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Occupy Wall Street?


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The man that is in a coma is also an Iraq war vet. This guy probably had to show more restraint than OPD controlling crowds in Iraq and he has to come home to this?

According to the news the police did not take action until after they ordered the crowd dispersed and were then hit by the "peaceful" protesters throwing bottles and other garbage at them. It was at that point that they used tear gas, flash grenades, and non-lethal ammunition.

I thank him for his service in the military - but simply being post military does not give a person the right to break the law upon return.

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Actually, the police have told a series of lies. They claimed not to have used rubber bullets or flashbangs, yet those items were found, and there's footage of an officer throwing a flashbang.

You think they just attacked without provocation? They may have over-escalated because that is what police do when their adrenaline starts pumping and their authority is challenged, but they were provoked by something that warranted the tear gas first. The police know darn well that the media is watching their every move...some "peaceful" indigent protester did something that got the rest of those cops all worked up, but you dont see that on the video.

When your out numbered like the police are they are not going to sit around waiting till it gets really bad and their life is in danger to do something...they tried to nip it in the bud with a display of force - this guy got in the way. Sucks the guy got hit - but again he was in the process of breaking the law. He may not have deserved to get put in a coma, but he has nobody to blame but himself. He put himself in a position that was predictable. That is just plain stupid.

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You think they just attacked without provocation? They may have over-escalated because that is what police do when their adrenaline starts pumping and their authority is challenged, but they were provoked by something that warranted the tear gas first. The police know darn well that the media is watching their every move...some "peaceful" indigent protester did something that got the rest of those cops all worked up, but you dont see that on the video.

The police in this city are known for killing compliant people like Oscar Grant, so yes, I don't put it past them.

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According to the news the police did not take action until after they ordered the crowd dispersed and were then hit by the "peaceful" protesters throwing bottles and other garbage at them. It was at that point that they used tear gas, flash grenades, and non-lethal ammunition.

I thank him for his service in the military - but simply being post military does not give a person the right to break the law upon return.

right, it was my understanding that after they were dispersed from the location, they tried to take it back. when they weren't allowed to, they started throwing things. the police responded to the riot situation with riot tactics.

yes, it's very unfortunate that someone was injured, but it's a risk you take when entering into that kind of situation.

I really do hope that he is offered the same treatment as Giffords was though, would be a tragedy if he was treated differently, at the end of the day, they are both human beings, and both fighting for what they believed was right.

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Several tea party organizers are demanding that the Occupy _____ pay the same fees, contract for the security and sign the same agreements that they were required to in order to protest. The cities thus far have not required anything of the occupy protesters....seems dirty to me. Rules must apply to everyone equally regardless of political beliefs. If these protesters refuse to pay the fees to protest they should be dispersed. If they do not disperse they should be arrested.


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I saw two OWS guys holding up their Occupy Houston signs over I-10 (Houston or Taylor) during evening rush hour yesterday.

Did they not think of the irony when they decided the best time and place to convey their message would be to tens of thousands of Houstonians coming home from work ?

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I saw two OWS guys holding up their Occupy Houston signs over I-10 (Houston or Taylor) during evening rush hour yesterday.

Did they not think of the irony when they decided the best time and place to convey their message would be to tens of thousands of Houstonians coming home from work ?

Perhaps they think their message of accountability for banks that gambled their own fortunes and then turned to the public for replenishment appeals to some people who have jobs as well? I have a job and it appeals to me. No, I don't think it's ironic.

Edited by kylejack
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Is there a list of demands, or just a bunch of bohemian whiners with nothing else to do? Get to the damn point and stop being juvenile.

Most of what I've seen seems to be from 20 somethings who borrowed large sums of money to get a degree that's not worth much, so they want jobs and forgiveness of their debt. There's no way I would hire someone stupid enough to pile up $100k+ of debt to get a bachelor of fine arts, or a marketing degree, or a management degree, or a sociology degree. These folks are too proud to work physical labor type jobs, or fast food jobs - they want it all and they want it now. These are the people I see from time to time as new hires whose first question is "when do I get to be a manager".

Essentially, the demands are "give us whatever we want, right now".

