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Everything posted by hindesky

  1. Houston Meat Distributors has moved out and a crew is taking down the shelves inside.
  2. Allora is the work force brand of apartments by Trammel Crow.
  3. I went by this last weekend and nothing had started yet but with all the COH permits it should be starting soon.
  4. Looks like Corpus Christi is jumping on the office to apartments conversion craze.
  5. I know of 4 in the greater Houston area. 1. Main St. at Montrose Blvd. 2. Washington Ave. at Wescott St. 3. South side of the Washburn Tunnel. 4. North side of the Washburn Tunnel.
  6. "Matt and Sarah are preparing to open the Houston Toy Museum on October 6 after a soft opening and a ribbon-cutting ceremony the day before. The museum will be located at 321 W. 19th Street, Suite C." https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/trending/article/Houston-Toy-Museum-Heights-17462724.php
  7. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/inno/stories/news/2022/09/14/rice-awarded-15m-grant-innovation-hub-expansion.html "Rice University and its partners in an "innovation node" have been awarded another $15 million grant from the National Science Foundation's Innovation Corps program to add five more schools to their partnership."
  8. "The Kinder Foundation on Friday announced a $50 million grant to the Kinder Institute for Urban Research, more than tripling its endowment and ensuring longevity for the Rice University-based consortium." https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/education/article/Kinder-Foundation-gives-Rice-Universtity-17461950.php
  9. I'm not sure this permit is what is being done here but I couldn't find any other permits for Minute Maid.
  10. Construction fence and netting. They took down all the trees in this northwest corner of the stadium block. Anyone know what they have planned for this area?
  11. False alarm, truck was loaded out and leaving when I went by, looks like they just did an asphalt patch job.
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