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Everything posted by webdude

  1. I can't see the map clearly to know whether a grocery store will be in there. Is there an area slated for grocery? Whole Foods will be awesome, and yes a perfect fit.
  2. Lots of places have them buried, it makes surroundings look less ugly and less third world (except third world don't have much electricity and telephone, its a figure of speech).
  3. Tact does not mean dishonest. You can be tactful and honest (even steadfast honest). And I don't hate you (if you think I am one of your haters). You said you are still engage in the earlier stages. . That is a problem. I merely pointed out a solution.
  4. He already said he is financially stable many times, how about some of that experienced advice on how for him to get the girl or family building.
  5. He keeps saying he is financially stable, but in the process of getting a girl, so the advice without the money is appropriate. But please go ahead and add both your money making secrets and girl getting family building advice (unless you too have challenges) here.
  6. One thing at a time, get a family first, without one, that advice would be kind of jumping th gun, you are welcome to add your money making secrets now if you like. But to really help him, perhaps you can share your girl getting, marriage, family building secrets, or don't you have one either?
  7. Without tact, the best of intentions comes across as [negative connotation here], You will need some tact to get girls.
  8. TheNiche, the matter is not about the technique as it is about making assumptions on others that they are not doing either or both already, or implying that your situation is the same as theirs, or that you know better. For example, here is some advice for you. You might want to check out your capability to have a child and family. Its really not that hard. First, you got to have a girlfriend. Then you got to get married, Get tested before or after you marry, see whether you have any problems, then I am sure you don't need to be taught the next one, or if you don't, I can help you. I owe my good family standing to my ability to get a wife. Seriously, you owe it to your parents to give them some grandkids to play with.
  9. They can it get from someone qualified though, and certainly not from random strangers who act like they know his situation well, or act like their own dissimilar situation makes a good case study for his.
  10. Wow, that sounds like a lot of help you got there, and I take it you don't have kids, all these certainly disqualifies you to be advising others on frugality or parenting frugality. Ppl without kids are always trying to give advice to parents or act like they know parents' lives and struggles.
  11. No evidence does not mean its not happening though, if I want to join in a conspiracy to lower gas prices to help my party get elected, I am going to do it discreetly, and definitely use the winter demand as a shield. Of course, this is not evidence, otherwise all hell will break loose already.
  12. ugly, flat, dirty? who knows
  13. I was there two months ago. Are you talking about the fountain? It seems they added some kind of color into it. The whole water setup was kind of run down and unpleasant, and had a ghetto feeling to it, don't know why they even bother turning the fountain on. The whole hong kong city mall wasn't even Hong Kong like or Chinese for that matter. It was all Vietnamese signs and mostly Vietnamese businesses in there.
  14. Thats a lot of books to be balancing on hands and arms
  15. How would they carry the books?
  16. Wow. I am sure he or she did not know that posting this way is not acceptable to us gun toting rednecks from Houston.
  17. You got diarrhea from aranda's before? I ate there before and nothing happened, yet
  18. It should be one state under gods since we have so many.
  19. Interesting name for a sneaker store, the exact same name as the title of the popular book.
  20. Thanks, I really like Indian food. Is pratha north or south indian or both food? What about naan, common staple?
  21. As our national buffoon always like to say 'It is hard work', especially to undo years of entrenched crap created by buffoon and friends.
  22. Whatever happened to the good old days when politicians at least tried to cover corruption. Ahhh, bush and friends, always one controversy after another, better than hollywood crap.
  23. Right on, but media and tourism just seem so much sexier, I mean more interesting than agriculture and energy.
  24. I seldom get ppl asking for id, sometimes I think its good that I don't have to go through that hassle, but sometimes, I do think otherwise. I once saw a guy using a credit card that has a photo id of a lady at Captain Toms. I didn't say anything because I was too chicken to make a scene. I understand the need to verify, VISA, Mastercard charges big bucks, and chargeback costs from the merchant account provider is even more. Too many of those and they can get a small business owner shut down.
  25. As a consumer, I hope we let the market decide a little. We saw what happened when engineers design cars based on engineers view.
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