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citizen4rmptown last won the day on October 23 2011

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  1. Eh. You probably would've made the cut. I biked over around that time to make the line at 7 AM and estimate that I was safely among the first 50 people. The branded Midtown tote bag was nice. Also appreciated that they opened doors early.
  2. Love the zoolander reference! Haha, watched the movie again just last thursday.
  3. Yeah, simply echoing the previous comments... But I think we can rationally come to an agreement that the floor reduction is a good thing. One of the few times you'll hear us saying that, but given the location, it's fine.
  4. An important thing to note from the article for this tower is With so much other office construction downtown, it should be a challenge to get this off the ground with prelease commitments. I really hate the location of this tower though. There are many other spots of downtown that need development. I actually wish this one was shorter, even half it's size just because of the location it's in, but I'm all for anything that adds to our skyline.
  5. Downtown, easily. Even with the upcoming construction, Downtown's skyline will not radically change because the new Chevron Tower is so similar to the former Enron complex. And the other towers at the other bookend of Downtown appear to cover up the other in certain angles. So from the well-known "skyline district" angle, a supertall behind our famous frontline skyscrapers is really the only height that would be able to be make an impact(unless it's a skyscraper that is built in the gaps of the district) Although it makes for different angles from every direction, which is neat, the fact that the most famous angle of downtown is dominated by enormous and tall skyscrapers in the forefront, it makes it difficult for new towers to make a noticeable impact. Look at BG Place/MainPlace, a 600 footer is almost entirely masked from this angle. Just think how much more dense our skyline would appear if the tallest DT towers were in a central core, instead of concentrated linearly on one half of DT. But I do appreciate having so many different looks to DT.
  6. New pictures posted from the Houston Dynamo's FB : WOW!
  7. Flying 497 by Fifthof7, on Flickr
  8. I found a good update: Needs to be viewed in original to see the pedestrian bridge! Link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ehimages/6750288231/sizes/o/in/photostream/
  9. I know this is an old thread, but the recent houston flickrstream shows a lot of good images of this building, I'd say it was a pretty good design that culminated quite nicely. Downtown Houston, Texas by marideab photography, on Flickr Downtown Houston, Texas by marideab photography, on Flickr Downtown Houston, Texas by marideab photography, on Flickr
  10. New Dynamo Stadium Renderings: Houston Buisiness Journal http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2011/10/13/slideshow-inside-the-new-dynamo-stadium.html New Houston Dynamo Stadium Updates, courtesy of the Dynamo website. http://www.houstondynamo.com/news/2011/10/stadium-questions-matt-doffing
  11. wow, best day for Houston sports in forever, Astros beat the Giants 7-5, 4 W's in a row, Dynamo beat Real Salt Lake 3-2 on a goal with litterally seconds left in the game, and Texans win their 2nd preseason game against the Saints 27-14!

  12. Cool. What are they, and the posts level?
  13. Pseudo-subway, sounds cool, and is better for the community, isn't it? But, looks like not too many people are happy about additional funds provided by the CoH. Chron Article: http://blog.chron.com/newswatch/2011/07/metro-city-to-pay-for-more-for-east-end-rail-line/
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