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Red Light Cameras

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During the test period, 633 vehicle owners were issued warnings for running red lights at four intersections: Milam at McGowen, Milam at Jefferson, Travis at McGowen and Texas at San Jacinto.



McGowen's lights have been plagued for years, and still are not in sync with Mayor White's plan.

Kinda funny that these cameras appear at two intersections on McGowen.

Something is rotten about this.

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As much as I like Mayor White, I think he is fooling himself if he thinks this is anything but a money-maker for the City.

This is a good blog that publishes any driving-related articles/reports from around the world. The vast majority are speed camera-related.

http://www.thenewspaper.com/ (the Journal of the Politics of Driving)

Edited by travelguy_73
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Money- Maker ? DUH! Of course it's a money maker, but it enables less patrolling of these "known" areas, and they can be better utilized elsewhere.

Let me ask you though, is it NOT a law being broken if a Cop doesn't SEE you doing it ? The Mayor is thinking forward, try to govern yourself by NOT breaking any traffic laws. I bet your perspective would change once you get "T-Boned" in an intersection by someone running a redlight. :o

Edited by TJones
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Coog, looking at your opinion of Red Light cameras, and comparing it to your views on the US Government's warrantless wiretaps, they seem to conflict. Can you explain why listening to your private phone conversations passes your smell test, but a camera taking a photo of your license plate as you violate the law is rotten?

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Becuase I run the red lights on McGowen all the time. You have to. Otherwise it can forever to go from Smith to Jackson. If you can sync Gray and Webster, why not McGowen?

The cameras are fine. The real problem here are the lights on McGowne.

Also, on the wire taps, I am still waiting to see what comes of it. Right now, we are all just jumping to politically biased conclusions.

FYI - when I run these I make sure that no traffic is coming. Usally after sitting at a way too long red on McGowen. Not like I run it from yellow to red.

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The biggest abusers of the red lights downtown are Metro bus drivers. Are they subject to being issued tickets as well? Not only are the buses running these lights more than anyone I see daily, but they are the biggest a-holes on the roads downtown. Cutting off drivers, hogging multiple lanes and clogging traffic. Can the city do something about that?

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Its funny, as all over the board as Midtown Coog may seem in this thread, I agree with most of his rants/ points.

I personally don't have a problem with the red light cameras because some people around downtown are awful about running the reds (not yellows, reds). And not like Coog, who is running lights that should be synchronized. In downtown and increasingly in Midtown, its pretty dangerous when you have people walking and some people are in a huge rush to get to next light, which will be red as well where the lights are synchronized. I come in down Walker everyday to work, and see so many people gun it to make one light and I see them a block up at the next one sitting there. Its kind of funny actually.

McGowen is an annoying strip of lights in Midtown. You go one block and then the next light turns red. When that one turns green, sure enough the next one turns red as well. I try and avoid it when i'm trying to get anywhere, but it is for the most part well paved, so it kind of sucks to avoid one of the better paved roads in the area. Most of the CBD is pretty good, except Smith on Sundays for some reason is just like McGowen. Main sometimes throws things off a little because of the train, but getting to work down Walker, its pretty easy to fly and I know Louisiana is the same way.

The Metro bus drivers run more red lights than anyone else, but there are a lot of idiot drivers around downtown that do get in the way. i see so many people trying to turn right, see a bus stopped in the lane, so they try and go around and turn right from the next lane and then almost cause an accident because then the bus is starting to move. And then like any downtown you get a lot of "first time in the big city" people who have no idea which roads head which way and are just lost in general.

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Coog, looking at your opinion of Red Light cameras, and comparing it to your views on the US Government's warrantless wiretaps, they seem to conflict. Can you explain why listening to your private phone conversations passes your smell test, but a camera taking a photo of your license plate as you violate the law is rotten?

Red, I have a question about the "Illegal Wiretaps". Aren't the wiretaps strictly adhered to only listening to people with KNOWN al-queda ties, and ONLY phonecalls coming in from abroad INTO the country to THESE people ?

They are NOT listening to Dem. Senators, and Private citizen Joe Schmoe who run redlights every chance they get because of some un-synched lights downtown, as they were trying to make it out to be.

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The biggest abusers of the red lights downtown are Metro bus drivers. Are they subject to being issued tickets as well? Not only are the buses running these lights more than anyone I see daily, but they are the biggest a-holes on the roads downtown. Cutting off drivers, hogging multiple lanes and clogging traffic. Can the city do something about that?

I completely agree. There's nothing like being cut-off by some idiotic bus driver, or being blocked from turning right because the bus driver (in clear violation of the posted signs) is blocking the road/ramp/driveway, or realizing the bus driver is going to blow right through a red light (even though the light turned red just as the bus was closing its doors and getting ready to accelerate from its stop).

I used to think the same thing until I started taking the bus. Now I'm on the bus driver's side. Get out of our way!

Especially considering how dumb people can drive when in downtown.

Ummm...are you referring to the people who like to mow down pedestrians while driving Metro buses??? If so, then, yeah, people can drive rather stupidly when or around downtown.

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Red, I have a question about the "Illegal Wiretaps". Aren't the wiretaps strictly adhered to only listening to people with KNOWN al-queda ties, and ONLY phonecalls coming in from abroad INTO the country to THESE people ?

They are NOT listening to Dem. Senators, and Private citizen Joe Schmoe who run redlights every chance they get because of some un-synched lights downtown, as they were trying to make it out to be.

They probably are listening to conversations within the US and between non-Al Qaeda members. They tried to ask him about this the other day, but Gonzalez could only hem and haw about it. I believe this now because, for some reason, the government is surveiling vegans ( link ). Okay, so they think meat is evil. So what?

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mow down pedestrians

It our duty as pedestrians to keep our heads out of our arses.

