestion and some business are already thinking about shutting down the doors and moving elsewhere. The argument that Metro states that it will bring shoppers to the galleria, many business owners stated that "If people can't afford to drive their cars to this area, then they can't ultimately can not afford to buying products at many of these stores." I think there is some disinformation is going on from somewhere, the business owners claim that METRO will be starting construction there at the end of this year, but there is nothing Metro can do until the U-line is well underway.
  13. They just raised the crane today by at least 3 sections. Couldn't stick around to watch. That made me sad.
  14. I almost bought a pair of "Air Nice" at a market before. Love the "alternate" names to the knock offs.
  15. Looks like the conspiracy nuts are now hunting for something to believe in. http:// Apparently, they're starting to cling on the fact that fire equipment happen to be across the street proves that this was a planned event. Idiots. Edit: I'm among those I guess, I can't even embed anymore. she mentions the equipment at 3:00
  16. Sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not. Life is full of these little inconveniences, at least, that's what I keep telling my college kid. Esp when she whines about some injustice done to her. Being an adult sucks and I want my legos back.
  17. I used to hit quite a number of flea markets around town, and the only advice I can give you is that you have to try them all. You'll come across some of the same crap (Pirated videos, Games, resold computers), but if you are persistent enough, you might actually find something kinda' cool. Generally I have to agree with LTAWACS is that most of it is garbage, but one man's trash...
  18. Well, I am glad that you're able to handle the blows in life with composure. I've met people that simply would have fallen apart as the lives they knew fell apart and sincerely wish you the best on that.
  19. That's another thing that really irks me. The insurance isn't going to pay off on the house due to arson, so they are still going to have to pay on that mortgage. If he had Life insurance, I highly doubt that they will pay off due to suicide and ditto for the plane. If the wife is lucky, people will NOT sue her (for whatever reason), if they do, she's screwed. He did far more damage to his family, along with those hurt in his act of stupidity then he could have possibly imagined. The only people that are going to be grateful to him are the poor schmucks who's records he burned up at the IRS office. Maybe. Burn in hell Stack.
  20. should have added the word "IN" that statement. But still, people are going to go nuts about it. There was already a report on CNN about security at small airports. Screw it, they're going to harp on Austin all day. I'm going to watch "The Good Earth" on TCM in a bit.
  21. Wow. Better off dead I say. Any bets on when the News reports are going to ask "WHY was he able to get a plane with no flight plan?" and make up some idiot rules involving small aircraft? Once again, closing the door after the sheep have left the barn.
  22. Dude! Posting them would be awesome. Anything that I might be missing or overlooked on this line would be appreciated!
  23. Well, we were talking about doing several "Before" and "During" pics on the Eastline thread. We never seemed to get it off the ground, so I had some extra time and did a good portion of it. Just wasn't able to get pics of the transit center and the Rusk portion of the lines. Maybe during baseball season.
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