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Walmart Supercenter At 111 Yale St.


Walmart at Yale & I-10: For or Against  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. Q1: Regarding the proposed WalMart at Yale and I-10:

    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • Undecided
  2. 2. Q2: If/when this proposed WalMart is built at Yale & I-10

    • I am FOR this WalMart and will shop at this WalMart
    • I am FOR this WalMart but will not shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart but will shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart and will not shop at this WalMart
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Q3: WalMart in general

    • I am Pro-Walmart
    • I am Anti-Walmart
    • I don't care either way
    • Undecided

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What part of "WalMart drivers follow their route or get fired" do you not understand? You probably don't know any truck drivers - they would be beneath you in status, and not worthy of your attention, but they like keeping their jobs. Do you follow the rules of your employer (assuming you even have a productive job)? If so, why would you assume that WalMart drivers wouldn't? And, of course, there's that GPS thingy that tells WalMart exactly where the truck went, and presumably sets off an alarm if the truck departs from the preplanned route.

I'm sure s3mh knows plenty of truck drivers.

of course, they're probably all out of work because they didn't follow their routes.

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If WalMart tells drivers to keep the trucks off the Yale Street bridge, you can be fairly sure that the drivers will obey.

But they won't! WalMart does dastardly things like this all the time just to be evil! Just ask somebody!

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That's as stupid as me asking you to prove you stopped beating your spouse, or to prove it wasn't you that stole the gnome out of my neighbor's yard.

If you think the City's 100+ page infrastructure design manual does not apply to private developers, that is your problem. It does. It is your burden to prove that it does not. I am not responsible for your ignorance.

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If you think the City's 100+ page infrastructure design manual does not apply to private developers, that is your problem. It does. It is your burden to prove that it does not. I am not responsible for your ignorance.

It's very rare that I am glad I continue to read this thread, but this makes it all worth it.

By far the funniest thing I have read in this thread to date. Thank you s3mh, you've done a stellar job of taking it up a notch!

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What part of "WalMart drivers follow their route or get fired" do you not understand? You probably don't know any truck drivers - they would be beneath you in status, and not worthy of your attention, but they like keeping their jobs. Do you follow the rules of your employer (assuming you even have a productive job)? If so, why would you assume that WalMart drivers wouldn't? And, of course, there's that GPS thingy that tells WalMart exactly where the truck went, and presumably sets off an alarm if the truck departs from the preplanned route.

Of course, you would be able to verify the source of your information that Walmart records GPS in all of their trucks and a single deviation requires termination? Or is that just something you assume to be true?

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It's very rare that I am glad I continue to read this thread, but this makes it all worth it.

By far the funniest thing I have read in this thread to date. Thank you s3mh, you've done a stellar job of taking it up a notch!

the funniest thing is the idea that someone actually thinks the infrastructure design manual is not mandatory on private developers. But as long as someone tows the prevailing pro-walmart bias, they get a free pass.

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Of course, you would be able to verify the source of your information that Walmart records GPS in all of their trucks and a single deviation requires termination? Or is that just something you assume to be true?


Wal-Mart and SC Johnson are achieving dramatic energy savings through their green logistics programs, which include the use of telematics.

now, can you kindly verify the source of your information that the walmart drivers are going to not stick to the route that they are given to drive? and that if they do not stick to their route, that they will not suffer some form of penalty?

more info on the GPS for walmart trucks::


apparently, they've been doing it for over 5 years now.

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I would imagine that they would have specific routes they'd have to take once they reach urban areas, otherwise they'd have to deal with a whole host of problems of Low bridges, narrow streets, and bridges with low tonnage limits.

If they didn't, I'm sure walmart (and their drivers) would be facing a significant amount of fines and accidents because routes weren't properly planned.

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now, can you kindly verify the source of your information that the walmart drivers are going to not stick to the route that they are given to drive? and that if they do not stick to their route, that they will not suffer some form of penalty?

