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Everything posted by webdude

  1. Didn't even know there was such stupid ban in the first place. What kind of idiots would want to encourage such a ban in the first place? Never mind.
  2. LOL, at 'its the only way to truly have freedom', I think the last 7 years speak for themselves with republicans holding so much power (ok 6yrs). Look at the crap we are in now. I hope these idiots learn their lesson that the country is not only about jesus christ usa issues, and start using their brains a little more this time round before voting.
  3. Kind of like the new texas, modernish. The worst was that cut and paste of icons all over.
  4. Interesting, its not a standalone Denny's. BTW, What do you folks think, which is better (or less crappy) Ihop or Denny's
  5. I don't come to haif often or stay long enough each visit, but its a nice place to find out about whats happening. That doesn't mean I am working hard though, just surfing and stumbling elsewhere.
  6. Unfortunately, there is too much controversy around his god in government stance plus some other extreme ideas that I too have my doubts. But I do find him really consistent and sincere of the bunch. Maybe being too consistent and not playing enough politician is why he is still down.
  7. The most honest sincere consistent one I can think of is Ron Paul, but you seem to dislike him most. Such is the nature of politics, maybe you should run.
  8. I am just happy to hear any of the candidates speak; its refreshing to hear presidential candidates who can speak properly, compared to the stammering clown currently in office.
  9. If only we had a government that just criticize and does nothing, then we wouldn't be in so much crap right now. The country is in a much worse shape, international standing in the toilet, money deficit down the drain, civil liberties lost, because we offered solutions. The act of implementing a solution, any solution, no matter how crappy was deem more important, that is why we are in the shape we are now. Let's attack anywhere, cause we got attacked. Lets take our citizens liberty, cause we want to protect them. Let borrow money, cause we need an even bigger military. I would rather they had done nothing, then that would actually be doing the best thing ever.
  10. They have their own set of problems, but I would certainly agree that it isn't as messy as what we have, and I certainly have one less worry for my family if we have that kind of system right now. LOL. I agree with all except maybe our kids' education. Many companies have a conflict of interest in prolonging war so folks will buy weapons, building materials, and other related services, but they don't really called it war, its call rebuilding, bringing democracy and such. Except there is a lag time in that free market where some folks will get harm or die first before the business eventually goes out of business.
  11. The government steals from everyone to fund a bunch of stuff from wars to farmers. Everyone has their own version of what should be used for, what is wasted and what is theft. If I can choose, I rather not pay taxes, but since I have to, I rather it be wasted on healthcare. That is like in the same importance to me as fire department and police to me. I had the experience of really going though our current health care system and tackle insurance companies, it is really broken. Rather than wasting money overseas, I would rather they waste it in trying to get healthcare right.
  12. I don't know whether we did survive yet, if only the damage can be limited to just 8 years. The damages done in the last 7 years will last a really really long time. I am not in to Obama that much, but contrast that with Huckabee, I see no choice, because I just cannot take another religious nut for another 8 (or 4 years) after seeing what happened with this current one.
  13. webdude

    Austin Sprawl?

    Then its even worse than I thought. That is like the closest to a well integrated, really in the heart of it all park.
  14. webdude

    Austin Sprawl?

    No, like the way we are going to create discovery green, which is a green space that is easily accessible from work and living space (well living space around there still has long ways to go), unlike those parks you mention which are less integrated and less accessible, to the detriment of civic well being. I believe we were talking about civic mindness, because of less or lack of it of it, has resulted in parks and green space that required by most to get there by freeways and roads. I am staying on topic about civic mindedness. The mentality of freeways as the answer to everything is not of civic mindedness. Yeah, they can be closer and more assessable from work and living space though, which can be in the best interests of the greatest number of ppl.
  15. webdude

    Austin Sprawl?

    Then you got to try harder then, cause I don't really see what point you are trying to argue with my statement beside semantics?
  16. webdude

    Austin Sprawl?

    Its not different, the same point still stands. And you are trying too hard. I am talking unnecessary structures. I don't hate concrete, and I like it in trails, but not if it is used to make unnecessarily huge parking lots.
  17. webdude

    Austin Sprawl?

