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Everything posted by Naviguessor

  1. I have never take nor met anyone who would support him. Anywhere. All around the country he's an even bigger joke than Cruz.
  2. Thank god. We're saved.
  3. It wouldn't be decent to say what Montrose Got the first time he heard the Cable Car Bell.
  4. San Francisco's Botabical Garden in Golden Gate Park is so beautiful it makes you cry. I'm not sure how big it is, but you can easily get lost, and it's difficult to see the whole thing in one visit.
  5. I think it has everything to do with the apartments immediate proximity to the LR Stations.
  6. Lockmat. I think technically Suburbs are Sub-Urban. ;-) But, you're right. This place will be pretty impressive but it is a glorified shopping center with offices and hotels, which is drive in/drive out, built to contain it's tenants and visitors. Nothing about it encourages true urbanism. It won't play well with it neighbors. However, it's an improvement over what else exists on I-10 outside the beltway.
  7. To me "Urban" is unpredictability. A surprise. A discovery around an unexplored corner. This place, like emerge Woodlands, may be pleasant and dense, beautiful even. But, it's not really what I'd call urban. It'll be way too programmed, and too presented and too Boring. It'll be the same restaurants and "bars" as any shopping center will have. I really don't think that this is what urbanites want. Too safe.
  8. That's a huge garage though. Certainly more then the renovated structure will require.
  9. You're hoping for more destruction HTown?? Classy.
  10. Still time to make reservations for The Tonga Room...and Beach Blanket Babalyon.
  11. Not words often spoken to describe the actions of the Texas Legislature.
  12. I love a highrise as much as anyone else. But, I hope that they are not loosing the concept of this development, for the sake height. This seems a bit overdone to me. And yes...confusing.
  13. True that. I seem to recall tile on the floors. And I paid with a check. :-)
  14. Good story about my history at Disco Kroger. This is from 1996, I had been in a long distance relationship for sometime and the signs that the relationship just wasn't going to survive were obvious to us both. So, we were doing some shopping at Kroget on one of his trips here when things were coming to a head and just needed to be settled. He pressed for closure. I asked him if he wanted me to break-up with him right there and then in the juice aisle. He looked at me, thought for a moment and said, "No. Take me to cold cuts." We went to the deli and declared it over...then went to JR's for $1 drinks.
  15. This circus needs a clown.
  16. Here is an interesting quote from the Austin Business Journal about the new lower end brand that Whole Foods is testing in the NE. QTE: The stores will be about 25,000 square feet, which is a little less than two-thirds the size of the average 40,000-square-foot Whole Foods Market. UNQTE: http://www.bizjournals.com/austin/blog/retail/2015/05/whole-paycheck-no-more-whole-foods-to-test-its.html So, it seems likely that the Midtown WF's will be a mainline store.
  17. KittyCat - As usual, you missed the point/joke. Maybe you didn't vote for the last Metro Referendum. This news a great...it's just a shame that we have to spend even more time and money. Culberson is now costing us even more money, when all he would have to do is NOT put a line into a bill. errrrr!
  18. I can just see it now. If you support Metro initiative to place a rail line down Richmond, vote "No". Just like the last Metro vote. :-(
  19. Its the roof top of the Harris County Jury assembly center, or something. It won awards, I believe.
  20. Another survey places United Last in Customer Satisfaction. Not getting any better. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/ct-airlines-jdpower-0514-biz-20150513-story.html
  21. It's the Catholic Church. That's why. Add it to the list.
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