Fail. Where does it say that Walmart would consider a slight deviation on the route a firing offense or even subject an employee to any kind of reprimand? the point of the GPS is to keep them from idling too much and using the truck for their own purposes. You really think Walmart is going to fire a driver, have to go out and find a new driver and possibly have disruption in their supply line because a guy took the second left instead of the first left (if the driver was in a protected class, taking the second left may as well be a pretextual basis for termination as a matter of law)? You went out on this limb and cannot back it up under your own standard (which says more about your stupid requirement of verification of every point on an internet message board than whether you are right or wrong).

Get real. Walmart truck drivers are people. They make mistakes. They miss stop signs:


With over 2000 deliveries a year, someone is going to screw up and take the second left. And if Walmart doesn't closely monitor every turn, lots of drivers may end up taking Yale to keep from having to sit at the Koehler light at Yale. Trucks continuing west bound after a delivery would be even more inclined to head up Yale back to I-10 instead of going back over Koehler to Heights, especially considering that Heights and Koehler will not have a traffic light and trucks will have to have perfect timing to be able to make a left turn on Heights from Koehler before traffic at the new feeder builds back to Koehler waiting at a red light.

The only responsible solution is to upgrade the bridge. Anyone who isn't blind with pro-walmart bias (or more correctly an anti-consumer/citizen rights v. monied interests bias) would agree with that, including five Heights/West End civic organizations.

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Get real. Walmart truck drivers are people. They make mistakes. They miss stop signs:


With over 2000 deliveries a year, someone is going to screw up and take the second left. And if Walmart doesn't closely monitor every turn, lots of drivers may end up taking Yale to keep from having to sit at the Koehler light at Yale. Trucks continuing west bound after a delivery would be even more inclined to head up Yale back to I-10 instead of going back over Koehler to Heights, especially considering that Heights and Koehler will not have a traffic light and trucks will have to have perfect timing to be able to make a left turn on Heights from Koehler before traffic at the new feeder builds back to Koehler waiting at a red light.

The only responsible solution is to upgrade the bridge. Anyone who isn't blind with pro-walmart bias (or more correctly an anti-consumer/citizen rights v. monied interests bias) would agree with that, including five Heights/West End civic organizations.

As much as I'm VERY Anti-walmart, I'm very impressed with the superstructure they have for their stores. Yes, you're going to have a few drivers make mistakes, and a few will take that bridge, but after a few fines are handed out, the word will get out that that is not the route you want to go. Its not in Walmart's interest to have their trucks go on routes that would make them lose money.

I'm not so ANTI-Walmart, that I'm blinded by my own bias.

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Get real. Walmart truck drivers are people. They make mistakes. They miss stop signs:

Indeed. Like your School Bus Eating Evil Walmart Bridge arguments, but you will keep beating that dead horse until you find a new rediculous argument point.

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See, this is why no one cares to cite references when you ask. Even though it is valid and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have to follow routes and are monitored, you just ignore the facts and keep on going about what you think they will or won't do.

Do you think this service does not come with some heavy gis overlays that some person monitors on at least a weekly basis to ensure drivers don't deviate from their course, or to continuously improve the routes?

You're not just wearing rose colored glasses, you're blind.

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While it is clear to any reasonable person that s3mh's claims have been beaten decisively, and that there are reasonable alternative routes to Yale available only 200 feet away, the more important issues are how the City can force Walmart to rebuild a bridge that is not on their property at their expense, and why Walmart is being dragged into a 380 argument when they are not a party to the agreement. s3mh continues to attempt to distract us with dead school children and felonious truck drivers, but the fact is, there is no way to make Walmart pay for these upgrades, and more importantly, no way to prevent Walmart building a store on this property because of the bridge. THIS is why we keep asking for links and sources. We are fine with the City rebuilding the bridge. We want to know how you make Walmart pay for it. The answer is, you cannot.

