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Red Scare Vs Midtowncoog

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this thread should be changed to Redscare VS Musicman. Midtowncoog fell off the wagon long time ago!

Actually, just randomly noticed, even that thread title change would be wrong too. Niche and Musicman, who would have "thunk" it? :huh:

Hahaha, MidtownCoog has over taken RedScare. I remember when me and Puma use to race. All of a sudden, he has like 1,000 more posts than me.

What changes a year brings, I am a lot less talkative than you in the past 12 months Trae.

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  • 6 months later...
Okay, someone is missing on HAIF. . .


Last Seen: Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008 @ 7:39pm.

3 months and not logging in, that's not very HAIFy. So what gives? Anyone have any idea?

He quit. He objected to something I wrote in the Toronto thread, so he wrote an insult and asked me to delete his account. I locked it instead of deleting it in case he wants to come back. It is for that same reason that I'm not re-posting his message here -- even former HAIFers have their privacy respected.

It happened during a turbulent time for HAIF. The presidential election was not good for the forum. I received e-mails from a number of people saying they wouldn't return to HAIF because of the discussions going on in the Politics section. For some reason they couldn't simply NOT read that section, so they gave up HAIF altogether. Politics is a very small section of HAIF, but a lot of people saw only the posts that were against their particular viewpoint so they threw the baby out with the bathwater.

I'm not sure what to do in 2012. Ban political threads from August through November? Make Politics invitation-only? I don't know. At least I have a few more years before I have to worry about it again.

Midtowncoog still lights up on the server logs occasionally, so he's still at least casually reading HAIF. If he ever wants to come back, he's welcome to pick up where he left off. No hard feelings.

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So Midtowncoog got kicked off HAIF, I heard Coog and Houston Jack were organzing an unhappy hour get together.

How many people people have gotten kicked off HAIF? What about that firefighter who had a million posts and loved chicken tenders, did

you give him the boot or did he quit.


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Could the Off Topic section be made invisible to the "View New Posts" page? I think that would help a lot of people. You know, out of sight - out of mind..

That's not a good strategy for ME. That's how I navigate this joint. :lol:

SO, Ed, just for giggles, were the emails of the offended, offended Republicans or offended Dems. ? You can PM it to me.

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He quit. He objected to something I wrote in the Toronto thread, so he wrote an insult and asked me to delete his account. I locked it instead of deleting it in case he wants to come back. It is for that same reason that I'm not re-posting his message here -- even former HAIFers have their privacy respected.

It happened during a turbulent time for HAIF. The presidential election was not good for the forum. I received e-mails from a number of people saying they wouldn't return to HAIF because of the discussions going on in the Politics section. For some reason they couldn't simply NOT read that section, so they gave up HAIF altogether. Politics is a very small section of HAIF, but a lot of people saw only the posts that were against their particular viewpoint so they threw the baby out with the bathwater.

I'm not sure what to do in 2012. Ban political threads from August through November? Make Politics invitation-only? I don't know. At least I have a few more years before I have to worry about it again.

I can understand why people were leaving though. The problem is that in an online forum political arguments have the effect of sucking the air out of the room. For whatever reason there are a lot of people who can't let go of it and feel that the world must hear about their political beliefs in every post. If a board becomes too dominated by politics it will be as tedious as the Chronicle's user responses sections.

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So Midtowncoog got kicked off HAIF, I heard Coog and Houston Jack were organzing an unhappy hour get together.

That is incorrect. Midtowncoog was not kicked off HAIF. He left on his own. He's still welcome to return, if he wants to.

How many people people have gotten kicked off HAIF? What about that firefighter who had a million posts and loved chicken tenders, did

you give him the boot or did he quit.


I think in seven years I've only kicked two people off of HAIF: Houston Jack, and Plastic. If any of the mods can remember any others, please chime in. The chicken tenders person you're referring to I believe was "twentyseven." He left on his own. He was not kicked off.

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Boy, was it ever. It took a lot to weather that storm. I'm glad it's over with myself.

I had a hard time resisting that thread, but when it got me too worked up I either ignored it for a few days or ignored particular users. It's too bad someone would leave the wonders of HAIF altogether because of one thread.

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So Midtowncoog got kicked off HAIF, I heard Coog and Houston Jack were organzing an unhappy hour get together.

How many people people have gotten kicked off HAIF? What about that firefighter who had a million posts and loved chicken tenders, did

you give him the boot or did he quit.


Who was the firefighter, Marty? nevermind

The chicken tenders person you're referring to I believe was "twentyseven." He left on his own. He was not kicked off.

To be associated with something so tasty with honey mustard, can't be bad.

Okay, so what's the story with the chicken tenders guy? lol

How did he show his love for them so much that he's referred to as the "chicken tendersg guy?"

lol, that cracks me up

Was thinking the exact same thing too.

