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Are we talking about the same Barcelona? I don't know if I would call a city of 1.5 million all located in about 40 square miles and a metro of about 5 million a "little town".

I dont find the stained, old world concrete eyesores called buildings in Barcelona to be attractive.......


Edited by WesternGulf
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Are we talking about the same Barcelona? I don't know if I would call a city of 1.5 million all located in about 40 square miles and a metro of about 5 million a "little town".


Yep, staying out in Sabadell(part of the Metro). Entire metro feels smaller than Houston. This whole place is qaint. It

Edited by Houstonian in Iraq
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Guest Plastic

Dusseldorf, I think of it and it's bassically part of Koln.

As for HOuston we're already on a bad foot. Most countries around the world have a not so good or negative view of AMerica. Wuth Bush it's steadily declining. ANY american ciy getting it is gonna be not so easy. Then to complicate it we're Houston the least known major city in the country.

What makes a city atrue city? For one most high quality cities are outside the US. But for starters you need culture. A city with it's own spirit and cultureal identity. WHile majorly true Houstonhas a diverse population it's only had it for the last 40 years or so. Before it was cowboys,hicks,and slaves. Not you first idea of what a place with culture would be like.WHile our current culture is brewing we just don't have the city planned out. High quality cities usually have good education,something all of America is failing at.WHile we have alot fo Science and Technology in Texas we have alot of numbskulls.

First thing is transortation. No other major city would have grown this large and not have a fullscale transit system except Dallas.While Detoirt's known for cars ,Florida for sunshine we're for Space. While we are big into space it's not ont he mind of our average citizens. The only other thing we're known for is bayous and oil...........both towards disgusting. We have no real music scene,only a handful of movies have been set or filmed here, we have know civic centers or town sqaures,

andwe miss out on alot of concerts. I mean howmay talkshows, game shows,awards shows,or national newscasts have you seen come from Houston? Most international cities have big international airports. Most people have heard of Ohare,JFK,or LAX but Intercontinental? We have no NHL team and we're just getting soccer. Our one true attraction Astroworld is gone. The nightclubs ar going downhill just like our radio. We have no tourism or major tourist attractions or festivals. Outside of oil we really have no major corporations. Our city hasn't made geat attempts to fix our traffic and are slow on construction. Our stadiums are small/ We havn't loads of celebrities living here. All desired cities have a high cost of living. Houston's is almost at the bottom , which should tell you something. LA has shows named after it,Chicago has pizza named after it, New Orleans haswine named after it(Bouron). We didn't have MSN for awhile, we didn't have cable for awhile. Although RIce is IV Leaguelike noone seems o talk about our universities. Most people can'tname the surrounding citites of Houston. Although however international people have heardod Pasedena,Burbank,Long Beach,Brooklyn,The Brown,and Queens.DOn't have our own disticnts style or fashion or music(outside of country).

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Guest Plastic

Suppose it's later in the year and the IOC has announced that Houston is the host city for the 2016 games. WHat all do you suppose has to and is going to happen? What will the city and other private entities around the city do to get this city ready?

The Olympiad will probrably change the course,image, and landscape of the city forever. But just how?

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DAMN!!!!!??!?!?!?!?! Chicago has a pizza named after it and we don't??????? Tear down the opera house! Destroy Jones and the Alley! Bulldoze the MFAH, CAM, TMC, JSC! We are doomed, I say-DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAISE our cost of living! It's our only hope at salvation!!!!!:lol:


Edited by nmainguy
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Suppose it's later in the year and the IOC has announced that Houston is the host city for the 2016 games. WHat all do you suppose has to and is going to happen? What will the city and other private entities around the city do to get this city ready?

The Olympiad will probrably change the course,image, and landscape of the city forever. But just how?

I think we'll have to wait until they name a pizza after Houston. ^_^


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Guest Plastic
Houston, the first word on the moon...........Houston, heard around the world on a historic day in an important event in world history.......and you say it isnt a name known around the world?

When did I say that. We're known around the world but just not in the states. But what are we known for?

Although we are known around the world it isn't as well known as Tokyo,London, or Rio De Janiero.

SImon Cowell summed us up when he sais"It's one of the sorriest places I've ever been.". And he's been around the world many times.

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I think Houston scares the crap out of the USOC. Houston had the best technical bid the last time around, and would have the best bid again. I don't think they could refuse us again after the NYC debacle. To me, the best part of this would be the renewed interest in turning the Astrodome into a dedicated track venue. I love the idea of the Astrodome brought back to its glory with a clear roof and real grass.

On the other hand you have to at least acknowledge that Houston would have an uphill battle on the World stage, which is what scares the USOC. It's not that Houston has a bad rap per se, it's just that Houston isn't the top 4 or 5 US cities that people around the world think about when they think about the US. Picture Germany in your head, what would you think of Dusseldorf's chances of getting the 2016 Olympics if they tried for it? See what I mean? When you think Germany, you probably think Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne or even Frankfurt before you think of Dusseldorf. As with houston, there's nothing wrong with Dusseldorf, in fact it's an economic center of Western Germany in the same way we are an economic center in the southern US. Have any of you ever heard of Canberra or know it's correct pronunciation? If you don't know where Canberra is, you will at least understand why the 2000 summer olympics were in Sydney and not the capital of Australia.