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While it is clear to any reasonable person that s3mh's claims have been beaten decisively, and that there are reasonable alternative routes to Yale available only 200 feet away, the more important issues are how the City can force Walmart to rebuild a bridge that is not on their property at their expense, and why Walmart is being dragged into a 380 argument when they are not a party to the agreement. s3mh continues to attempt to distract us with dead school children and felonious truck drivers, but the fact is, there is no way to make Walmart pay for these upgrades, and more importantly, no way to prevent Walmart building a store on this property because of the bridge. THIS is why we keep asking for links and sources. We are fine with the City rebuilding the bridge. We want to know how you make Walmart pay for it. The answer is, you cannot.

I am going to buy s3mh a Wal-Mart gift card when the new Heights Wal-Mart opens. Anyone else want to contribute?

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I am going to buy s3mh a Wal-Mart gift card when the new Heights Wal-Mart opens. Anyone else want to contribute?

I think Walmart is paying S3MH say outlandish things she knows are ridiculous and stupid so that their store stays in the news and on peoples minds....for every 1 person who dislikes Walmart, there are 3 more who will shop there....so the more they are talked about the better it is for them! S3MH is probably getting some kind of kickback...otherwise there is no reason to continue on with her ridiculous and frequently debunked arguments.

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I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I do know from personal experience where I have seen Walmart pressure entice encourage its drivers to violate regulations or strongarm their suppliers into doing it for them. Just my opinion, but they wouldn't take action against a driver unless it could be traced back to them.

I had assumed that their trucks would be taking the road further up the feeder on the West side and not crossing the bridge, but if they're coming from the ship channel area then I guess that doesn't make sense.

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While it is clear to any reasonable person that s3mh's claims have been beaten decisively, and that there are reasonable alternative routes to Yale available only 200 feet away, the more important issues are how the City can force Walmart to rebuild a bridge that is not on their property at their expense, and why Walmart is being dragged into a 380 argument when they are not a party to the agreement. s3mh continues to attempt to distract us with dead school children and felonious truck drivers, but the fact is, there is no way to make Walmart pay for these upgrades, and more importantly, no way to prevent Walmart building a store on this property because of the bridge. THIS is why we keep asking for links and sources. We are fine with the City rebuilding the bridge. We want to know how you make Walmart pay for it. The answer is, you cannot.

Walmart not being a party to the 380 agreement is a mere legal fiction. Their property taxes and ad valorem taxes will be used to repay the City for the 380 expenditures. Without the 380 agreement, the developer would have passed on those expenses to Walmart. But for the legal fiction, Walmart is the main benficiary of the 380 agreement.

Had the traffic engineers required an upgrade of the bridge as a required mitigation in their traffic study, Walmart/Ainbinder would have had to make the upgrade. The traffic engineers did require widening Yale to add a left turn lane just south of the bridge. This exceeded what was anticipated by the 380 agreement and will have to be funded by the developer/Walmart.

The City was absolutely clueless about this issue until RUDH and five civic orgs (including the Heights Ass'n which has been completely Walmart neutral) brought it up. In fact, when the issue of truck traffic was first mentioned at the GRB meetings, the City responded that Walmart would send trucks down YALE STREET. And the City put resurfacing of the bridge in the 380 agreement, but didn't even think about the need for structural improvements. Instead, the City gave hundreds of thousands to bike paths and cosmetic improvements to make everything around the development look good for the developer and Walmart. Thus, the City won't require an upgrade of the bridge because in doing so they would be admitting that they should have known about it and completely missed the issue.

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Walmart not being a party to the 380 agreement is a mere legal fiction. Their property taxes and ad valorem taxes will be used to repay the City for the 380 expenditures. Without the 380 agreement, the developer would have passed on those expenses to Walmart. But for the legal fiction, Walmart is the main benficiary of the 380 agreement.

Had the traffic engineers required an upgrade of the bridge as a required mitigation in their traffic study, Walmart/Ainbinder would have had to make the upgrade. The traffic engineers did require widening Yale to add a left turn lane just south of the bridge. This exceeded what was anticipated by the 380 agreement and will have to be funded by the developer/Walmart.

