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Everything posted by Avossos

  1. You make an interesting point that i have pondered a few times. All this development thats happening... of which maybe 30% is worth keeping around for long periods of time, while the other 70% is either average or bad. Lets say some of that bad are in great locations, and that as density increases, these will become the weakest link in their perspective areas. Just like natural selection, the weakest link will be the first to go... likely to be redeveloped into something better (where the same 30 / 70 ratio applies). Over time, the 30% will stay and be added to. In a way, this could be a good thing that allows areas to freshen up or reinvent. This is happening now, with garden style apartments. the short term buildings serve a purpose, even if they arent architectually interesting or beautiful. This phenomanon is happening now off i10 in First Ward / Heights. Those wharehouses will come down, one by one, until none are left. the suburban style makes sense as a replacement now... gaining residents in the area and retail options. Soon the need for higher density will be there and then the large parking lots wont make economic or development sense. Houston's average building under construction inside the loop mayhave been 2-4 stories a decade ago, but now the average is say, 7-9 (guess). At some point that average will go up. Point is, big steps forward are great, but small steps are a great sign too. I am just happy Houston is going the right direction.
  2. I had a community meeting last night, many of whom are very involved with city council. The police chief has been adamant supposedly about it not functioning correctly in a high rise. Also he is outspoken how much their current situation is hindering their operations
  3. Supposedly there is some significant push back from the police.
  4. not happening anymore via Eater Houston... El Tiempo wont close. which means this apartment building wont go up... kind of a weird way to find out about it.
  5. I think we should sit back and see how many of the 5,000 units granted (approx) get built. in a few years, maybe they can do another one - if it is needed... hopefully it wont be needed. if only 3,500 get built. I wouldnt mind seeing the city bring those back as available.
  6. Can we get a summary? I can't see past the pay wall unfortunately. I hope this is still play for the courts
  7. Correct. Zero activity. Dirt looks like it was pushed around a month or 2 ago. No construction fence or anything
  8. so essentially they are just remodeling the old store....?
  9. I hate that excuse so much. we made it uglier because the area is ugly.
  10. I love this building. With some modern / cool lighting... this could be super mod and geometric. I hope they don't mess it up too much. NO GLASS COVER
  11. This would be the most majestic thing to happen in Downtown Houston... Trash pit eyesoar to W Hotel??? Is that even possible? I want to believe it.
  12. I think this is a pretty cool project. huge undertaking too. As Monarch said, it does feel European. Someplace I think alot of people (surbanites for one) would enjoy.
  13. I love how they can see through the oil downturn. They specifically mention that as the oil rebounds, they development would open in 2017... plus Houston is diversified... It would be nice if everyone could see through the fog so well.
  14. OK - just to get clarity on this... the picture above that says "Hotel" would be the same design for the residential units?
  15. They could use it as large court rooms considering the size of it. Would it be better to put the courts toward the lower floors and offices above?
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