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Society tells people to earn a degree vs. getting into a trade, and many K-12 schools emphasize university stuff over things to get skilled trade degrees. Increasingly skilled trade arts are being left up to community colleges

Most of what I've seen seems to be from 20 somethings who borrowed large sums of money to get a degree that's not worth much, so they want jobs and forgiveness of their debt. There's no way I would hire someone stupid enough to pile up $100k+ of debt to get a bachelor of fine arts, or a marketing degree, or a management degree, or a sociology degree. These folks are too proud to work physical labor type jobs, or fast food jobs - they want it all and they want it now. These are the people I see from time to time as new hires whose first question is "when do I get to be a manager".

Essentially, the demands are "give us whatever we want, right now".

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Most of what I've seen seems to be from 20 somethings who borrowed large sums of money to get a degree that's not worth much, so they want jobs and forgiveness of their debt. There's no way I would hire someone stupid enough to pile up $100k+ of debt to get a bachelor of fine arts, or a marketing degree, or a management degree, or a sociology degree. These folks are too proud to work physical labor type jobs, or fast food jobs - they want it all and they want it now. These are the people I see from time to time as new hires whose first question is "when do I get to be a manager".

Essentially, the demands are "give us whatever we want, right now".

On the one hand, I agree that the people that are whining in this instance are being well-characterized by you. (The ones with time on their hands are ****ing themselves further by allocating their time to a lost cause rather than to any attempt at being productive.)

On the other hand, I have multiple quantitatively-oriented business degrees, yet get paid a salary that is equivalent to less than the minimum wage in terms of hours worked because I paid for those degrees, free and clear, by working full-time and gaining a lot of experience in real estate development, and that experience turned out to be completely worthless at just the moment in my career that I should've started doing very well for myself.

At this point, I'd have done twice as well for myself with an associates degree in welding.

I am pissed off. But more than anything, I'm pissed that the people irresponsible enough to get bogged down in student debt get freebies and I don't. I should have understood that the system favors traditional students; I should have acted very irresponsibly as was expected of me. I did not, and therefore I have been punished. The lesson is learned; and I think that that is sad.

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Most of what I've seen seems to be from 20 somethings who borrowed large sums of money to get a degree that's not worth much, so they want jobs and forgiveness of their debt. There's no way I would hire someone stupid enough to pile up $100k+ of debt to get a bachelor of fine arts, or a marketing degree, or a management degree, or a sociology degree. These folks are too proud to work physical labor type jobs, or fast food jobs - they want it all and they want it now. These are the people I see from time to time as new hires whose first question is "when do I get to be a manager".

Essentially, the demands are "give us whatever we want, right now".

I've been saying this all along - but the media and democrats wants to make this into something more grand - a real moral stand against corporations and banks....its all a front for a bunch of whiney babies who were not handed what their mom and dads told them would be handed to them when they graduated from college.

Its pathetic - they are not willing to do anything other than exactly what they want at exactly their dream pay....what use do they really think that BA degree is? Its acceptable for teaching, or possibly as an easy grade to get into a Law school, thats it...There are lots of manufacturing jobs all over the US but they are not willing to actually work with their hands and punch a clock - even though most of the jobs pay more and work less than an entry level paper pusher.

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I think a key issue is lack of flexibility in thinking. It seems like a lot of the whiny folks are stuck on the idea that if they have a degree in X, they are entitled to a well paying job doing X, and won't consider a decent job doing Y, where their degree doesn't seem relevant, but the ability to think is. No one seems to think these days. Maybe not no one, but most. This is probably related to the ever increasing trend towards teaching to the test, whatever that test might be, and the concomitant thinking by students that anything not on the test isn't worth knowing. Over time, this leads to a population that can regurgitate specific facts, but can't take two seemingly unrelated items and synthesize some thing new and useful. Gone are the days where a professor can tell a class that "anything might be on the test. In fact, you may get a question that hasn't been covered at all by me, but shows your ability to think. After all, the most important thing I can teach you is how to think."

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I support OWS. I am employed. I have absolutely no debt. I am closer now to 50 than 20. I am not a hippy but I do enjoy letting my beard grow over the weekend.

The main demand of the OWS group has been posted here many times but for whatever reason the folks on the right don't want to see it.


Stop letting corporations run this country. Stop voting for people who appoint folks to the Supreme Court who turn around and give corporations "special rights" above and beyond the people.

This has nothing to do with being anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, or whatever else you want to brand the movement no matter how many times you hear it on Fox News.

