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Everything posted by HoustonIsHome

  1. Yeah the business address has been changed to travis ages ago. I think the main dude will be the retail side.
  2. Mmmm, stricking transformation. You know, urban or not I love Houston how it was, his it is nite and where it is heading.
  3. Two towers going up at the sane time across from each other is so exciting. And a stones throw from other activities too. Exciting times for this area.
  4. Directing the ramp away from the convention garage makes a lot of counterintuitive sense. It opens the way for more pedestrian interaction and will be more aesthetically pleasing.
  5. Arche I kinda disagree. I circled both ome day last week, and while central bank has potential, I don't see any redeeming qualities in Days. Days Inn in stink, it has no street presence, the hunking garage limits interaction with the surroundings, the building is ugly. I have advocated for keeping this building in the past, but after a thorough external walk around, I have shifted my support to central bank.
  6. Interesting history, but I don't find the building attractive. I am a huge preservation booster but I say wreck this one.
  7. I was near downtown transit center about 8:30 pm the other day and the sun was going down, and the buildings had this pretty glow. I wish I had my phone to snap a pic. Chevron and, the buildings around looked so beautiful and exxon looked like a classic gem. I will be sad if it I'd severely altered.
  8. Cute building. More of those should have gone up instead of those ugly townhomes next door. Gosh, some townhomes are built so darn shody
  9. I hope they change the design of the new tower. It is just bland glass. Doesn't tie in the the current structure at all. Why does the 1980s glass buildings look so much classier than current ones? I'm starting to hate glass
  10. I was wondering the same thing. They took down the garage fairly quickly and then did nothing. I like how uh incorporates old with the new though. Makes for a better fit. I think that's what disappoints me with developments like capital tower. UHD developments keep up with the times but respects the historical look of the area.
  11. Has anyone gotten this to work? The metrotrip app has a real time feature but it is only reliable if the bus is on time. It the bus is supposed to be there in ten minutes it tells you it will be there in ten but if the bus is early or late it doesn't say that until the bus has arrived. For example if the bus has four minutes left to arrive and it suddenly arrives, it goes from 4 minutes to one minute instantly. If you are not already waiting, then it is useless to you
  12. What is the tax rate for a building vs an empty lot. If it's more they probably just don't want to pay extra taxes
  13. I've seen the books one before. I think that was for a library. Can't remember. It would make for an excellent look for a university garage. I like the tropical looking one.
  14. Looks nice. Houston sure loves isolating and spreading buildings all over the place
  15. I wish I could give this post a million likes. Those are my thoughts exactly
  16. I do admit we need more of that though. Houston sky scrapers often look standoffish. Kinda like you need 5 ids and clearance from the Secretary of defense to use the coffee shop in their lobby.
  17. It looks oddly located. not quite out of place but not quite fitting in. 609 main will look the same from some angles.
  18. Too bad it is going up against another garage. So many garages in the area
  19. I agree with htown man and fernz. I don't think its the homeless people that mage downtown/upper midtown scary. I think its scary because it looks like one of those life after people cities (especially after night). The homeless population is on par with many big cities but the non-homeless population isn't. When you see the resident population increase, the homeless presence won't stand out much. Also, as the different areas of downtown and midtown develop, maybe the homeless will spread out instead of concentrating in just a few haunts.
  20. I agree with the mayor that NIMBY issues are problematic. The mayor is not a dictator. She can't just move someone from their property because somebody asked. Its not that easy. Greyhound has rights too. Furthermore, greyhound is a contributing cause but not the only cause. There are half a dozen homeless shelters and a couple of churches in the area. So to single out greyhound is not really fair. Finally, on a legal basis, there is the notion of coming to the nuisance. Greyhound is not newly moving to a river oaks type neighborhood. You can't move in next to a slaughterhouse and then complain that the smell is a nuisance. You decided to come to the nuisance so it's your fault. I would like to see the area improve, but the mayor is right. She can't just tell them ok, why don't you move to Afton Oaks.
  21. I don't get it? He is scared of traffic and he lives where? I don't think you can find a busier one mile radius in Texas than that one mile radius around post oak in Uptown. If he was indeed worried about traffic he would promote more urban/ walkable building codes and push for more public transit like the brt he is fighting against.
  22. Wow, opposing a hirise on post oak? Now I've heard it all? On one hand they are worried about traffic but they are also against the BRT that would help alleviate traffic?
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