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Everything posted by gto250us

  1. Sounds like fun BUT that water is literally crappy. Every station along the Bayou with ecoli measurement are usually above the EPA 394 standard for contact recreation. In other words, Should you really be touching that water?
  2. It is no secret of what kind of human she is. Thus I would assume that the folks who vote her into office condone that type of behavior. It is the same type of collective mentality that kept voting Marion Berry into office.
  3. It is no secret of what kind of human she is. Thus I would assume that the folks who vote her into office condone that type of behavior. It is the same type of collective mentality that kept voting Marion Berry into office.
  4. There is no doubt that the buildings in the 1921 photo are all associated with Rice. Just look at both the topo map and the Rice plan map. There is no doubt that the building in the center of the third pic, with the Trolly car is Autry House between Main and Fannan. And there is no doubt that the building at the far right side of the Life photo is Rice Univ. Lovett Hall. END OF STORY
  5. Could this be a reflection of who votes for her?
  6. I sent a request to Metro via their Website asking for detailed construction timelines. Here is the response. "Detailed construction timelines are not available. However, if you have a particular location that you are interested in please let us know and we will try to relay approximate construction start dates in your location." Donna Lane Stakeholder Affairs Representative Now I find it hard to believe that timelines are not "available". Did they not have a "groundbreaking"? Or was that just some kind of propaganda BS?
  7. I will take Too DamnCold over too damnhot anyday. I've been snow camping at 20 below and still stayed plenty warm. Here, the only way to stay comfortable at 100 is to stay cooped up someplace. Nah, Houston sucks big time when it comes to climate and topography.
  8. Has any other major sports stadium avoided the wrecking ball after they were replaced? I can not think of any.
  9. The county needs to face facts, wake up and smell the coffee, No Body Wants The Damn Dome. The Astros didn't want it. The Oilers didn't want it. The Texans sure don't want it. The Rodeo doesn't want it. The Rockets don't need it. The soccer team, whatever they are called, don't want it. It has been unused for how long now? Geeze, the county just doesn't get. They are suffering from the Bagwell Syndrome.
  10. I am not sure that I see train tracks anywhere. There may be tracks just beyond to reflecting pool. They appear to go where the current kiddy train goes. I do see the oil derricks at Pierce Junction Oil field on the horizon, just to the left of the crease. There is a dark line just below, which looks like a train going to Pierce Junction.
  11. I would tell the seller to have the power turned on in his name. Go visit prior to closing to see that all in fine. If power is not on or things are not fine. NO DEAL.
  12. I am sorry but I don't think this picture shows the railroad. The picture is pointing just west of south at the Hermann Park statue and reflecting pool. The main Rice building is just barely visible at the far right side of the picture. The Power House and railroad would be much further to the right, outside of the picture.
  13. What - You only want hear positive responses? Can't take an opposing view? AH - I think I hear violins.
  14. TEA is a joke. Texas school requirements make education in Texas among the lowest in the nation. It is an embarrassment. Kid graduate from high school and if they go to college outside of Texas they have a rude awakening about how baddly they have been shortchanged by the TEA and Texas schools in general.
  15. I suspect that there is not a limit of six story, just a change in code requirements for greater that six stories. Thus more costs.
  16. This guy gives me the creeps, big time. Just like some slimy used car salesman. And that Bimbo wife of his. I find it mind blowing that he attracts as many that he does. Just goes to show you that half the people in the world are more stupid than the average guy.
  17. What does it take in Texas to get an involuntary insanity commitment? This women needs to be put away someplace. Is there a petition that we can sign? Can a judge sign some paper?
  18. The six story limit may have something to do with fire fighting code.
  19. Nothing special identifies the Constable contracted out to the Heights from other constables. I don't think that the HPD are contracted out, except those who work on their own time at parking and security work. Those guys cannot use cop cars. Usually in my neighborhood you can recognize them because they are the same person every day.
  20. WOW - A grow house. That is the best idea that I have heard yet. All these stupid, idiotic ideas involving Hotels, Movie Studios, Housing, etc. The damn place is a white elephant and a dump. It needs to be torn down. Move On. But Free Weed for Everyone. That is an idea whose time has come.
  21. Hey its just and old broken down mission with a giant gift shop.
  22. These things are a piece of Crap. But, some poor slob will end up buying them and be happy. There are tons of houses in Houston that are just a crappy. I is amazing what gets built and sold in this town. Oh yeah, it passes code. The problem is that Houston codes are a joke.
  23. Jawohl mein Kommandant
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