The City was absolutely clueless about this issue until RUDH and five civic orgs (including the Heights Ass'n which has been completely Walmart neutral) brought it up. In fact, when the issue of truck traffic was first mentioned at the GRB meetings, the City responded that Walmart would send trucks down YALE STREET. And the City put resurfacing of the bridge in the 380 agreement, but didn't even think about the need for structural improvements. Instead, the City gave hundreds of thousands to bike paths and cosmetic improvements to make everything around the development look good for the developer and Walmart. Thus, the City won't require an upgrade of the bridge because in doing so they would be admitting that they should have known about it and completely missed the issue.

So... is the bridge going to fail/crumble?

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I suspect the walmart trucks will have to cross many bridges going from the distribution center to this walmart. After they lose this fight (if they haven't already), is RUDH going to check out every bridge that walmart trucks cross? After all, what's so special about this particular one? Wait a minute! Doesn't walmart ship in goods from all over the globe? Shouldn't every bridge, ship, and truck be checked out just so RUDH can stop this particular walmart from being built?

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I suspect the walmart trucks will have to cross many bridges going from the distribution center to this walmart. After they lose this fight (if they haven't already), is RUDH going to check out every bridge that walmart trucks cross? After all, what's so special about this particular one? Wait a minute! Doesn't walmart ship in goods from all over the globe? Shouldn't every bridge, ship, and truck be checked out just so RUDH can stop this particular walmart from being built?

Lol, awesome.

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I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I do know from personal experience where I have seen Walmart pressure entice encourage its drivers to violate regulations or strongarm their suppliers into doing it for them. Just my opinion, but they wouldn't take action against a driver unless it could be traced back to them.

I had assumed that their trucks would be taking the road further up the feeder on the West side and not crossing the bridge, but if they're coming from the ship channel area then I guess that doesn't make sense.

So kind of like how the police department doesn't keep quotas. I'm sure though that if a bridge collapses because of a truck going where it isn't supposed to, someone is going to take the fall, and if the driver can validate (as well as his coworkers) that someone farther up the chain pushed them to go that route, the right people will be blamed. How much of it would be Walmart's fault? It appears all across Texas this is a problem, not just here in Houston, over on Yale street...

On about two-fifths of the extensive network of farm-to- market roads in Texas, gross vehicle weight is limited to 58,420 lb, the standard to which these roads were built decades ago. Both on and off the farm-to-market network, many bridges in Texas are load restricted, including some 4,000 that were built to standards of less than 58,420 lb.
- ref: http://www.utexas.ed...orts/2122_S.pdf

I very much imagine that this scenario is absolutely happening somewhere else in Texas, and I wonder what the precedence is? If the answer was "We'll take another route" have they really stuck to that?

I assume that once the store is completed that s3mh will occupy time monitoring traffic on the bridge and calling in any rule breaking.

Curiosity also brings with it the question of during construction, how are the vehicles used during construction brought in? Also, I would assume that if the bridge would preclude that Walmart could not be a tenant, that it would also mean that NO ONE could be a tenant, as they will all need to have goods delivered. Would people be more trusting of any other trucking company that said "Oh, we just aren't going to use that bridge"?

Edited by samagon
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I suspect the walmart trucks will have to cross many bridges going from the distribution center to this walmart. After they lose this fight (if they haven't already), is RUDH going to check out every bridge that walmart trucks cross? After all, what's so special about this particular one? Wait a minute! Doesn't walmart ship in goods from all over the globe? Shouldn't every bridge, ship, and truck be checked out just so RUDH can stop this particular walmart from being built?

I'm just glad it's Walmart building in this spot. If it were HEB, we'd probably never have found out how dangerous this bridge is.

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  • 1 month later...


This Tysons Corner Walmart reminded me of this thread. Maybe if Walmart adds a fitness center on top, everything will be OK. ;)

I think a multi level apartment complex would have to be added to make everyone happy.

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