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Bill Simmons Bashes Houston


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It's a very common trick to act too cool to like something. Clearly, this is his feeble attempt. I wouldn't worry about it. Nobody reads that schmuck anyway.

However, he wasn't forced to rate Toyota Center the second best arena in the NBA (to Staples Center), but with better food than Staples. So, even while he bitched, he still gave props.

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What's-his-name will check himself when ESPN stops writing him paychecks.

And ESPN will stop writing what's-his-name paychecks when people stop talking about him. So don't talk about him.

By the way, are there any sports commentators (aside from Bob Costas) who aren't total jerks?

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I actually like his articles.

He gave us some credit... he gave us pretty good marks too when he wrote his superbowl article. Also, some of his remarks he comes about honestly.. Traffic this week was horrendous.. especially around the Galleria area. Reading his article, he seemd like he had a good time overall.. he just wishes that good time wasn't in Houston.

He is a big Boston fan. He loves that city and any sports team from that city. Anybody that reads him regularly knows this and knows that he deosnt try to hide his bias.

So yah.. take his articles for what they are.. and just realize that anyone that reads his articles normally (regulars on ESPN.com)also know of his continual bias.

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It's not only him. Other people don't like Houston as well. Some of these people that posts on here bashes Houston, too. Lord knows sometimes I do, but I want Houston to get better. We're the 4th largest city in the nation and don't even get credit for that.

Bill Simmons is a pain in the ass, but you have to listen and read his articles about Houston, maybe we, the city may learn something.

I know you can't please everybody, but they need to address these questions to the people and make a survey for Houston residents, and tourist. Why you hate Houston so much? And what can the city do to improve this matter?

Edited by houstonsemipro
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Simmons is very, very tired. I knew before this weekend that he was coming and I already knew what to expect. more complaining. Did any of the rest of us get to go to the All Star game (MLB & NBA) and the Super Bowl? Probably not. Plus he doesn't even live in the Northeast anymore, he's out in LA. LA surely doesn't have any sprawl. he's a joke, you can tell from his articles, he spent most of his time in hotel bars and yet still found time to rant about nothing useful. His references and comments are always just plain out annoying.

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These are all good points. This guy's schtick is to delicate flower and moan. So, he attempts to delicate flower and moan to be funny. Actually, he had very few real gripes, as Hwy 6 pointed out. Sounds like we're making progress.

Plus, he's bitching that H-Town got 4 big events in 2 years? Sounds like a compliment to me. I don't care how you write it, that sounds good.

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I did like his comment about not pushing back the 2 am last call. That last call thing bugs me, I know other cities have them to, but still, it's annoying, 2 am is kinda early for a Friday night.

You can take that issue up with the Legislature in Austin.


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Yeah, as I have said before on here, I would love to have a 3-4 AM cut off on Friday/ Saturday nights. Right now wouldn't be the best time because of the strain on the police force. However, i severely doubt there would be enough supporters for this to ever change.

Is it the Texas Legislature or Houston City Council that can make these rulings?

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It's not only him. Other people don't like Houston as well. Some of these people that posts on here bashes Houston, too. Lord knows sometimes I do, but I want Houston to get better. We're the 4th largest city in the nation and don't even get credit for that.

Bill Simmons is a pain in the ass, but you have to listen and read his articles about Houston, maybe we, the city may learn something.

I know you can't please everybody, but they need to address these questions to the people and make a survey for Houston residents, and tourist. Why you hate Houston so much? And what can the city do to improve this matter?

No matter want any city does not everyone will like it or be impressed. Many people like it here though, for example Peter Jennings, or Jim Rome. Bob Hope loved it here and brought it up on the Carson show before. Ask your self why Avery Johnson, Robert Horry, Mario Ellie and others players for other teams in TX still make their main home here in Houston. I know Houston needs to improve on many points and is improving on many areas. Our city is creating a nice momentum over the past five years. I don't mean to rant but your always so damn cynical and pessimistic in majority of your post I have read.

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As was stated by a couple of columnists (national) the week of the Super Bowl, never take a writer seriously who whines incessantly about "having" to attend an event that tens of thousands would love to attend not only free of charge--but while earning a pay check.

While there are many things that Houston needs to improve, the standard "sprawl and traffic" take during a sporting event (nez, mega-event) is pretty flimsy.

Nothing ruins a supposedly humorous article than the author coming off as whiny and soft. "Oh, poor you. You had to attend the Super Bowl, Major League All Star Game, World Series, Big XII Championship game, Gallery Furniture.com Bowl (actually, the Houston Bowl) and the NBA All-Star game in a 24-month span in the same city. Oh, poor you! Poor, baby. Would you like a back rub? A secruity blankie?"

I've come to like a good Houston bashing. They tell me a lot about the psyche of the person, whether they're being serious or not. Just don't come off as whiny. Makes me not respect your sh**.

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Alcohol regulations all come from Austin. To get through there, you would have to get through the minefield of Baptists, MADD mothers, law enforcement groups and anyone else who doesn't like alcohol. I'm not even sure that the restaurant associations would be big on it. If the law allows alcohol till 4 am, there would be pressure to stay open that late so your competitors don't beat you, and many owners don't want to do that. I would bet that most like it just the way it is.