Edited by Pumapayam
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You know, the election season was VERY rough.

I lost quite a bit of respect of people (on both sides) when I saw how inflexible they were and were saying some very nasty things.

Having been one of those people that talked to Ed, some comments were just too far gone.

I think in the future, if people start using "buzzwords" towards people or attacking, they should be banned from that particular thread and the offending post deleted.

Perhaps we should just go ahead and set some 'unofficial rules" as you know the Mayoral election is coming up fairly quickly.

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I think, that perhaps as long as they can be civil, then they should be allowed to stay. But when someone simply starts tossing blindly tossing around derogatory remarks (Liberal, Communist, Neocon, Bush Lover, whatever), then they should not participate any longer on that particular thread.

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When is the mayoral election, anyway?

next yr.

We could always put the report button to better use.

not sure that would work as expected. part of the problem was that some people were censored while others who were just as offensive weren't. only a neutral person can censor appropriately.

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If I had to pick any change from the status quo, I would pick opt-in and all the usual parameters apply, perhaps applied a little more stringently. I am not in favor or removing politics, or making it by invitation. I enjoy a lot of the off-topic threads, and think they help to maintain traffic in slow times. Even at its worst, the politics thread on HAIF was one of the better ones anywhere online in terms of quality of content. Editor and the moderators already have the means to deal with people when they start sounding like the trogs on the Chron. The rest of us can put them on ignore.

I enjoy political discourse. OK< argument. It can get ugly. I lost a couple of stars on my rating because of the political threads, but such is the nature of politics. If one can't stand the heat, one shouldn't come into the kitchen.

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No one has to read the politics threads, and the ignore feature works pretty well. I say don't worry if someone is upset because of someone's political position. Personal attacks shouldn't be allowed, and editor & the mods do a top notch job of enforcing that, but the use of "buzzwords" has to be tolerated. Without them, half the architecture discussions would disappear.

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I was never offended by ANYTHING that anyone said in the politico threads. EVERYONE is entitled to his or her opinion and likes or dislikes of candidates. This is AMERICA, I think people need to govern themselves in such a thread, don't look at it, just like you might not look at porn on the interweb because you feel it "exploits" women.

I liken the threads to the Flava FLav show. I can't stand it, so I try not to watch, but if I got caught up in it, and start yellin' at how stupid the people on the show are, that is my bad, and I can ALWAYS turn the channel.

Edited by TJones
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I agree with TJones. I never got offended, just annoyed sometimes, and when I did I would stay out of it for a couple of days. It's a good social exercise for everyone, because if they can't control themselves on an "anonymous" internet forum they are going to "debate" their way out of many real life relationships. If people really get out of line, there will be some consensus to remove or censor/ignore them and it'll take care of itself.

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What do you guys think we should do? Restrict Politics? Make it invitation-only? Make it opt-in?

Leave it alone until 2012. I doubt you'll see much heat over the Mayoral thread unless its dropped in flame-bait from a new member. I would be willing to bet that only the presidential election or a local scandal (i.e. Tom Delay) would stir up anything significant.

I enjoy political discourse. OK< argument. It can get ugly. I lost a couple of stars on my rating because of the political threads, but such is the nature of politics. If one can't stand the heat, one shouldn't come into the kitchen.

A couple? You're only down one! Look at me. I had to take out a star-equity loan & still only have two.

Edited by Jeebus
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Leave it alone until 2012. I doubt you'll see much heat over the Mayoral thread unless its dropped in flame-bait from a new member. I would be willing to bet that only the presidential election or a local scandal (i.e. Tom Delay) would stir up anything significant.

A couple? You're only down one! Look at me. I had to take out a star-equity loan & still only have two.

I lost a Billion stars that Bernie Madoff invested for me. Only got these 4 left.

I agree that other than the couple of posters who were removed from the politics threads for openly attacking other posters, the worst offenders were mostly just annoying. Let's face it. There are a lot of posters who want every thread and every topic to be fun, jovial and light-hearted. That is the sign of a mental lightweight. For every poster that thinks the politics debate got too heated, there is another of us who wants to reach through the monitor and strangle someone for smiley face abuse. While it would be wonderful for posters to actually learn the art of debate, as opposed to some of the partisan name-calling we see, I'd rather put up with an earnest but challenged debater than have the topic censored or over-moderated. If we moderate too much, the puppies win. I fail to see why the earnest debaters must give in to the whiny ones. And I HATE the PM to a mod thing, since by definition the whiniest posters always complain on those that never complain.

That said, perhaps a temporary banning could be employed for certain eggregious or overly aggressive actions by posters. Personal attacks could earn the offender a couple of days off HAIF. A repeat could get a week. 3 times, banned from politics or even HAIF, for life.

EDIT: Jeebus, I just gave you a 5 star loan. You're up to 3 now.

Edited by editor
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