    It didn't stop other dense cities from creating their discovery green parks, some before their real estate prices soar. And yes, it is speculative, but it is logical to think that if other dense cities have done it, and did it bigger or more, it could have been possible here too. Are you trying to say that because it is not dense or a younger city here, so no matter what level of civic mindedness, it could not have happen? It is a younger city, but the boom happened a long while ago. How do you figure that because something is built earlier, it should be left unmaintained. For civic well being, we should have paid more attention and clean it up, regardless of when the problem was created. I would say its a mix, certainly let it happened, but also not to let it bulldoze its way through. Less one thing to be concern about when it comes to preserving something for the well being of the community.
  18. webdude

    Austin Sprawl?

    If Houston had more of those 70s civic mindedness, discovery green would have been here sooner, maybe even more of it, or maybe there wouldn't be a need to built it from the ground up if some green had been preserved . Bayous wouldn't have so much fecal material in too. Then again, it is hard to have that kind of civic mindedness with the lack of natural beauty to preserve and love of concrete.
  19. webdude

    Austin Sprawl?

    At least it sticks, try putting 'progressive' with 'conservative', its like oil and water, 'conservative' and 'backwards' goes very well together though.
  20. I think they are trying to attract ppl to visit, not move here. Ppl are already moving here in droves with jobs and low cost of living, while cashing out their real estate investments. Its image and tourism that we have a problem with. They probably want them to stay away but those meeting convention, tourism dollars and businesses relocating, setting up shop, bringing in investments looks kinda of nice. I think the money would be best used to upgrade the quality of the attractions, or in my dreams, linking up all those attractions with some kind of high speed transportation.
  21. Others take it down, not them. Sometimes, its gone in a day, sometimes a few days, but I don't think they are the ones taking it down. Their spam signs are worse than those mortgage, painting, christmas light installation signs. It is bigger, bolder, more aggressively placed and with more frequency, they probably hope their signs will stay there forever like those in the mason area.
  22. I certainly have my doubts, 'signs are nice and tasteful', 'I was disappointed that they didn't post signs for the grand opening', 'I stopped by and it was pretty nice', 'I was looking for info for their new year's plans', 'It may be their initial attempt to let ppl know', 'Its called advertising' and all in the first post. And the very act of registering just to praise about a retail location certainly goes with a spammer's behavior. And guess what, this morning, these clowns spamed and littered all over the neighborhood again, and lo and behold, its their new year eve plans he/she just inquired, posted about. What a coincidence huh. I just pick up some of their litter, my friends and neighbors would be taking more of them down.
  23. Now that is weird too. Because that is what email spammers would also say: delete your email if you don't want to see it. I do pick up the trash and litter sometimes, and deleted my spam, but it is a hassle, and it wasn't the point, littering is one thing, littering as a way to ask for support is another. I still have my doubts about your relation to enzo, but you too enjoy the holidays if you see this post.
  24. We should have both types to choose from. You folks say it as if one has to be exclusive of the other. When ppl hope for density, they don't want it for the whole area, they are just hoping for a few more pockets of density, or just a few areas to get denser, so stop dramatizing it as if the whole 610 is going to get filled up, government taking over, prices going through the roof. Just want some choices of really dense areas, which is kind of lacking. It is kind of impossible to fill up the inner loop anyway.
  25. That weird, that's the kind of reaction email spammers often imagine their spam gets. You know like 'I saw the ad to add inches and they really peaked my interest., I thought the copy was nice and tasteful. Actually, I was disappointed they didn't show the before and after results.' But how nice of enzo, ask for the community to support their business by littering the community. And I don't know about the banners. If I stick the banners in their owners' or the spammer's ass, it would also be considered advertising, considering all the attention they would get, but they don't seem to be doing it. Plus, there is already a permanent signage available that lists all the businesses there already. Some banners have been there a long time, passed any initial opening stage. The good thing is that those banners don't go beyond that area, except for enzo's, which was littered all over katy. I just can't understand how enzo can ask for a neighborhood's support by littering all over it. I have to ask, are you an employee, manager, related to enzo, or the litter on a stick spammer? Because it is kind of strange that your first post would promote this place and even praise their littering of the neighborhood.
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