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Everything posted by jmitch94

  1. Is it not just part of the form for the central core/elevator shafts like the blue steel here on the Allen Project.
  2. So many signs hold no legal power and are just to scare people into submission. Like those "stay back 200ft, not responsible form broken windows" on dump trucks are total BS. With that said I have no idea lol
  3. They should be working 24/7 at double overtime to fix this colossal screw up.
  4. I'd love to know how this small parking lot even survived. Was just that one strip of land that this building is being built on not sold to Hess tower developers or did they save it in order to sell it to a future developer?
  5. So pumped to see this amazing space in person. I've always thought of how cool it would be to work on such a iconic and lasting building like a famous museum. It will be even more special I imagine in 20, 30, 40 years to revisit it and know you had a hand in its assembly.
  6. It's amazing to see how much denser this area is becoming yet when you look at google maps you can see how much land is left completely undeveloped or very underdeveloped.
  7. Exactly, they will keep and use historic buildings if they can charge a premium for that building or if the numbers make sense but this will be a relatively easy demo and therefor much more profitable to replace.
  8. You have to remember that developers have zero sentimental attachment to anything. People don't seem to understand or just don't want to come to the realization that developers literally only care about making as much money as possible and nothing else. This is why our city needs more protections for historic buildings because soon we will have none left.
  9. Exactly, at least from the ground level its not too bad. Especially sense it has some GFR.
  10. As a huge fan of classical antiquity I am pretty excited to see this statue! Also I guess a giant tower would be pretty nice too
  11. Just emailed the Corps and my representative. Please do the same if you want to keep one of Houston's land mark locations.
  12. "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." - Red Adair Not 100% applicable but you get the point.
  13. Market Square tower on the right in this last picture looks infinite.
  14. Looks like the exaggerated renderings some companies like to put out. Thanks for the update, looks pretty good.
  15. God I dream of making as much money as this apartment costs. I just cant imagine spending that amount while building zero equity.
  16. Hopefully it is. It's terrifying being right up on memorial drive with nothing separating you from cars going 50+ but a small curb. I always worry that someone is going to be texting, try to change lanes and pop a car over the curb and turn me into hamburger meat.
  17. Unless they add one as a tribute to the old building there will not be one since the building is completely gone at this point.
  18. The tallest building is the one on the right in the second picture. You are seeing it from the ground level and can’t see its height. Looks to be the same design as far as I can tell.
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