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Everything posted by gto250us

  1. I think that ABC is just biased as Fox, but the other way. These media folks on both ends of the spectrum preach to the converted. They have their audience and they pump them. Their livelyhood depends on it. So, Air America, Pacifica, Fox, Rush, all spew their brand of crap for their audience. I don't think that Rush or Fox make right wacko's more legit, maybe only to those who are themselves wacked. Those in the middle catch hell from both sides. Look at Arlen Specter, or Collins and Snow in Maine. They pretty much stand in the middle and they are always ridiculed by members of both parties. Thank god for beer and whiskey.
  2. The political spectrum is now dominated by the wackos at both of the extremes. The Bush II era pushed the pendulum way too far to the right. As a result, things are now swinging way to far to the left. The rational folks who sit in the middle end up getting screwed either way. This is what sucks.
  3. I guarantee that HPD was stopping and checking all cars on Woodhead. I got stopped and they wrote me up for expired inspection sticker. They were pretty much their usual pricks about it all too. This was around 1997-1999.
  4. I suspect that they meant that one could walk to a bus and them get that to a train. There is no way that one could walk to a train station from anywhere. I don't think that concept is on anyone's radar screen.
  5. Perhaps this can tie it all together. Does anyone think that Obama's speech to the school children really will encourage the illegal students to wash their hands so that they don't need health insurance?
  6. Does anyone know what will happen if I plug my cable TV line into a 220 volt socket?
  7. See, letting that left handed business go unchecked has caused this country to veer much too far to the left.
  8. I am willing to bet that an overwhelming majority of the crashes which occur on freeways involving stopped vehicles is due to DRUNK DRIVING. A greater effort needs to be made on that side of the equation. I don't know what the answer is. Perhaps stiffer consequences rather than the slap on the wrist that many offenders end up getting.
  9. I was stopped at one on the HWY between Corpus and Brownsville one night. It was set up by boarder patrol. Also, the same thing on I-10 east of El Paso. Both of these were more than 15 years ago. HPD set up a block on Woodhead between Westheimer and Richmond. They stopped everyone and checked licenses. This was about 10 years ago.
  10. BS - Color does not matter. There are plenty of lily white Canadians in the country illegally.
  11. Things started to go to hell in this country when we gave women the vote. Obama? HE LIES!
  12. Ok - Point made. I guess the other end of the spectrum is that we just throw open the doors. Everyone comes and goes as they please and we all hug each other and sing Kumbaya. I guess that the bottom line is that immigration law should encourage folks of do it legally rather than illegally.
  13. It used to be that Houston had a 7-11 or a Stop-N-Steal on every corner. Now we find either a Walgreens or CVS on just about every corner. I don't know, is it a sign that we are all aging and sick? At least big pharma is doing its best to convince us all that we are sick. Oh, no my restless leg syndrome is kicking in, I need to walk over to CVS and get more boner pills since I can no longer sleep at night because I am depressed about my acid reflux.
  14. A person who appears to have limited means of support and who was obviously born in another nation should provide enough probable cause for an investigation. Bottom line illegal immigrants are breaking the law and are thus criminals. They should not be protected from prosecution. It should be no different than any other criminal.
  15. Simple, confirming one legal status in the US should be deemed a reasonable search not unreasonable. That will come in time.
  16. True, but the resources of the BT is sort of like pissing on a forest fire. As far as the fence goes, parts of it are turning up in recycling centers.
  17. It is rather insane to have laws on the books which make an activity (namely crossing the US border from another country without proper documentation) of individuals illegal and then governments tell the local law enforcement agencies that the can not enforce those laws.
  18. Morning Edition does not typically broadcast from different cities. Usually they have one anchor in DC and the other in LA. They may go to other cities 2 or 3 times a year.
  19. I noticed a crane at the Mall side of the walkway over Gessner. Does anyone know what will be built at that connection point with the walkway. Will it be one store? or an additional "wing" with many stores?
  20. I could not agree more. I remember the last go around on this issue and the opposition kept saying that "Zoning will make your taxes go up." I thought that was quite funny. Yes taxes would go up because your property values would go up with zoning. Is that bad? Property values going? But the Texas mentality of "It's my land, and I'll do what I want with it." prevailed. In this regard Houston is still living in the 19th century. Also, developers have long had a tight hold on Houston politics. And they don't want anyone interferrin with their building of strip malls all over the city and county.
  21. You got that right. Just compare the Rooneys with Bud "The Dork" Adams and you can see why the Oilers came ups short and a dollar late. Or is that .. well never mind. I think another reason they may have fallen short, is with Bum Phillips. I could never understand a word that guy says. Nothin but mumbles. I bet all those players from outside east Texas had the same problem. Hell, Tony Campbell may have been the only player who understood what the damn coach wanted done.
  22. Texas education is pretty much of a joke because of these clowns.
  23. He should be trying to preserve history. Not just "Black" history. Are the folks in Williamsburg, VA trying to preserve "White" history? I think if you add any adjective on the front of history you are going down a slippery slope. I understand that the third ward was developed and settled by blacks but I think that it is wrong and insane to think that only blacks can redevelope, and preserve the history of that area.
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