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Everything posted by BeerNut

  1. Southwest was against the Texas triangle because during that time the Wright amendment limited where they could fly from Love field. That's no longer the case so maybe Southwest is interested in flexibility for more profitable routes since they're gate limited. SNCF sided with the anti TCR crowd...probably still salty since they were one of the front runners for the Texas Triangle.
  2. People in Houston are spoiled with princess parking. Like others have said there are several garages nearby, street parking a couple blocks away, and a light rail stop. Maybe they should have parking fees on all the lots and tie to the fees to park maintenance and improvement.
  3. Looks cool, too bad I'm out of town this weekend. :( Maybe in the future they could make a city wide Night Light like Signal Festival in Prague...
  4. Isn't HOB as a brand on the decline? Their booking seems lacking, people that probably would have played there are now playing at WOMH. Not much hope for Greentstreet with HOB as the anchor.
  5. To build a "better" strip mall...
  6. Yeah not sure how that will translate into worker and upstream confidence... Several people I know said they're done with O&G after getting laid off during the start of the pandemic.
  7. Oil prices are up but I doubt we'll be seeing any kind of boom in Houston. I feel this is more of a blip than anything sustainable. What's everyone else's thought?
  8. Unmoderated comments on news sites are always a dumpster fire of boomer logic.
  9. Also Common Bond at Ion https://www.commonbondcafe.com/location/common-bond-on-the-go-ion/
  10. Even METRO admits that light rail is a huge development catalyst. One of the board members said as much during a meeting.
  11. I went this past Sunday around 7 and it was packed with almost all the general seating occupied.
  12. This map shows Residential Parking Permit Streets. https://mycity.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7073a31bffaa44e49c49ecd45792ea7a
  13. I wonder if there will be more of these with so many companies switching to wfh.
  14. Laid off Permian Basin roughneck walking into interviews "I hear y'all looking for a few good hands"
  15. The lighting on 609 Main crown wasn't installed properly so instead of fixing it he built Texas Tower with superior crown lighting to cover it up.
  16. I work O&G on the production side... Still no concrete plans to return to office full time. Some divisions have low key said they won't be returning to full time ever and will be switching to a hybrid model in the future. 2020 & 2021 put us way behind on everything...if it could be deferred it was, exploration was non-existent, cap ex on new projects was slow rolled, and money was cut everywhere they could. $100 might be back but it's not like the old days, things are more reserved. Everyone kinda knows we're on borrowed time, it's not uncommon now for the field hands to tell their kids/friends to not follow in their foot steps.
  17. The price point will be the biggest determining factor. Might appeal to someone that spends more time at work than home. Also with everything deliverable how often do you need to drive anywhere if you're already walking/taking public transit to work?
  18. I'm sure it's COVID related. Downtown pedestrian traffic is still way down. My company keeps pushing back their return to office.
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