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Everything posted by Dakota79

  1. Lots of activity today on the site. I took a photo but don't know how to post from my phone.
  2. For some reason Afton Oaks has always been against anything to improve mobility. One thing I remember them saying was they were afraid it would increase traffic without the train to stop people approx 28-32 times a day.
  3. They had planned that in the eighties and Afton Oaks fought it successfully. Now they will be trapped with all the mid lane commercial etc.
  4. So is it really starting? It will be so strange to see that, but I'll bet the views will be incredible.
  5. It would be outrageous for the City of Houston to screw this up. We already lost out when The Allen Parkway Village low income houses were replaced on the most prominent spot of our skyline and bayou. Even now, they could sell those low income apts and move them 1 mile away and provide much better housing for low income PLUS redevelop our entrance to DT. Geez!
  6. That's irritating! It should be Houston!
  7. Your quote above that says it must be taxing to maintain them is funny on two points. 1. It is extremely taxing. Taxing to death, in fact. 2. We could only wish they were maintained. The only roads they are repairing are the feeders on 59 in Upper Kirby. Geez, they were absolutely the only ones without potholes!
  8. That's funny. I thought the same thing tonight when I was coming home from Ninfas on Navigation.
  9. Shepherd is another example from Richmond to Allen Parkway. One car trying to turn left causes us to miss 4-5 traffic signals. And since it's the westernmost bridge over Buffalo Bayou before you get to the loop, it's generally jammed. Perhaps the fools that try to turn left could figure out a few right turns for their route! GRRR.
  10. I really like it. Seems classic to me. Hines has to be one of the best developers around, IMHO. He made our skylines.
  11. Swtsig - I am not saying you or I would live there, but who knows? Look at the Heights Target. Those apts are slammed against its parking lot and the freeway, yet they seemed to be occupied. My real point was really it is a waste of space to have all the "roof" space on such extremely valuable land. Look at that DC Walmart with apts above. It makes sense to me, even though I can't imagine the teasing one would be subjected to for living there. The land at San Felipe and Bancroft/Mid Lane is too valuable now for a one story box store. To me, Mid Lane is already unrecongizable from just 10 years ago.
  12. You would think all the Targets, Randall's, and Krogers in the inner city would have apartments above them. It's such a waste of air space!
  13. I don't expect something that tall here in my lifetime, but 100 stories, 85 even would sure be nice.
  14. And we can't even getuch above 50 stories. http://abcnews.go.com/News/worlds-tallest-building-set-for-construction-in-saudi-arabia/blogEntry?id=23386718
  15. It really seems like good infill to me. I always liked the little "cape cod" duplexes that were there before. Replaced with cool contemporary with style. I hope they sell!
  16. New project. http://harlistings.marketlinx.com/SearchDetail/Scripts/PrtBuyFul/PrtBuyFul.asp?emailGUID=efda0c36-23b6-417c-92b9-e576add3335d&AgentId=schwett I hope it's ok to post like that. A realtor sent it to me. If there's a better way, please let me know.
  17. I heard from someone affiliated with the first phase that this project has been reworked and will be more of the 4/5 story townhomes like they did next door.
  18. Big announcement. Courtesy of the HBJ. http://m.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2014/04/16/memorial-hermann-to-kick-off-650m-project-in-the.html?ana=e_hstn_bn&u=rk2EuYuQdoSK5Ppt+g57jw%2FFsC6&t=1397668169&r=full
  19. Downtown looks small from that view. Lots of room to grow.
  20. Our politicians have prevented any forward thinking project like this b very frustrating.
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