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Everything posted by Fortune

  1. Is there any word about this project going up ? Have any pre leases taken place ?
  2. The restaurant was a success. The closure I'm sure has nothing to do with it not being success because it was. The restaurant is simply closing because the owners chose not to renew the lease. The chefs/owners I'm sure are just ready to move on to a new project or venture.
  3. I agree this is a big let down. It should have been developed how it was originally planned. That would have been a one of a kind project in houston.
  4. Of course there going to have drive thru in this suburban shopping center.
  5. In previous post you have made on this topic you said that this would be high density mixed use development because of the buyer. How do you know that this will be nothing other then high density mixed use development if the buyer doesn't have a track record of developing anything ?
  6. If the rents are comparable, then I don't see any competition. This unique tower will win out over the project that is going up across the street which is townhomes and 8 story apartment buildings that looks exactly like a bunch of other apartment buildings that are going up.
  7. Oh wow I hate to hear that the redevelopment plans stalled. Any idea why they stalled ? It's good to hear that the site is on the radar for redevelopment though. Hopefully the plans will move forward soon. Do you happen to have any details about the redevelopment ?
  8. No if you look at the post on Swamplot as well as the original article it says that plans for the site also include 400,000 sq ft of office space. Also a thread was already started for this topic on HAIF.
  9. I agree it is a large site I don't see the 20 story hotel and the office building taking up that entire site especially since they plan on tearing down the 8 story building on the site. So maybe they will leave the green space or atleast some of the trees. Two buildings won't take up that large of a lot unless thy have very large footprints which I doubt.
  10. Great to see some new development in that area. That's a pretty large lot especially with them tearing down the existing 8 story building. Seems like they could fit more then two buildings on the site unless the two buildings will have large footprints.
  11. Here is some more information about the development : http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/morning_call/2012/11/southwestern-energy-releases-more.html What I don't understand is why they need 25 acres for a 10 story building. Even with expansion in the future, 25 acres is a lot.
  12. I believe HISD is doing some remodeling to the HSPVA building. They may retain the property and use it for other purposes. Maybe for administration purposes or possibly a new school. If not most likely a mid rise apartment building.
  13. I think so if Midtown ever gets any highrises. It's the perfect location for a residential highrise neighborhood with its city block layout. However all that seems to be developed in Midtown are mid rise apartment complexes, suburban shopping centers, and town homes. You would think with land prices as high as they are in Midtown that high rises would be built.
  14. I totally agree. I just wish that more developers would build buildings such as this one instead of the 5 story buildings that are going up. I understand mid rises going up on the larger sites being developed but smaller sites like the cafe adobe site that Hines is redeveloping should be high rises.
  15. It's very interesting when there is a property such as this one that has been planned for a long time and hasn't been able to get developed even when other projects have come online and been developed in a much shorter time. At one point in time prior to the economic downturn a residential highrise was proposed for that site then a mixed use apartment midrise. You would think with all the other apartment complexes going up they would have atleast been able to build a apartment midrise on the site.
  16. It's from the north looking south across westheimer from St. Anne's property. The weird landscaped driveway is St. Anne's driveway on their property.
  17. Well I was hoping for a signature residential highrise. It's nice that they thought outside of the box though as far as design. It's great to see some variation in the design as compared to the rest of the multifamily buildings that are going up that look the same. It looks like the apartment buildings being built in places like California and Toronto.
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