I agree 100% with this statement.

Two things though: That Astrodome-converting-into-a-track cannot work without a post Olympic plan where the Dome will be profitable. It seemed almost as if there were plans to hold off on that talk until after we were confirmed for the Games, thus making the entire Olympic plan sound non-concrete. The IOC is more fearful than ever of hosting the Games and creating a deficit instead of a surplus for the host city, and Atlanta and Athens both are examples of that.

The biggest problem with Houston and the Olympics is the fact that we're looking to host the Games in order to become recognized the way New York and Chicago are. Other cities are fighting for the games to enhance their image, as we're still looking to sell ours. It's the same story: we know we're a world class city, but the world doesn't know what Houston has. The perfect example is nmainguy's comment on the fact that we have MFAH, CAM, TMC, JSC, Alley theatre, Hobby Center, and Jones Hall. Houston knows we have that. How many people in America can tell you what city the Hobby Center, Alley Theatre, and Jones Hall is in. Now, how many can say what city Broadway or Millenium Park are in (NYC and Chi-Town). Most people here in Korea don't know about MMP, Toyota Center, and Reliant Stadium until I tell them, but everyone here knows about Yankee Stadium, Staples Center, Petco Park, and Fenway Park.

I disagree that Houston has no chance. We have as good a chance as LA, Chicago, Phili, and NYC. But our weaknesses are totally different from the other cities, and I think it equals the playing field. Everyone else are fighting for facilities and funding. We have a great economic plan to create a surplus.

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I felt helpless for a minute, but then remembered Atlanta pulled off the Games. It'll be a piece of cake. :P

Atlanta got to host the games for two reasons: Ted Turner, and Ted Turner. His stadium was the opening ceremonies, and you see Atlanta everynight on CNN. Whenever we get our own major tv network headquarters, we may have an equal chance as ATL.

The Games would be the ultimate chance to showcase Houston as a world-class city. It's all about image, really. We don't need an Olympics to improve our quality of life and facilities like other cities, but we need more big events for the world to see that Houston deserves to be mentioned as one of the first cities that comes to mind when you think of an American city, and give businesses a reason image-wise why their conventions should be held in Houston rather than any other.

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Plastic, what's the opposite of narcissictic?

Anyway, just to make it clear, although we may agree that Houston would have a tough time getting the olympics, I don't share your view of our fair city one bit. I also didn't say Houston was a name no one knew. My point was that I know Dusseldorf, but as an outsider to Germany it's not a city I would associate as the city that would best represent Germany. It may be shocking to some of you, but I think that outsiders to the U.S. may think the same of Houston.

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Plastic, what's the opposite of narcissictic?

Anyway, just to make it clear, although we may agree that Houston would have a tough time getting the olympics, I don't share your view of our fair city one bit. I also didn't say Houston was a name no one knew. My point was that I know Dusseldorf, but as an outsider to Germany it's not a city I would associate as the city that would best represent Germany. It may be shocking to some of you, but I think that outsiders to the U.S. may think the same of Houston.

I can concur. But everyone here in Korea was talking about Houston during Katrina and the World Series. After the Series finished, it seemed as if everyone forgot again. We need consistant positive events in Houston the world can see. Neither Katrina nor the World Series happen in Houston every year.

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When did I say that. We're known around the world but just not in the states. But what are we known for?

Although we are known around the world it isn't as well known as Tokyo,London, or Rio De Janiero.

SImon Cowell summed us up when he sais"It's one of the sorriest places I've ever been.". And he's been around the world many times.

Simon Colwell is a skank. I have been around the world too....plotted to cover half of it in a nuclear cloud during my years in the military, so your point is what? and you think we are not known in the US? Erroneous at best. Last yrs hurricanes had this city on the national radar for a long time. The rest of the country should know how important Houston is, and if not, shame on them. If we had a direct hit like NO did from a storm like Katrina or worst, it would bring this country to its knees. I think CNN and Fox and MSNBC have driven that point home.....CNN even more so with the recent CNN Presents detailing what would happen to the US as a whole if Houston took a direct hit. Not only was that broadcast here in the US, but also around the world.

Edited by Houston1stWordOnTheMoon
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We Were Warned

Saturday, April 22 at 8 p.m. ET


We Were Warned

Tomorrow's Oil Crisis

What if a hurricane wiped out Houston, Texas, and terrorists attacked oil production in Saudi Arabia? CNN Presents looks at a hypothetical scenario about the vulnerability of the world's oil supply, the world's remaining sources of oil and explores the potential of alternative fuels.

