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Everything posted by jmitch94

  1. Yep, nothing about this makes you think affordable housing. Nothing ground breaking but a good addition IMO.
  2. I’ll give them credit for not being a developer that demo’s coolish historic buildings and then doesn’t actually build anything *cough* Exxon *cough*
  3. Any idea why that one floor hasn’t had any framing when pretty much all the others are at least weather tight.
  4. East Side King and Thai Kun are both from Austin too. In fact I think a large portion are not local.
  5. Wow this is odd and a little alarming. Hopefully they don’t drive out others.
  6. This garage has to be one of the tallest Ive seen. I can’t imaging having to make that many loops to get from the top to the bottom everyday.
  7. I wish they would paint the concrete on the garage that is facing towards the freeway but other than that it’s a pretty decent addition.
  8. Why does it seem like downtown has so many mid rise projects that take an eternity to build. The other two currently being build are just dragging on and on and this isn’t the first time either.
  9. Almost completely framed up. I drive by every morning but I’m driving so I can’t take pictures really :(
  10. My bad. I guess I would have made Freud proud with that one. 😂😂
  11. Haha exactly. Like I get it guys, Houston isn’t a 500 year old Italian town. I never said we should be either. It’s just a simply way to show the two extremes of urban development. On one side is a city where it is next to impossible to live without a car and the majority of public space is dedicated to cars, and the other where it’s nearly impossible to own and use a car. Some of us just have different priorities. I don’t see a city maxing out it’s GDP as the most important metric for a city. Don’t get me wrong, it is important to a degree.
  12. No, believe it or not I am capable of understanding that Houston will never be a medieval European city. I’m just saying that maybe we should stop using the same solutions that are not working simply because there are decades of inertia behind them. Maybe we cater the infrastructure to the needs of the people in the city instead of prioritizing suburbs.
  13. That’s called induced demand and is exactly why expanding freeways in like adding a hole on your belt to cure your obesity. You’re right I guess I can only compare Houston to Houston. Comparing one city to another is definitely apples to oranges. And don’t come back with the whole Europe was built before the automobile and America wasn’t because they tore down huge swathes of dense urban centers during the urban revival movement of the mid 20th century. “Keep calm and frac on” must mean whatever burns the most oil is the best solution.
  14. This pretty much sums up generally what I dislike about mega freeways. They prohibit walkability and create a fractured non contiguous city that encourages people to use cars as their only mode of transport.
  15. I think he meant awful in the, “this is a horrid waste of space/resources and it divides a city in two and is emblematic of our terrible public transportation and is the antithesis of good urban planning”
  16. You know damn well that the major cities in Texas will not see a single cent of that money. All of it will be funneled to rural areas because that is where the state governments voter base is and “big city bad.”
  17. Does anyone know when they plan to start with the street improvements? The streets around this project are in atrocious conditions and are downright dangerous for pedestrians to use.
  18. When are the upper floors planned to be built out? When I drive by at night it looks like the upper two floors are still empty shells waiting to be built out.
  19. Other than this development do we have any other towers downtown that are proposed but not under construction yet?
  20. It looks like a protective film that is over the cladding to protect it during install.
  21. I believe that some of those lots are owned my a Malaysian company that has no plans to sell or develop them unfortunately.
  22. A surface parking lot has potential to be something decent. This will be a storage unit facility that adds nothing to the community and will be that for decades and decades.
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