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This event, from my understanding, is only partly about loans, actually, very small portion is about student loans. Sadly the message is shifted from, the banks got bailed out, how about you cover my student debt, while you're at it? Politicians see a student debt restructure as an easy way to make the kids happy. At least that's how I think it's going down.

You can't remove money from politics. It's unfortunate, but true. So long as we have free speech, the people with the most money will spend that money to use their 1st amendment right and talk to as many people as they can. Of course they will remind their candidate of what they've just done.

These kids want to hurt corporations, they're doing it wrong. A poll done not too long ago showed that 43% percent of Americans are with ows. That's a lot of consumers. Somewhere near 150 million.

Start a new protest, ether than camp out and get arrested, start the boycott wall street movement. Quit your bank and get in a credit union, stop buying the latest iPhone when the phone you have is perfectly fine. Send a message to them in a way they can understand. Support small businesses, and be vocal, let them know why you do what you do.

It seems so simple to me, and for that I have to believe this really isn't about change, at least not good change.

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Apple didn't wreck the economy, companies in the financial industry did. The bank withdrawal is scheduled for 11/5.

Oh, well of course... I forgot that Apple doesn't engage the world with its corporate financing processes and does not rely in the least bit on consumer credit. They have absolutely no interest in politics or the global financial infrastructure. They are blameless and should be held up as a shining pillar of corporate morality. No doubt exists that Apple will also detach itself from the financial sector on 11/5 and they will no doubt ask that their employees stand united with OWS protesters and wag their fingers at those that have enabled its success. :wacko:

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I support OWS. I am employed. I have absolutely no debt. I am closer now to 50 than 20. I am not a hippy but I do enjoy letting my beard grow over the weekend.

The main demand of the OWS group has been posted here many times but for whatever reason the folks on the right don't want to see it.


Stop letting corporations run this country. Stop voting for people who appoint folks to the Supreme Court who turn around and give corporations "special rights" above and beyond the people.

This has nothing to do with being anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, or whatever else you want to brand the movement no matter how many times you hear it on Fox News.

You see only what you want to see in it. Its full of anti-capitalist, socialist people who do not have any desire to actually goto work. You support it, and you work, and many more do as well - but that does not change the movement. I doubt you are one of the bozos camping on the street thinking they are making a difference.

They dont just want corporate money out of politics, they want the money that the corporations and the top 25% of the country have. They want to take the money away from the corporations and banks and they want it redistributed....and they want it redistributed to them. I have not seen the right or the left defend the bailout the banks or GM received....nobody is defending that except for the politicians and Unions who benefited from it. That is why this "protest" is so misguided. They are protesting against the wrong people. If OWS is ever going to make any real difference its going to be a the ballot box not the streets.

I dont see that these kids taking their $150 out of the banks on 11/5 is going to do anything either. You actually have to have money in the bank for that to make any difference at all.

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Oh, well of course... I forgot that Apple doesn't engage the world with its corporate financing processes and does not rely in the least bit on consumer credit. They have absolutely no interest in politics or the global financial infrastructure. They are blameless and should be held up as a shining pillar of corporate morality. No doubt exists that Apple will also detach itself from the financial sector on 11/5 and they will no doubt ask that their employees stand united with OWS protesters and wag their fingers at those that have enabled its success. :wacko:

It would certainly be news if Apple actually had something to do with the financial crisis other than the indirect associations of being a functioning business.

Edited by barracuda
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You see only what you want to see in it. Its full of anti-capitalist, socialist people who do not have any desire to actually goto work. You support it, and you work, and many more do as well - but that does not change the movement. I doubt you are one of the bozos camping on the street thinking they are making a difference.

They dont just want corporate money out of politics, they want the money that the corporations and the top 25% of the country have. They want to take the money away from the corporations and banks and they want it redistributed....and they want it redistributed to them.

I have not seen the right or the left defend the bailout the banks or GM received....nobody is defending that except for the politicians and Unions who benefited from it. That is why this "protest" is so misguided. They are protesting against the wrong people. If OWS is ever going to make any real difference its going to be a the ballot box not the streets.

I dont see that these kids taking their $150 out of the banks on 11/5 is going to do anything either. You actually have to have money in the bank for that to make any difference at all.

I think it will eventually lead to the ballot box, but for now, my take is that the anger is mostly directed at immense power Wall Street has over the political process. It's also easier to protest en masse against Wall Street than against hundreds of individual elected officials who are a year or more away from re-election.

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