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As I remember there was some bad blood here on the forums surrounding Niche's departure from HAIF, which is why this is in Way Off Topic. Not sure how many of you stay in touch with him, but I know many of us knew him personally. Anyhoo, he's still in Vietnam, and is settling in DaNang with his wife Yen. He was married earlier this month in what sounds like an epic village-wide, week-long party in the countryside where his wife's family lives; his parents made it over for the event.   And.....a baby on the way due in early November! 

I've got his email if anyone's interested. 

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I didn't know what happened here with him but I've noticed he does post on Swamplot at times.  When he mentioned that he was in another country, I somehow thought he meant Mexico.


I'm glad that he has found his place and it does sound (from what you've said) like he's happy where he is.  I don't know him personally but I've always enjoyed his writing.  I came to the conclusion a while back that he must have been banned from here and I was sorry for it.  


I wish him well.

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I've been wondering where he went. I didn't always see eye-to-eye with him, but he was clearly quite bright. I miss his posts along with RedScares. I like being challenged, even if not right away.


It's nice to see you posting, Crunch! I was beginning to wonder if my move back to Houston drove the old timers away.

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agreed 100%!  i really miss both redscare as well as theniche.  those two members / posters, were both extremely unique upon their overall approach to posting.. and yet, we loved them for just whom they were.  not only do i miss the great revelations that they constantly brought to the forum information wise.. but i also miss the very fact that they were both just cool members as well.  


upon whether we shall like to admit it or not.. there are some various underlying issues regarding this HAIF / FORUM.  we have some members that seem to constantly try and call out members upon the most inarticulate and yet "silly season" antics.. that very often lead to mayhem vs outright disrespect upon this unique and fun site.  just the other day... i was posting upon the "river oaks district" thread upon the utmost innocent fashion.. and lo and behold, here comes a couple of posters calling me out for no apparent reason or another.. just to create problems.  (and of course, i had to put them back into their respective places)  many of you may recall a few of my prior postings a few months ago.. as i have acted as a go between, as per a few prior skirmishes between many of our best members.  


these internal forum issues have become a major problem / distraction.. for us all as well as our posting / information objectives.  we are losing many of our great posters, friends, and members.  i find this simple fact to be deplorable.. as per such a great forum with so much great potential.  we need to place a halt to all of the disrespect to members, which very often leads to the controversial infighting.  i for one, think that our MOD's are trying their best to stem this often times strenuous tied...  but ultimately, the responsibility is indeed ours to bare.  


we need to come together to solve these issues, so that we may enable HAIF HOUSTON to move forward..  upon the very same fashion, that our fair city of houston is...

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As I remember there was some bad blood here on the forums surrounding Niche's departure from HAIF, which is why this is in Way Off Topic. Not sure how many of you stay in touch with him, but I know many of us knew him personally. Anyhoo, he's still in Vietnam, and is settling in DaNang with his wife Yen. He was married earlier this month in what sounds like an epic village-wide, week-long party in the countryside where his wife's family lives; his parents made it over for the event.   And.....a baby on the way due in early November! 

I've got his email if anyone's interested. 


I never met him but always enjoyed his posts. Do you know of he still owns property in Eastwood?

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I also miss Niche's posts.  I agreed with some and disagreed with others.  I'm usually the kind of person to hold my tongue when I hear posts I disagree with strongly on this issue or that, but they do make me think.   It is good to read posts from intelligent people who can lead us to think about and perhaps to re-examine our own beliefs.   


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Niche and RedScare occasionally post at Swamplot. It's a shame that discourse devolved, but it does after a while in a closed loop. Whether we admit it, HAIF is. That, and men and their egos. Myself, I got bored with the same conversation over and over again. Let some time pass and now HAIF is interesting again.


Don't know how many of you remember the name but Memebag has appeared on swamplot recently.  Godzilla redux ; HAIF dinosaurs back to the internet again? U B the Judge!

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actually, in all honesty.. i never realized that swamplot held a forum.  i thought that they were just basically a business oriented information source.  i am now on my way to check it out.  much obliged as per the heads up!

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I cannot agree that HAIF is interesting again.  Without Niche, Red and even AtticusFlinch (and maybe others prior to '05 when I joined), I believe that HAIF has become a little LESS interesting.  Without discourse, we would not be here.  .Those that have caused this divide and ceased the discourse have also ceased to contribute as much. I personally have not been a major contributor but have maintained an avid interest.


I do not understand why those that feel they are abused in some fashion and their views are discounted in some fashion have the need to be vindicated at the expense of an opposing opinion.  And, at the risk of also being banned, I do not understand why some who may or may not have complained that other's opinions have somehow discredited 'them' should be cause enough to be considered  persona non grata. 