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And the 2 AM curfew is pretty standard in the overwhelming majority of US cities. There are exceptions, and most all of them are tourist friendly cities (not saying it's good or bad, just how it is).

Frankly, I don't see why you need to have an alcohol curfew at all. A person could wake up at three in the morning, have a half bottle of Jack Daniels and go out cause mischief if that's what he's hankerin' to do. Penalizing bars seems to be a copout.

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It's his business if he doesn't like Houston, but the least he can do is explain just what is so awful about the place instead of just making snide remarks and complaining. Somehow I really don't think sprawl or getting shot is really such a big issue to a journalist that just has to take a taxi or a limo to his hotel downtown, then hang out at parties. If you can't find something to appreciate in other cities, and you are so sure that your own town is just God's little acre, then you really need to find a job that doesn't require much travel.

And if he thinks you come here to gain weight, that's probably because we have one of the best collections of good restaurants in the country, so I hope it's true.

A friend of mine made a good point, that garbage commentary about Houston like this only comes from sports writers. I wonder why that is?

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Look, we all know that if he was actually somebody, he would have done more than stalk MJ from his dinner table for several hours seething over the idea of an invite to play spades.

This guy is a nobody. I actually suprised his "black superbowl" comment hasn't stirred up more attention.

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Look, we all know that if he was actually somebody, he would have done more than stalk MJ from his dinner table for several hours seething over the idea of an invite to play spades.

This guy is a nobody. I actually suprised his "black superbowl" comment hasn't stirred up more attention.


I agree. The guy is what my dad used to call a "professional whiner will travel".

Wouldn't it be great to be able for any of us to suspend our self esteem and do what he does? ^_^

BTW: if we wait around long enough, the "black superbowl" crack will probably come back and bite him on the ass.


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I did like his comment about not pushing back the 2 am last call. That last call thing bugs me, I know other cities have them to, but still, it's annoying, 2 am is kinda early for a Friday night.

That was the only dissing comment that made sense in the whole article. We agree with each other there. But his dissing Houston for sprawl, traffic and violence after living in L.A. lost his credibility and caught him in his baby crib crying for attention when no one will feed him.

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What comes across in this article is that what's-his-name is a nobody who can't get invited to the best parties, meet famous people or afford the best accomodations.

Therefore, he's trying to shame and bully his way into having insecure Houstonians pick up his bar tabs and provide him with free hotel rooms, meals, transportation, etc. . It's an old game, but I've seldom seen it so artlessly done. "Be nice to me, or I'm gonna tell everyone that Houston sucks." It's called extortion.

I've got three words for him, and they're not "Welcome To Houston." <_<

And ESPN? Please send a professional journalist next time.

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What comes across in this article is that what's-his-name is a nobody who can't get invited to the best parties, meet famous people or afford the best accomodations.

And from his picture I'm lead to think Mommy & Daddy has picked up his tab all through life. How ironic that in real life, he's left out in the cold waiting for a guy named P-nutt for tickets to an exclusive NBA party. What a winner.

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How important is this guy in the NBA or sporting journalist that people would follow with what he says?

People who have been to Houston will find its good and bad (like any other city) and decide for themselves. If he doesn't like it here he shouldn't have taken the assignment. But yet, the first thing he did was moan and groan about how awful Houston was?

Does he whine about the cabs in NY? or the traffic in L.A.?

All I read that he did in that interview was watch people and drink. He didn't ask any locals about good bars (Geeze, Mr. don't you watch "$40 a day with Rachel Ray where to go when out of town?!)


I'm sure the Northeast is SOOOOOOOO perfect in everyway. While everyone is freezing their butts (can I curse here?) off, we had a little mild winter.

While Northeasters can be a bit harsh, some of us still have the Texas hospitality.

Did we forget, obviously someone didn't read the fattest city in the nation. Hey buddy we're number "5".... say it with me... "5"....not one ONE or TWO! ..Number one is Chicago! and oh yea L.A. is somewhere in that last too!!

As the old saying goes, "Welcome to Texas, now that you have been here, get out!" ;)

I doubt MJ could care about this guy!

Personally I didn't care for the NBA All Stars game or the people.

If the NBA is the "Black Superbowl" It was Bryant Gumble who said, ""Finally, tonight, the Winter Games. Count me among those who don

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Up until last November, pubs in London and the rest of the UK closed at 11:00pm.

And London is not exactly bible belt central.

Of course now it's 24 hour drinking if you can find it. Just watch out for the freaks in SoHo.

I think it's in several UK cities aswell. There was a story in this weeks Manchester Metro news on the front page. Entitled "Whatever Happened to 24hr Drinking Turmoil?". Some politicians predectited binge-drinking anarchy. According to the story there has been a drop in violent alchahol related crimes. It's to early to tell if this new law will have a negative impact, several cities are being closely monitored though.

Edited by Houstonian in Iraq
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