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Quite frankly, and I mean no disrespect to anyone, if I had to live in something like that, I'm quite confident I'd shoot someone. There's density and then there's pilling people on top of each other to the point where it looks like everyone's sharing the same four walls. This looks like where they put dead people who haven't decided if they're going to heaven or hell.

That is... purgatory.

If you showed me a picture of Chicago and Barcelona, I'd suggest that Chicago was dense on a scale that makes far more sense.

But that's just one poor schmoe's opinion.

Edited by The Great Hizzy!
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Quite frankly, and I mean no disrespect to anyone, if I had to live in something like that, I'm quite confident I'd shoot someone. There's density and then there's pilling people on top of each other to the point where it looks like everyone's sharing the same four walls. This looks like where they put dead people who haven't decided if they're going to heaven or hell.

That is... purgatory.

If you showed me a picture of Chicago and Barcelona, I'd suggest that Chicago was dense on a scale that makes far more sense.

But that's just one poor schmoe's opinion.

That is a stereotypical European landscape isn't it? Mostly four to seven story buildings as far as the eye can see? American cities build up. It's the skyscrapter culture. It's the identifiable "downtown" full of corporate headquarters and the like. Of course, these are all generalizations. But one way that European structure could improve life is that you can live closer to your job. And with gas about twice as expensive over there, that's an important consideration. But I'm just guessing on that. I've never worked in Europe and only been twice for vacations (London/Edinburgh, Sevilla/Granada).

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That is a stereotypical European landscape isn't it? Mostly four to seven story buildings as far as the eye can see? American cities build up. It's the skyscrapter culture. It's the identifiable "downtown" full of corporate headquarters and the like. Of course, these are all generalizations. But one way that European structure could improve life is that you can live closer to your job. And with gas about twice as expensive over there, that's an important consideration. But I'm just guessing on that. I've never worked in Europe and only been twice for vacations (London/Edinburgh, Sevilla/Granada).

The price of gas is so high there because of all the European taxes. They are taxed to the gills there.

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The price of gas is so high there because of all the European taxes. They are taxed to the gills there.

That's very true. That's why it's more typical to drive smaller cars and live closer to your job. I've read that it would take $5/gallon for about three years here to really change the suburban/exurban lifestyle in the US.

But hey, this is an Olympic Thread! Houston? I hate to put numbers on this sort of thing but my instinct says 15% chance in the next 15 years and 35% in the next 30 years. Wild guesses but I don't think Houston is quite ready for it. But Houston is moving in the right direction. Lots of positive changes in the short 2.5 years I've been here. The Olympics are not the Super Bowl. Houston needs more time to stage such an event.

And yes, as someone said, if the Olympics are in Houston, they should be held in the late September/early October timeframe.

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Guest Plastic
I can concur. But everyone here in Korea was talking about Houston during Katrina and the World Series. After the Series finished, it seemed as if everyone forgot again. We need consistant positive events in Houston the world can see. Neither Katrina nor the World Series happen in Houston every year.

That's nothing compared to San Fransisco. Houson is known for precious few things and half of them are sporting eventswhich I don't like..............the rest are polloution,fat people,corporate scandals,and hurricans.

Yeah the last few years have made Houston look great(sarcasm off).

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Guest Plastic

Actually the only reason Atlanta got it is cause the other Olympic Candidates were in communist countries. Israel or Iran was a candidate but htey were at war at the time so that left Atlanta.

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That's nothing compared to San Fransisco. Houson is known for precious few things and half of them are sporting eventswhich I don't like..............the rest are polloution,fat people,corporate scandals,and hurricans.

Yeah the last few years have made Houston look great(sarcasm off).

The last few years have given the country a moment of pause....a chance take a look at how import Houston really is. When the oil stops, the economy stops....... the role of Houston in the world and this country is larger than you think. Just isnt well known i guess because those in control "speak softly but carry a big stick" A wise man said, dont mistake meekness for weakness..........Houston goes down, it will bring all of the so called well known and great American cities to a halt! That being said, we dont need any stinking olympics.....we already have the control :):):):):):):)

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The last few years have given the country a moment of pause....a chance take a look at how import Houston really is. When the oil stops, the economy stops....... the role of Houston in the world and this country is larger than you think. Just isnt well known i guess because those in control "speak softly but carry a big stick" A wise man said, dont mistake meekness for weakness..........Houston goes down, it will bring all of the so called well known and great American cities to a halt! That being said, we dont need any stinking olympics.....we already have the control :):):):):):):)

So basically, you're saying that Houston will only be important if there is a castastrophe? Like the Houston Port gets blown to smithereens? That's a bleak outlook. Houston can be "significant" with or without the oil industry.

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So basically, you're saying that Houston will only be important if there is a castastrophe? Like the Houston Port gets blown to smithereens? That's a bleak outlook. Houston can be "significant" with or without the oil industry.

No, reread what i typed. If something like that happens, it would hurt the country not help it.

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