I strongly believe that a forum such as this should be free of censure but I also recognize that the owner of this forum retains the privilege of personal opinion, what ever that may be.  I would only hope that such an owner would be Switzerland.



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RedScare was the last to leave. I can't find the thread, but I remember that some of the last posts involved some radical liberal attacking him for a few random things (like not mowing or watering his lawn, or somesuch) because he thought Red was a conservative Christian (which he wasn't). He announced that he would leave and go for a bike ride--guess it was a long bike ride.

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I cannot agree that HAIF is interesting again.  Without Niche, Red and even AtticusFlinch (and maybe others prior to '05 when I joined), I believe that HAIF has become a little LESS interesting.  Without discourse, we would not be here.  .Those that have caused this divide and ceased the discourse have also ceased to contribute as much. I personally have not been a major contributor but have maintained an avid interest.


I do not understand why those that feel they are abused in some fashion and their views are discounted in some fashion have the need to be vindicated at the expense of an opposing opinion.  And, at the risk of also being banned, I do not understand why some who may or may not have complained that other's opinions have somehow discredited 'them' should be cause enough to be considered  persona non grata. 


I strongly believe that a forum such as this should be free of censure but I also recognize that the owner of this forum retains the privilege of personal opinion, what ever that may be.  I would only hope that such an owner would be Switzerland.


I would only point out that to my knowledge no one on this forum has ever been banned for dissenting views, no matter how strongly expressed.  Being vulgar, abusive or bullying other members - especially on an ongoing basis - is altogether a different matter.  

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RedScare was the last to leave. I can't find the thread, but I remember that some of the last posts involved some radical liberal attacking him for a few random things (like not mowing or watering his lawn, or somesuch) because he thought Red was a conservative Christian (which he wasn't). He announced that he would leave and go for a bike ride--guess it was a long bike ride.

After the HAIF meet up I never saw him post again. HAIF is more enjoyable with knowledgeable keyboard warriors, having a battle about subjects I have no clue on, like legislation and economics. I actually learned quite a bit during that time.

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I do miss the way Niche would pick apart a post and tear it into pieces. It was frustrating if you were the target, but was as entertaining as anything. And Red was the god of sarcasm on HAIF. His back-and-forths with s3mh and others are priceless. Maybe it was too much for some people to take, as the discourse did get a little biting sometimes. I’m glad to hear they’re both doing well. HAIF is much calmer and gentler now, and there are so many project updates it’s hard to keep up anymore.

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His back-and-forths with s3mh and others are priceless

That was the mostly in the Heights Walmart thread, namely his criticisms of "RUDE" (RUDH) and the "collapsing bridge".

On RedScare, partially because of his "anarchy" avatar, I read his posts (2012-ish) in a "muffled Bane voice" which made them 10x more entertaining.

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All this talk about HAIF story-arcs make me miss TexasVines.  Either that dude was truly unhinged, or very, very good method actor.

BTW....Red still reads the forums on occasion, just doesn't post. I'm sure one day something will draw him out of semi-retirement.   

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In just over 23 years of active participation in various online communities, the qualities that stand out for me among the communities that I'd consider to have been the most robust and entertaining are:


  • a substantial chunk (if not a supermajority) of the participants had absolute mastery of at least one area of knowledge generally considered arcane or esoteric by the general populace
  • this group of people could write artfully and persuasively on a wide variety of topics in addition to their area of expertise
  • they did not suffer fools gladly


This combination frequently leads to a discourse replete with strong opinions, in which some folks invariably wind up with bruised feelings. Those who view this as a necessarily bad thing are probably of the generation who grew up believing that everyone gets a prize just for showing up. 


But I digress. I have on occasion run across Niche's comments on Swamplot. There was one recent observation in particular that was tossed off almost as an aside in the midst of a much longer analysis, yet it was possibly the funniest thing I've ever read on the subject of light rail. Had it been posted here, it would have almost certainly had more than a few people pounding on their keyboards in fits of apoplexy.

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I used to be much more active on this forum and was the original "shasta" many years ago before the crash and someone took the name. Over time, I became less active but always found time to read. Then I found a new job and less time and started to skip sections that didn't interest me. I don't follow "The Heights" section so I am thinking I missed what happened.


Wish Red would come back. My man-crush on him is as large as my lady-crush on Crunch!

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Red was definitely intelligent as well but he seemed to get joy out of bullying and borderline humiliating others.

I don't think he was doing it to be sadistic, he just tended to like to argue and had a low tolerance for fools (yes, I was there too)

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