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Missing Pets In The Heights

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My neighbor found a Boxer puppy in the area of 11th Street and Columbia on Wednesday night. Since that time, he has been endearing himself to me and my other dog, Valentina. He is approximately 6-8 months old (my guess), male, has a slight gimp in his hind legs, and is the sweetest puppy. He appears to obey some commands, and is somewhat housebroken. He was found without a collar. I haven't seen any signs for him, or seen people on the street looking for him.

If anyone knows any Heights neighbors missing a boxer, please let me know. He is clean and friendly, so I suspect that someone is missing him greatly. If no one claims him, I plan to keep him, as he gets along well with my dog and the neighbors's dogs, but clearly, I am not interested in hiding him from his owner.

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you might have the Vet check it to see if it is chipped thought that sounds doubtful

Thanks. We did that Friday, when we had the vet check on his limp. They didn't find one. I'm going to put up a couple of signs around the hood.

EDIT: Oh, he appears to be less housebroken today than he did when I first found him. :o Luckily, wood floors clean up easily.

Edited by RedScare
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Thanks. We did that Friday, when we had the vet check on his limp. They didn't find one. I'm going to put up a couple of signs around the hood.

EDIT: Oh, he appears to be less housebroken today than he did when I first found him. :o Luckily, wood floors clean up easily.

good news is if you have another dog they usually learn quickly from one another

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If you post a picture of him, I'll put it in the HAIF header. Maybe someone will recognize him.

I was going to post a picture, but I want the owner to describe him. If a picture is posted, it would interfere with the ID. I did describe the dog a a male Boxer, and an owner looking for his/her dog will call even without the photo.

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yep but who's the one giving the lesson?

Well, I've been peeing in the yard all weekend. Hopefully, the dog has figured it out. :blush:

Tiko, thanks for that site. I don't see this pup on there, but I appreciate the link. I put up several fliers this weekend. We'll see what happens. Now that I see that the pup is not altogether housebroken, combined with being without a collar, his owner may not be as dedicated as first appeared. Today I put a collar on him and he nearly went ape trying to get it off. He clearly has never worn one. Oh well. I am secretly hoping I get to keep him anyway.

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Nothing new to report on finding the boxer's owner, but in related news, Peru has offered to donate a dog to the Obama family. The Obamas promised their daughters a dog for being patient through the presidential campaign, but Obama noted that his youngest has asthma. So, Peru has offered to give the Obamas a Peruvian Hairless, which is said to be hypo-allergenic. Below is a photo of a Peruvian Hairless. It is also sometimes known as a Mexican Hairless.



Very cool.

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Nothing new to report on finding the boxer's owner, but in related news, Peru has offered to donate a dog to the Obama family. The Obamas promised their daughters a dog for being patient through the presidential campaign, but Obama noted that his youngest has asthma. So, Peru has offered to give the Obamas a Peruvian Hairless, which is said to be hypo-allergenic. Below is a photo of a Peruvian Hairless. It is also sometimes known as a Mexican Hairless.

I had an Ex from Peru.... I guess there are several types of "Peruvian Hairless". Very cool indeed.

On a side note, my current dog is a rescue dog; could not ask for a better dog. Good luck with your new puppy!

Good girl Foxy.....



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Well, it has been over a week, and no sign of the puppy's owner. Looks like I may be the proud owner of a new Boxer pup. I need to come up with a name for the little guy, since I am tired of calling him 'Hey!' and 'Buddy'. I considered 'Brian' from 'Family Guy', but he does not talk. Same goes for 'Astro' and 'Tralfaz'. Can't call him 'Palin' or 'Sarah', since he is neither pitbull nor female.

So, I'm looking for suggestions.

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I need to come up with a name for the little guy, since I am tired of calling him 'Hey!' and 'Buddy'. I considered 'Brian' from 'Family Guy', but he does not talk. Same goes for 'Astro' and 'Tralfaz'. Can't call him 'Palin' or 'Sarah', since he is neither pitbull nor female.

So, I'm looking for suggestions.

My current dog: Valentina

Dodo (Not to imply your home should be called Nimbus Land ^_^ ).

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Dodo (Not to imply your home should be called Nimbus Land ^_^ ).

Good one! Or, you could go with a Russian cosmonaut theme - Laika or Yuri or Boris or Nikolai or something similar.

Edit: (Valentina being the name of the first woman in space.) More Russian cosmonaut names that might work for a pup (in some cases, I'm anticipating a diminutive): Maxim, Aleksandr, Ivan, Georgi, Mars, Leonid, Aleksei... Seriously, how cute would Valentina and Yuri be?

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Good one! Or, you could go with a Russian cosmonaut theme - Laika or Yuri or Boris or Nikolai or something similar.

Edit: (Valentina being the name of the first woman in space.) More Russian cosmonaut names that might work for a pup (in some cases, I'm anticipating a diminutive): Maxim, Aleksandr, Ivan, Georgi, Mars, Leonid, Aleksei... Seriously, how cute would Valentina and Yuri be?

That's good! Only fitting that RedScare would have pets named after Russian cosmonauts.

I'm not sure why, but I've always liked big dogs with men's names. He's a Carl. Or maybe Karl, in honor of The Great Bailout of 08.

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Good one! Or, you could go with a Russian cosmonaut theme - Laika or Yuri or Boris or Nikolai or something similar.

Edit: (Valentina being the name of the first woman in space.) More Russian cosmonaut names that might work for a pup (in some cases, I'm anticipating a diminutive): Maxim, Aleksandr, Ivan, Georgi, Mars, Leonid, Aleksei... Seriously, how cute would Valentina and Yuri be?

That's weird. I was on a Russian theme with names last night. Valentina was actually named in deference to my former law partner, who is from Ukraine.

Boxers being a German breed, I was also looking at German names. Hans and Fritz were my two favorites.

Then again, I could name him after alien dogs. In that goofy movie Good Boy!, the boxer was named Wilson. Could be Willie for short. :)

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My suggestions:



Those are good. Unfortunately, the Siberian Husky across the street is named Sampson (and his name is perfect for him).

OK, since the pup seems to like answering to one of the suggestions already made, I have ended the name game. (audible GASP! from crowd)

I was leaning heavily toward Wilson this morning, but the pup ignored me when I used it. Not a good sign. However, perhaps because the pup noticed the odd preoccupation with the former Soviet block around the RedScare household, he seems to have taken to one on tmariar's suggestions. So, without further delay, I present the first public photo of Alexei...Alex around here...NOTE: New stuff has come to light, man. See post #36 for details.



And, of course, here's one with his pal, Valentina...


Now, I need to go get him a collar. A red one, natch.

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Aw - a handsome dog indeed! I don't know much about dogs, but those paws make it look like he's going to get bigger.

And Valentina is very pretty, and looks like she's cool with her new buddy.

Aleksei/Alexey Leonov was the first man to walk in space. So Alex and Valentina both have good cosmonaut names!

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