Waiting at the cross-walk is a prime example. I see downtown professionals practically standing in the street waiting for the light to change.

Those are some brave fools just asking to be hit by a bus or a car.

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Red, I have a question about the "Illegal Wiretaps". Aren't the wiretaps strictly adhered to only listening to people with KNOWN al-queda ties, and ONLY phonecalls coming in from abroad INTO the country to THESE people ?

They are NOT listening to Dem. Senators, and Private citizen Joe Schmoe who run redlights every chance they get because of some un-synched lights downtown, as they were trying to make it out to be.

Well, TJ, you don't know exactly WHO they are listening to, because they won't tell anyone. However, according to sources and others, the NSA listens to EVERY call going or coming overseas. Computers filter out the calls that are not of interest. The filtering continues to shrink the volume of calls until a manageable number is achieved for human ears. Of these, most of the intercepted calls are washed out, because they are not terrorist related. Only about 10 people a year are identified as suspects, out of the thousands listened to. Not very specific, is it?

The reason that FISA will not work for this program, is that a warrant is based on reasonable suspicion of a person. This program listens to EVERYONE, and uses it to develop suspicions. The problem is, illegally gained evidence is inadmissible in Court.

So, if you make overseas calls, they ARE listening to you. Better be careful what you say. More importantly, you better be careful who you call and where, because they pay most attention to those who have talked to someone on their list. And seeing as how infants are ending up on no-fly lists, you know how good they are at keeping accurate lists.

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Here we go again, started off talking about the red light cameras and now we head into the descent of wire tap discussions. Soon enough, we can expect the standard liberal vs conservatives, bush is right vs bush is wrong, woodlands/ katy christian nuts vs gay/ left leaning liberals talk that every thread seems to head back to.

Can't one thread at least follow the original intent?

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OK, as much as I am not a fan of government cameras watching me, 633 people running red lights in only 4 intersections in one month is stunning. I am of the opinion that we let the city have their cameras, as long as they do what they say. Once they start getting mission creep, we jump down their throats.

BTW, the "money maker" argument is such a non-argument. Every single infraction you make is a money maker, including the ones where the cops catch you in person. Cash penalties are how you gain compliance. Those who don't like paying $75 will start stopping at the lights. Those that don't like parking tickets will start dumping quarters in the meter.

Better? ;)

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Here we go again, started off talking about the red light cameras and now we head into the descent of wire tap discussions. Soon enough, we can expect the standard liberal vs conservatives, bush is right vs bush is wrong, woodlands/ katy christian nuts vs gay/ left leaning liberals talk that every thread seems to head back to.

Can't one thread at least follow the original intent?

NO, but my post before this did keep it in the context. :lol:;)

Coog, just because they aren't exactly how you would like them, where they light up like a Xmas tree as you continuosly go down the street, doesn't make them "rigged", as much as it might seem, and I completely agree that sometimes it DOES seem that way, people hit the little crosswalk buttons which throw off the "synchronicity" of the lights. There is NO getting around it. So, run the risk of playing "dodgecar" with the red lights, and you pay the price.

Edited by TJones
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and I completely agree that sometimes it DOES seem that way, people hit the little crosswalk buttons which throw off the "synchronicity" of the lights.

speaking of those, i read somewhere that the crosswalk buttons in NYC were mostly "mechanical placebos" after the onset of computer-controlled traffic lights...

is this the case here?

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speaking of those, i read somewhere that the crosswalk buttons in NYC were mostly "mechanical placebos" after the onset of computer-controlled traffic lights...

is this the case here?

The light is still going to turn when its time comes. But I will flash a walk signal longer before it flashes the hand.

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Becuase I run the red lights on McGowen all the time. You have to. Otherwise it can forever to go from Smith to Jackson. If you can sync Gray and Webster, why not McGowen?

The cameras are fine. The real problem here are the lights on McGowne.

Also, on the wire taps, I am still waiting to see what comes of it. Right now, we are all just jumping to politically biased conclusions.

FYI - when I run these I make sure that no traffic is coming. Usally after sitting at a way too long red on McGowen. Not like I run it from yellow to red.

I have never intentionally run any redlight because I have suffered the consequences of people like you who clearly have no regard for the signals. It only takes one careless driver to alter the lives of others forever.

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Good for you, nmainguy, good for you.

If you are looking for a safe one to run, McGowen is it.

And I even had a legal professor tell me it's OK to do this. The lights have to be reasonalbe. Sit at McGowen at Louisana for 10 minutes on a mis-timed light, and you might change your tune.

You can see the traffic coming (mostly not coming) for a good ways away. They are all stuck at the red light on Elgin.

Edited by MidtownCoog
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Good for you, nmainguy, good for you.

If you are looking for a safe one to run, McGowen is it.

And I even had a legal professor tell me it's OK to do this. The lights have to be reasonalbe. Sit at McGowen at Louisana for 10 minutes on a mis-timed light, and you might change your tune.

You can see the traffic coming (mostly not coming) for a good ways away. They are all stuck at the red light on Elgin.

There is a similar light like that here in Katy, at hwy 90 and the I-10 split, if you are coming east on 90 and come to the new intersection to turn left to go on I-10 east, pack a lunch.

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The biggest abusers of the red lights downtown are Metro bus drivers. Are they subject to being issued tickets as well? Not only are the buses running these lights more than anyone I see daily, but they are the biggest a-holes on the roads downtown. Cutting off drivers, hogging multiple lanes and clogging traffic. Can the city do something about that?

A few months ago there was an article in the Chronicle about a mail order company that sells something in an aerosol can that people can spray on their car license plates that will make it impossible for the camera to take a photo of them. It sells for $19.95. Anyone out there prone to running a red light might think about investing in a can or two of it. $19.95 beats a $75 ticket.

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